Drake Lieself in his university days had been a different sort of boy.
He loved his mother more than anyone else.
She was kind to him and did all she could to make him the happiest little boy ever.
Drake Lieself's father was rarely home.
He was a heavyset man who was only nice to people who were of use to him.
The man ran a powerful mafia House and did not really bother coming home to his wife and son.
He rarely sent word of his business trips and other such things. The only image Drake Lieself could make up for himself about his father was through his mother's words.
'He is a smart man,' his mother had said. 'he is very powerful too. He does bad things for business but he is kind to us.'
For some reason, that had put a deep fear in Drake's heart. He had been scared of his father since he was a tiny toddler.