1st hunt

The next day, I got up at the usual time and got ready. In preparation for this day, I have grown out my hair, and after saying my goodbyes, I went to get single plates on the top of head but taper faded the sides. Now, my standard hairstyle is my plats tied up at the back of my head and 2 to 3 plats hanging in front of my left side. Sort of blocking immediate view of my golden yellow left eye.

I wore black sneakers with a khaki brown slim cargo trouser, a khaki green long sleeve top with a black coat. I had my smartwatch on my right wrist and 2 black bracelets, which had a hidden feature on my left hand.

I headed to the garage with my brand new hunter's journal with the words 'JAGERMEISTER' (Master of the Hunt) craved into it the leather cover. And a small stack of newspapers in hand.

I placed the journal in the glove compartment. I insert the keys into the car. Turned on the engine, listen to her purr for a bit.

Then stepped on the pedal and drove off.

I was heading to Ohio Clevland to investigate a string of disappearances of young adults in town. It was a long journey. I made a few stops on the way. Took a break in some motels, all paid for using fake ids, of course. 

When I was boring, I would test out the top speed of the car. And damn, is she fast. If I'm not careful, I might get addicted to this.

I finally got to Cleveland Downtown and found a cheap motel to living in. I quickly got to work. I find the addresses of the people that filed the missing person report, change into a suit, get a badge, and then I heard out.

I approach a residential area, park my car and go to house number 3, and rung the bell. I remind myself to be as professional as possible.

POV third person

A woman in their mid-30s opened the door and looked at the well-dressed Alexander with confusion. Her eyes were red, and her hair was messy. Despite her attempts, one could see that she was barely holding herself together.

"Hello, how can I help you?" she asked.

"Hello Maame, sorry to bother you during sure a difficult period. But I am with the police investigating the recent disappearances." Alex said respectfully while flashing his badge.

"I was wondering if it is at all possible to ask you a few questions about your daughter?"  Alexander said gently.

"What! What more do you people want? I have answered all your stupid questions already. Instead of going to look for my baby girl, you come here with nothing but more stupid questions. What do we even pay you for? You do nothing but waste our money." She started berating Alex.

"My child is out there scared and alone. God knows what's happening to her. Yet you are here. You are here. She's just a child." The mother started shouting and hitting him. Tearing streaming down her face.

'How to be a serial killer chapter 1 the connection.' Alex thought.

He grabbed both arms of the hysterical lady and held her still, she struggled to break free, but when she couldn't. She panicked and looked at him in the eyes with fear. But what she saw were saddened odd coloured eyes looking back at her. She froze. Alex let go of her and gently glided down her arms and coupled her hands in his.

Then, with a soft and almost breaking voice, he said,

"I am so sorry. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through. It is amazing that you have been able to hold it together as you have with what you have experienced. I am so very sorry. I know my being here causes you nothing but pain. But you have to understand we need your help if we are going to find your daughter. Please be strong, not for me. But for her."

She looked at him for a while before she broke down in his arms and let it all out.

"It's so hard. It's so painful. She's just a child. She's just a child." She cried repeatedly in his arms.

After the first encounter at the door. Alexander had been invited in by the mother for a talk.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. And I ever stained your clothes."