Chapter 47 - The Mission(1)

5 Days after the meeting all the God ranks came to Kinshasa and after meeting some hunters they immeadietly went south towards the monsters

"So what's the plan?" Zhong Feng Asked Nathan and as they walk Nathan would answer

"We have three goals first Leveling up second Weakening the monsters so Africa can fight back and lastly information about the S rank Gate the William gave you watches 5 days ago right?"

"Yeah what are we suppose to do with them?" Zhong Feng asked with Nathan Answering

"If you put Mana inside it. it can connect to another watch and send a voice mail it's better than using a phone which needs wifi now with that we should split up so we can gather information and to weaken the monsters faster just send a message if you encounter a sittuation alright? then lets go"

and as they split up Nathan would find a horde of Ogres and Dire wolves and as he runs toward them he would summon both swords and would cut them all in a flash

and as other monsters hear the sound of the dire wolves howls of pain they would rush toward the sound to take easy prey

"Heh? the hell is that sound" Nathan would say as he flies upwards only to see Giants Imugi Wyverns and Shadow Leopards rushing towards him

"Fuck..." Nathan would say as he prepares and as the monsters enter a 50 meter distance he would say

"Sword of the Eclipse Third form:Solar Flare"

killing hundreds of monsters in a instant and as the monsters start to fall and trip because of the corpses Nathan would rush to the horde and use Hellfire of Decimation killing half of the remaining monsters only to be met with a giant Club at his face

(87% of your health remains)

"isint most of those S rank Monsters? multiple gates of the S rank category huh...i should report this later...but nothing that i cant kill"

and as Nathan finishes speaking he would use barrage of the eclipse killing the remaining Monsters