Chapter 2: Avelon And It's Addicted Player

"Huu...I depleted all my mana.." 

Inside a small apartment, a young man turned off his laptop. He has ginger hair and a pair of blue eyes, he wears a white oversized T-shirt and baggy pants. His hair was disheveled with an unkempt beard.

"I played all night again...But that's alright, I managed to obtain a great item. But..that was strange though, my character was given a guild card. Is it a new update in the game? From what I remember there weren't guilds...bah who cares, maybe they could give me some quests ." He walked outside of his room still thinking of his new item.

Knock, Knock

"Coming.." The young man opened the door. "Oh, Mom..."

"I bought some meat and vegetables. I'm thinking we'll have stew for dinner, also I made eggs and bacon." The old woman who was in her fifties busily unpacked the groceries. "By the way, Ethan have you been up all night again?" She questioned.

"No..." Ethan evaded his mother's questioning and tried to change the topic. "By the way, Mom I'll be going out this morning. Me and Jacob are going to hang out.."

"Hmm, alright then hurry up and tidy yourself. Jacob must be waiting for you." The old woman said.

"Yep.." After eating breakfast, Ethan entered his room and got ready. 

He rode the bus and stopped by a cafe.

"Jacob!" He greeted. He sat down leisurely and ordered a drink. "How have you been?"

"Doing good actually, how about you?" Jacob his childhood best friend asked. "Found a job yet?" Jacob asked he had curly brown hair and a few freckles on his face.

"No, not yet. I did look for a job and applied to many companies, but the answer was still the same. I haven't been accepted once. Hah, it's been four months already, look at me!" Ethan pointed at his unkempt hair and beard. "I have to find a job soon, Mom is already old, and I don't want her to keep paying the bills.."

"Well, why don't you apply for my company then? My job is to hire players, though it's kind of tiring searching for a player, but still, the job pays well. I'll get my first payday next month." Jacob with a joyous tone said. "I work at LSC, that company that manages hundreds of guilds and players."

"Nice one! You scored the motherload!" Ethan said earning a prideful smile from Jacob. "I already sent my application letter one week ago...I haven't heard an answer since.."

"Oh...But don't lose hope! It took mine two weeks! You still have a chance, Ethan!" Jacob said to raise Ethan's hopes. "Oh right, I have some cool information. Our director told us to specifically look for a person, I forgot his name but from our director's words this man is the topmost priority to scout."

"Wow, that must mean he's an amazing player right?" Ethan sipped on his coffee fully immersed listening to Jacob.

"Yep, apparently he took down a medium-ranked ogre all by himself in under 3 minutes! 3 minutes!" Jacob said earning a shocked expression on Ethan's face.

"That...That's like a new world record! In 3 minutes? You aren't exaggerating this, aren't you? I mean, no one in the whole world, even high-ranking players can take down a medium-ranked ogre in that short amount of time!" Ethan who was a nerd had a bewildered expression on his face.

"I know! That's why every scouting company is going bonkers searching for him! Even I'm stressed out due to our director's constant reminders! But from our intel, we have to search for someone who has dyed their hair white and a name that starts with M...I forgot his name, but it starts with that letter." Jacob said.

"That's amazing..." Ethan said and added. "Hey, remember when we wanted to become players as well?" Ethan asked earning a groan from Jacob. 


[These were the titles given to those who had the sufficient amount of power to play in Fate. When Fate became a reality, thousands of portals across the globe appeared, the portals led to different places across the world of Fate.]

[At first, the government was trying to lock the portals away from the people. But, in just three months after the portals appeared, hundreds of monsters poured, and cities and villages were destroyed.]

[But amid the chaos, individuals came forward holding powerful skills and items. They were dubbed as players after the whole incident and humanity won, peace was restored.]

[The game company managing Fate, released a chilling statement sending shockwaves worldwide. The virtual reality game Fate had arrived on Earth.]

[For the portals not to pour monsters, players had to enter the portals and take on quests.]

[Fifteen years later, the title of player became a world-renowned job. Rankings were created to determine who is the strongest player around the globe.]

"Don't even start about that, I mean that two of us were completely obsessed with that title. But we grew up, found out the two of us were rated 10 in no way becoming a player..." Jacob said.


[When the portals and players were normalized. Schools started to conduct ranking tests. It was to determine who has the sufficient power to become a player.]

[1-9: These children had the power to become players, the higher the ranking is, the success rate of the children in becoming a player was boosted]

[While the 10, were categorized as normal humans.]

"Yeah, the two of us were heartbroken...But I think it's for the best, I mean imagine the two of us becoming players. Were the most cowardly kids in all of the city." Ethan joked earning a chuckle from Jacob.

