Chapter 5: The Current Predicament In Brumoure Kingdom

"The goddess of light had made a pact with the demon king fifteen years ago. That was the same time that humans from otherworlds started appearing." Bhaltair said.

"Peace enveloped the whole world, humans and demons started to co-exist with one another. My race settled down, we abstained ourselves from any killing."

"We lived peacefully with the humans, but there were still humans who suffered from my race's hands. They couldn't fully accept the peace, and instead of moving on to create a better place, they were still stuck in the era of strife." 

"I...Entered the royal palace alongside my friend Neo. With hard work and dedication, I managed to rise in the ranks and became a captain. I wanted to show everyone that even a demon can become an ally of the kingdom...But I and Neo discovered something sinister."

"Many nobles still dejected us, and all of them rooted for the crown prince who showed utmost animosity to my race. They were planning on creating a scenario, a sinister plan to which they would drive out my race. I wanted to foil their plans, but it seems like their plan worked."

"They...Killed Neo, and put the blame on me, there was forged evidence indicating I killed Neo."

"They made this whole scenario that I was a traitor, and they achieved what they wanted the most. They used me as an excuse to restrain my race. I'm worried that they would use me as an excuse to kill off my innocent people inside the kingdom..."

[You have unlocked a hidden scenario!]

'Damn, this is getting good! Instead of demons being the ones terrorizing, this time it's the humans!' Ethan was reading the explanation from Bhaltair. "This new update is amazing!" Ethan shouted aloud in his room.

"I'm sure they will. They are already pinning you as a traitor, and using you as an excuse to put a restraint on your people. In just a matter of time, I'm sure they will try to brand every one of your race as a traitor." Aileen said.

Bhaltair nodded his head. "Exactly, my people will be in danger if this escalates any further...And for me to save my people, please take this collar off of me."

"No can do," Aileen replied and stood up. "I can't do that, I saved you from your ultimate demise. Besides, you were defeated by one individual, do you think you can win in a battle with hundreds of knights and captains with your prowess?"

"I..." Bhaltair was silent, he was in deep thought and replied. "You're right, I cannot win. But for my people, even if I have to die or be stabbed a hundred times as long as they regain their freedom then death will be the utmost glory for me!"

"Naive, that's what you are. But...I'll be glad to help you in your war, besides it has been a long time since I had fun." Aileen stood up and stretched her hand. "But for now, you have to train and level up. You don't want to die without reaching your goals right?"

"Yes! Thank you so much!" Bhaltair bowed his head in gratitude. "I am glad that I have a fellow demon to help me in my conquest!"

'Demon?' Ethan wondered but didn't pry anymore.

Aileen smiled in response. "Call me master from now on, weak Orc." Aileen turned around and closed the door leaving Bhaltair all alone in the room.

'This is amazing! I not only unlocked two hidden scenarios, but I'm also now part of the main storyline of the new event in Avelon!' Ethan was overly joyous. He logged out of his character and immediately went to the game's website and wrote an email to the developer. 

Ethan wrote and expressed how happy he was with the game's new updates. Ethan was thrilled that the game added a kingdom and war event, after fifteen years of being in the game, this was the first time he felt such a thrill in such a long time.

Knock, Knock

"Ethan it's time for dinner!" Martha, Ethan's mother shouted.

"Yeah, I'm coming!" Ethan left his computer into sleep mode as he stretched his body and got out of his room smelling the wonderful aroma. "That smells amazing Mom!" Ethan sat down and immediately began eating.

"Ethan honey, aren't you going to do something with your beard?" Martha asked worriedly. 

"Yeah, I'll cut it. And, tomorrow I'll look for a part-time job." Ethan said.

"That's good, all day you're in our home and I'm getting worried for you. Oh, also a friend of mine has an available part-time job in her supermarket, why don't you apply?" Martha said.

"Sure, also, I'll try sending out application letters again. I'm not giving up till a company accepts me!" Ethan said and Martha nodded happily in response.

Meanwhile, in the Brumore Kingdom, a heavy lockdown amongst the demons commenced.

The news spread in the kingdom of one of the demon captains' betrayals. Thus the demons were all tense, it was due to the pressure the people in the kingdom were excluding.

"Why do we have to undergo this kind of lockdown? Remember that knight who killed an innocent demon? Why weren't the humans put on a lockdown?" One of the demons expressed his dissatisfaction.

