Prey or Predator?

Standing behind Jack. Alexander pulled out 1 of the 3 throwing knives he had brought, from his belt.

Against a creature like a vampire, throwing knives wouldn't do much or any damage unless it hit somewhere vulnerable, like the eyes or neck.

Luckily for Jack with his skill, he could definitely hit these targets.

Rose had recovered from her shock. She was still angry but now she wasn't going to be making any more mistakes.

She approached Alexander with caution.

Although, she had a trump card that had successfully helped her take down hunters before. She had lost faith in it, and it should have had an effect by now but nothing.

The man before her was different. He had in the span of a few minutes, single handedly taken down her husband and son.

She feels that if she was careless, she and her husband would soon join their son.

Slowly, she approached, alert. Her eyes and attention focused solely on the hunter before her.

She took another step, and just as she did.

*Swoosh* *pang*

She heard something fly past her temple and hit the wall behind her.

Grip with fear and trembling, she slowly turned around to see what had just flown by.

When she turned and saw the object, the fear she was feeling intensified. Her eyes widened with shock. She couldn't help but gulp.

She quickly turned to look at Alex. Her heart was pounding. She had been looking at him this whole time. She was on full alert, watching his every move. And yet somehow, before she could even see or realise what had happened. This man had managed to throw a knife at her.

A normal human being had somehow thrown a knife at her without her, a superpowered superhuman vampire seeing it.

Little did she know that Alexander was having a freak out of his own.

He missed?


He didn't miss.

He couldn't have missed such an easy shot. The target might as well have been standing still.

He had been watching her, waiting for the perfect time. She was cautious, but so what? It didn't matter.

Despite being superhuman, she still had her human mannerisms. The way she walked, talked, moved, etc. But most importantly, she blinked like a human. She breathed like a human.

Alexander had perfectly timed his attack with her blinks. If done correctly, the target won't even know what happened until they have a knife sticking into them.

He had waited from her to blink, and when she did. When the opportunity presented itself. Moving with incredible speed and fluidity, he pulled his throwing knife and threw it, aiming to take out her eye.

But, at the last minute before, the knife had left his hand.

'No, I can't hurt her.' An unfamiliar thought entered his mind.

And he released the knife just a second later, causing him to miss completely.

He didn't miss.

He couldn't miss.

He missed.

At the last minute he for some unknown reason, saved him prey.

'What the fuck is going on?' Alexander thought.

It was twice now that he had failed to hurt her or rather stopped himself from hurting her.

He looked at Rose, his mind was racing. Running all over the place, trying to look for a possible explanation for his actions.

'Could I have actually fallen in love with her? While this lady wasn't ugly by any standard, she was a very attractive woman in her 30s but it wasn't enough for me to fall for her just like that.' Alexander thought, examining Rose.

'No, not possible. Is it poison? Is she someone I knew? Is it...' his mind continued to race to find a reason.

'I love her. Look at her beautiful face. Her beautiful hair.' A thought intruded in his head again.

Halting all other thoughts.

"What the fuck?" Alexander said, shocked.

'What could it be. What could it be. What could it be....' this phrase kept repeating in his mind as he combed through his memories.

'It could just be love. You love her. I love her. She's the one. That beautiful body. I want her to hold me close. Gosh, I'm so jealous of that necklace around her neck. Would give anything to be in its pl-

It dawned on Alexander, a possible reason for all of this, for how he was reacting.

The necklace. He remembered how the victims were described. People in love.

He remembered what had lead him here. A girl in love.

He also remembered what he had overheard Jacob say in their family argument. About them being safe because of the shell necklace.

Why would a shell necklace be able to protect them?

It was a small and flimsy guess but that was all he had.

Rose, still struggling internally on what to do. She was scared of this man. He could easily kill her as he had done her son.

She could hardly look him in the eyes. She felt powerless in front of him.

However, in her panick she accidentally looked him in the eyes but before she could retract her gaze.

She saw this hunter who had brought her family to its knees quickly bow his head and look away. Like a kid who had be caught doing something bad.

'It couldn't be.' She thought.

She had seen this before. In the victims of the necklace.

'Could this man have fallen prey to its power?' She thought.

Pushing her fear aside. She wanted to test if it was truly what she thought.

She took a slight and cautious step forward. Adopted a very sensual pose and in the most seductive voice she could muster.

She said, "You're kind of cute you know."

"I think we got off on the wrong foot. Let's start over."

"Hi, I'm Rose. What is your name."

Hearing her voice Alexander's body trembled with delight.

"Hel.. hello, my name...My name is..Alex..Alexander." He shuttered shyly.

'FUCK! WHAT FUCK? SHUT THE FUCK UP.' Alexander screamed internally.

"Oh, what a cute name." Rose said with a chuckle.

'That definitely confirms it.' Thought Rose

The fear she had previously felt was now drained from her body. She was back on top. Back at the apex, her rightful place. She was now the wolf and he, the mouse. She was the predator and she was going to make him pay.

Hatred and gleed filled her eyes. A cruel and sinister smile bloomed on her face.

"Nice to meet you, Alexander."