"Yep, I miss those days. By the way, are you still playing Avelon?" Jacob asked.

"Yep, I made over 200 characters, all in max level." Ethan proudly stated.

"That's amazing! Really? 200 all max levels?" Jacob questioned.

"Yes, all max levels, you know me, I'm a perfectionist," Ethan said with a hint of pride in his tone. "Why did you ask about Avelon anyway? Wait...did you stop playing?" 

"Yeah...I kinda of did, you know I only play for fun, and once I get bored I delete my character. I stopped playing...five months ago and focused on finding a job." Jacob replied.

"Well, you weren't that addicted like I was.." Ethan sighed. "It's a shame, Avelon has a new update. When I played the game last night, a guild offered me a card."

"Guild? So they added that feature huh, but...I still wouldn't play anymore. I should focus on my job now.." Jacob said and Ethan bitterly sighed.

"Well, we're not kids anymore..." Ethan bitterly replied and added. "So have a girlfriend?"

"No...." Jacob replied his face gloomy. "You know me, every time a girl gets close my mind goes blank..." 

"Same here...just when will we get a girlfriend.." Ethan asked Jacob.

The two share many aspects of their lives, that included their dating history. Due to their awkward nature, it was difficult for the two of them to find a girlfriend.

"I think we'll have one once we reach our 50s, we have retirement funds and have tons of cash. I don't care if she's only after my money, at the very least I have a pretty wife and kids." Jacob replied with a smile.

"Yuck.." Ethan with a disgusted look replied.

After another hour of talking to one another, Jacob left in a hurry due to his boss's calls. Ethan who doesn't have anything more to do, went home.

"Hey Mom, I'm home." Ethan entered the apartment to find a small note from his mother. "Guess she won't be coming back till dinner...Well, time to play Avelon I guess.." Ethan entered his room and turned on his laptop.


[A popular RPG game that Ethan and Jacob used to play. It used to be popular, but with the rise of Fate, Avelon was forgotten.]

When Fate became a reality, a young boy like Ethan dreamed of becoming a player, but Ethan didn't have a chance of becoming a player due to his young age and his normal rank.

Thus Ethan to ease his heart played Avelon, it had the same aspects as Fate. The young Ethan who couldn't become a player relied on Avelon for him to experience what it's like to become a player.

"It's been fifteen years, yet the game is still updating." Ethan pressed on his keyboard. 

[Logging in]

[Which character would you like to play?]

"Hmm all my characters are maxed level, but it's kind of tiring creating a new one." Ethan scrolled through his list of characters, he stopped, and clicked on his mouse. "I haven't played this character for a while."

[Welcome to Avelon]

"What's wrong with Jacob? Although the game is pretty old, it's still fun. Besides they added tons of new features." Ethan stretched his hands and immediately started playing. "Why don't I try clearing a dungeon?"

[Character: Barlas]

"Time to go to the adventurer's bulletin!" Ethan used his cursor and keyboard to move his character.


"We need one more warrior for this dungeon expedition.." Creon, a player was holding a document in his hand. Currently, he and his team are looking for another player who is willing to enter the dungeon with them.

"Hey, how about that guy over there?" Jack pointed at a man with a huge build, his long hair dreadlocks, and tanned skin, wearing a black chestplate with a huge scar on his left eye and cheek.

"He looks scary.." Sarah expressed her fear. "I mean, doesn't he look like a thug?" Sarah said to her teammates.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Sarah, he looks...nice?" Creon said and earned a dumbfounded glance from Jack and Sarah. "Ok, he looks scary.."

"H-He's coming this way.." Sarah pointed and turned around. "Deal with this Creon.."

"Hello, I couldn't help but ask, but is that the dungeon quest?" With his deep tone, Balsar asked.

"Y-Yes sir! Do you want to take it?" Creon was shivering in front of Balsar's huge build.

"I was thinking of teaming up, if it would be alright with you?" Balsar asked the three who evaded his eyes. 

"U-Um...well you see.." Creon was panicking, he didn't know how to answer the scary-looking man in front of him. 'Should I say no? But what if he gets pissed off?'

"Oi, Creon what's taking you so long?" A young man with red fiery hair shouted aloud. "Huh, who's this?" He asked pointing at Balsar.

"Are you part of their team? Then can I ask you if it's alright for me to team up with you in clearing this dungeon?" Balsar asked the young man in front of him.

"Sure, got no problem with it. Besides the more the merrier." The young man with a grin delightfully said. "I'm Fin."

"Balsar, it is nice to meet you Fin. Thank you for allowing me to join your team." Balsar said shaking hands with Fin.