They weren't allowed to go outside, if they needed some necessities only one of them could go out. This made the demons angry due to how the kingdom was treating them.

"If our race makes a mistake then all of us are caged up? What about them? If their races created a mistake they just cage one up and even give loopholes! This kingdom is shitty!" Another demon expressed his anger.

Tension rose in the kingdom. While in the kingdom's meeting room, nobles were busy laughing and celebrating. 

"Khoso, you did an amazing job!" Count Antoine who was drunken with booze said aloud.

"Thank you, Count, but I couldn't achieve this without my trusted companion, Ulric." The crown prince said and patted Ulric on the chest, "Now everyone enjoys the champagne I ordered from the Empire of Vrilon!"

While everyone was drinking happily, Khoso and Ulric were having their conversation. The two were enveloped with magic, hindering anyone from spying on their conversation.

"So is the traitor dead?" Khoso asked, his happy-go expression changed into a cold one.

"Yes Your Highness, I made sure to kill him just like you had ordered," Ulric replied earning a nod from Khoso.

"Good, Good. With this our plan is only getting started, anyhow has Father awoken yet?" Khoso asked.

"No, your Highness, I have also been notified by the servants that the other princes and princesses are currently trying to earn sponsors from the other nobles. And, Duke Geste has sided with the seventh prince." 

"Hah, the seventh? How old was he? Ten? Why would Duke Geste out of all the princes and princesses side with the youngest prince?" Khoso held his head. "Hah, enough of the seventh prince, tell me how are the demons currently expressing their anger with the lockdown"

"From the knight's sources, the demons are expressing their dissatisfaction with how they are being treated. If this continues then the demons will surely launch a rally for their rights." Ulric said.

"Rights? Demons with their rights? Now that's just the funniest thing to hear, They're demons for hell's sake! But...if they do try to rally, then wouldn't that give us a reason to imprison them all? I'm already looking forward to their downfall." The crown prince held his glass of champagne. "This would be the best year yet."

The Internal Strife reached far and wide, the players also found out about the current restraint on the demons inside the Brumore Kingdom.

The current strife in the kingdom was broadcast in the news, and many players and citizens on Earth were worried about what the outcome of this tension would create.

Many experts and even the developers of Fate also expressed their worries about this current event.

They explained thoroughly what happened before the pact between the goddess of light and the demon king, if the pact were broken then an all-out war between humans and demons would be created.

Hundreds of high-ranking players made it their goal to help the Brumore Kingdom in containing the demons, it was due to the reward of a rise of affinity with the nobles of Brumore that encouraged many high-ranking players.

While some players decided to not meddle in the affair between the Brumore Kingdom and the demons one of those who didn't meddle was the Silver Knight Guild.

"Captain, aren't we going to help the Brumore Kingdom contain the demons?" One of the players asked Kaz who was busy cleaning his sword.

"Nope, nothing good comes out of helping either race. If you help the humans then you will forever hold the demon hate card, if you help the demons, you get the Brumore kingdom hate card." Kaz said and finished wiping his sword. "Besides, I can't do shit since I'm being watched by the association."

"Oh right, it's about the ogre incident right captain?"

"Yep. They think that I'm hiding the guy who killed the ogre.." Kaz sighed, and he put his twin swords on his hilt. "Anyway let's go, we still have a quest to finish." 


"Hmm, I think helping the Brumore empire's containment with the demons would give us more rewards than helping the demons." Daniel Stone, a player ranked 10th in the United Kingdom, and 30th in the global ranking said and added. "What do you think everyone?" He asked his guild members.

Daniel Stone was the leader of the Primrose Guild with over 300 players following his every order.

"If you say so captain then we don't have a problem with it." One of the advisors said and all the other guild members nodded their heads.


"Captain Hugo, which side will we choose?" A member of the world-renowned Hunstmans Guild asked their Captain Hugo Gavreau.

"Neither, tell the press that we wouldn't choose any side," Hugo said and took out his cigarette. He was ranked 1st in France and holds the 5th position in the global rankings.

"On it Captain!" The member shouted and left.

"Hah, politics is at its play once again," Hugo said and let out a stream of smoke from his mouth.

Numerous guilds across the world were making plans and choosing sides. Many chose the side of the Brumore Empire, while some chose the demons, and some chose neither.

The press and news were covered with each player and guild's chosen side.