Chapter 37 - Fall of a Angel

And as Nathan finishes saying this the spears would start falling with hundreda of explosions start to form the system would say

(The boss has 61% of its health remaining)

and as the system finishes saying this Nathan would hear Michael shout

"[Divine ray!]"

after shouting this a massive ray of light would come out of the ground towards Nathan causing Nathan to make a shield of Darkness but it would still cause him to get hit making him puke more blood

(Warning 37% of your health remaning)

"Hah" Nathan would grunt in pain as he breaths heavily after recieving Michaels attack and after using regenration Nathan would jump back to 67% of his health but the fatigue would continue to build up

"This shit is exciting..." Nathan would say to Michael as he uses Wings of Fire and fly towards Michael and as he gets close Nathan would say

"[Sword of the Eclipse 5th Blade: Meteor Shower]"

and as Nathan uses his current strongest technique Michael would react with a similar technique having their swords clash hundreds of times in mere seconds

"AHHHHHHHH" Nathan would shout as he creates another spell

"[Hellfire of Decimation]" Nathan would shout as a much hotter Flame would form and engulf Michael

(53% of Boss Health Remaining)

"AND [HELLFIRE OF DARKNESS]" Nathan would scream as a Flame much hotter than the previous hellfire would form with a darkness attribute but much more potent the Hellfire of Shadows

(21% of boss Health remaning)


"it wasnt enough huh" Nathan would say as he falls unconsious falling on his knees and as Michael was about to decapitate him Darkness would come out of his body blocking Michael

"Heh i did not expect to se the outcast of the Demons and you have a death wish...Demon King who serves death Darkness?" Michael would say as he lunges at Darkness

and as Darkness sees this he would say

"Fist of Death First fist:Demonic Nova"

and as both their sword and fist connect a gigantic explosion would happen which would even be felt in Earth causing a 7.1 Magnitude Earthquake

"If you fight with me your lord will get caught in the crossfire" Michael would say as he continues his barrage

"To lord has already recovered"

Nathan would say as Nathan goes behind him

"Sword of the Eclipse First blade: Dusk!"

and as Nathan finishes speaking Darkness would dodge and with Michael not expecting Nathan waking that fast he would get hit causing him to get cut right in the very middle

(Congratulations on oassing the second trial of Fire the trial of Michael Morningstar with you being one of the first 10 we will reward you handsomely)

(Familiar Pheonix has been granted as the bonus reward)

(All Fire type attacks will do 75% less damage to you and all of your fire type attacks will now do 75% more damage in a addition of the ability to rebirth once like a Pheonix and you will now even have greater control of Fire with a addition of Demonic and Divine fire)

"It was fuckin worth it..." Nathan would say as Darkness dissapears and he goes out of the Trial and as he exits the Gate he would fall unconsious again for straning his body just as he woke up

Chapter 39 End