Chapter 26 - Home pt 1

"Anyways i'm gonna go talk to someone you two go speak with eachother since your honna live in the same house" Nathan said as he went to his room and as he vloses the door Lily would say "So uh why do you have pointy ears?" with Aeriel replying with "Well of course im an Elf" with Lily then questioning Aeriel saying "well why did you get engaged?" with Aeriel replying with "Well my father wanted a alliance with the humans of this world so he decided to get me engaged"

then Lily would say "Well i guess you got forced also did you say humans of this world wouldnt that mean that there were humans were you came from?" with Aeriel soon replying with "well i dont hate it i actually like your brother and to answer your question yes there are humans in my old world Elves were just one of the 6 Major Races and of course humans are part of that though i doubt that the bloody demons and dragons would come out of a C rank gate as you call it"

after Aeriel finished speaking Nathan came out of his room and said "Lily talk to Aeriel for a bit i'll go cook some food" and as he says this he walks to the corner of the kitchen to cook and as her brother leaves Lily would ask Aeriel with a smile "Anyways... wanna watch a Anime with me"

and as Lily finished speaking Aeriel would ask "Ah is that one of the dramas in this world? i'll watch it since i have to get used to this world so when are we going out?" and as Aeriel said this lily would reply with "What do you mean go out we can just watch it on the TV" as she opens the TV to watch a Anime and seeing this unknown sight Aeriel would say "Whoa! i din't know you guys already adapted magic to this extent even we havent been able to do this!" with lily replying with "This is technology hehe Televisions has existed before we discovered magic" and as Lily picks a show to watch they would start to forget the time

15 Minutes later Nathan finaly finished cooking and would place down the food and the three would start eating and after eating the three would go to sleep and as they go to sleep Aeriel would ask Nathan "why are you staying there come here isint this the bedroom?" with Nathan replying with "well you onow were the oposite sex so you know we cant really be in the same bed" with Aeriel suddenly pulling Nathans arm and would say "Come on hon were engaged"

1 hour later

"Fuck i cant sleep" Nathan would say

Chaoter 26 End