Chapter 54 - Returning home

Ring Ring

"This is William the wall is finished you guys can return home now"

"hah...Finally over" Jack would say as he rises up covered in his own venom and poison melting everything

"Well then...i guess we can go back home now" Nathan would say as he flies towards the nearest airport in the safe region of Africa

as he lands he would shock thousands of people and as news spreads reporters would start rushing in causing Nathan to immeadietly buy a seat and go inside the plane immeadietly

and as he sits down he would take his watch and call his sister and as she picks up the phone she would shout excitedly

"Brother! i awakened i awakened and im starting as B Rank!" Lily would shout

"Heh Congrats what's your skill?" Nathan would Question Lily as she answers

"Well it's called [Captivation of the Queen of Lust] and it's a new rank that has not appeared yet it's called Ars Goettia Rank"

"Ah...alright" Nathan would say as he says in his mind

"Most likely it's related to the 72 Demon kings in the actual book..."

"and what does it do?"

"Well it can turn people to stone and it can also drain people's life energy away!"

"that's great! well then i should sleep now take care" Nathan would say as Lily answers


and they would end their call there as Nathan Sleeps