Chapter 28 - Nobles Pt 1

As Arthur shouted all the hunters would instictively kneel except Nathan who was standing proud at the center

"Hoh? someone opposing me? Kneel or my knights shall kill you all!" Arthur shouted at Nathan with Nathan calmly replying with "So...Even if your a human i must ask if your a friend or for" and as Nathan finished speaking a cold wind full of Killing intent would gush out of Nathan causing many soldiers to shake and shiver some even dropping their weapons except the 3 Nobles and a certain Knight

"You dare show killing intent at the Lindsay family!? HOW DARE YOU PEASANT THIS GLORYIOUS KNIGHT ANGNUS SHALL TAKE YOUR HEAD!" The knight would shout as he rushes at Nathan and as Nathan sees Angnus rush at him he would summon both his swords and use both Infernal Slash and Shadow Slasher causing Angnus to block and seeing the oening Nathan would rush at Angnus destroying his sword and pinning Angnus at the ground

and as Angnus falls to the ground Nathan would say "God damnit i forgot to put on my mask...Well i guess i should introduce myself i am God rank Hunter rank 1 Flame just come with me unless you wanna fight im not gonna attack you anymore we just wanna talk" as he uses mask of the eclipse and walks away as he uses his hands to gesture to them to follow him

and after walking for 10 minutes they would arrive at the Association HQ with William and the Elves inside a room and as Arthur would see them William would say

"Hello my name is William Richtofen i am the 3rd prince of ghe United kingdom the kingdom you are in" and as William finished saying this Arthur would say "I am Arthur von Lindsay patrairch of the Lindsay family this is my son and daughter" as Arthur would finish speaking his son would say "I am Erik von Lindsay Nice to meet you your highness i am a Swordsman" as he bows and as her brother would finish speaking

"Hello your highness i am Nathalia von Lindsay i am a swordsman just like my Brother" and as Nathalia would finish speaking Arthur would say "Well then since we havent seen the other Nobles yet we would like to Ally with the United kingdom uour highness"

"William i am not getting Engaged again just so you know" Nathan would suddenly say in his corner of the room whilst crossing his arms

"Come on Nathan we need you so we can secure our place as a superpower in the world" William would reply