Chapter 33 - Season 1 end

"Gasp!" Nathan would suddenly wake up and afte rhearing the commotion the Nurse would enter the room and ad he sees Nathan awake she would immeadietly call his guardians and after 10 minutes the ywo princeses Vanessa Lily and Willian would arive

"Brother!!! your finaly awake!!!" Lily would run to her brother with open arms crying tears of joy see this Nathan would laugh abd say "Why are you crying so much its not like i was asleep for a year"

"You were...Five years infact" Willian would reply and hearing this Nathan would be in shock saying " guys do look older but...was it really 5 years?"

"Yes...and now everyone knows the identity of the 'Great Flame' "Vanessa would say as she chuckles

"Ah wait i will just read the System notifications" Nathan would say and as he opens the system he would be shocked what it displayed

(Name: Satan Von Morningstar

Species: Archdemon Human Hybrid


Abilities: God of Fire God of Darkness Hod of the Sword Regeneration Eye of Truth

Title:Man who The System could not stop[Gives ability Eye of truth which grants ability to peak at others information and completely stop the system from censoring words] The one who knows the Truth [Given to those who have the skill Eye of truth] Son of Lucifer Morningstar

Rank: A Rank)

"Ah...i should keep this a swcret but i should make sure Lily is not in the same boat as me" Nathan would think to himself as he peaks at Lily's system

(Name:Lilith Von Morningstar

Species:Archdemon Human Hybrid [Unawakend]


Abilities: Unawakened

Titles:Daughter of Lucifer Morningstar

Rank: Unawakened)

"Shit" Nathan would say

Season 1 End


Curently im very busy so i decided to put a end on the season and going on a hiatus for now as i think to myself Rise of the evlipse will return i 1 - 3 Weeks!!!

Thank you for reading till now -Ethan(the Author XD)