
'FUCKING THINK.' He screamed again.

Words, pictures and memories of his investigation start to flash in his mind.

'Kate .Tears. Widow. Kiss. Victims. Blush. Sunset. Motel. Victims. Necklace. Club. Victims. Necklace. Cops. Found. Victims. Necklace. Blush. Love. Receipts. Burger. Love.'

'Got it.'

Something clicked in Alexander's mind.

His tired eyes shot open.

And with the last little bit of energy he had left.

Ducked to the right of Rose's attack. Earning him a little slash on he shoulder.

But that was inconsequential. He quickly retreated his right hand behind him and pull out a throwing knife.

Then without hesitation and murderous intent, stabbed it towards Rose's neck.

Rose was taken aback by the suddenly attack and the murderous intent that accompanied it.

But just when she feared the worse. That he had somehow broken free from the necklace's control.

His murderous intent quickly disappeared and hand tilled slightly and missed her neck completely.

Rose was angered by his sudden action and backhanded him heavy and sent him flying into a near by wall and causing him to drop his throwing knife on the way.

He had made her look like a fool. Again.

'It was just the last pathetic attempt of a dying man.' Rose thought as she approached Alexander.

She looked at him, he had fallen to the floor and had his back against the wall and his head weakly raised.

It looked like without the wall he wouldn't even be able to sitting up.

Though his figure was weak his eyes were still defiant and firm.

She looked into him odd coloured eyes. Yellow and hazel. She hated that look in his eyes.

She had had her fun, it was time to end it. She approached him.

Relaxed she took her step.


She halted.

Shocked enveloped her body. She started trembling. Her mouth opened her breath was chaotic. The rhythm, the tempo, the pace, the length, the power and so on. Were in complete disorder.

Her eyes widened. Or rather her eye widened.

Slowly she raise her right hand and gradually brought it to her face. Still shaking, she placed her hand on her cheek and slowly slide her hands up to her eye.

What she felt was not her eye. But a flat and shape object perturding from her eye.

A throwing knife.

"Aaagggghhhhhh" She screamed in pain.

Crouched down with her hand on face.

"HOW?" She howled.

She hears a noise coming from were Alexander was. She looks to see him getting up.

She buckles and falls on her butt. Looking up at him. The fear she had felt at the start of the fight was back.

Only this time it was more.

It was more intense, more primal, more permanent.

Alex stood there looking at her with the most apathetic and nonchalant eyes very. There was not rage no anger no cruelty. Just calm tranquil odd coloured eyes looking down at Rose.

She start to shake, breathing as though she had a painck attack.

She quickly reach for her chest and neck. And started to tap on it and around it repeatedly as though in search of something.

Finally he spoke "looking for this?"

Alexander said calmly showing a necklace dangling from his hand.

Rose's necklace to be precise. The very one she had used to control him.

Noticing the confusion in her eyes.

He explains " Your victims all had keepsakes of their time together with you. They were mostly receipts, maybe dresses. Heck one even tried to immortalise a half eaten burger because the wear ate it."

"They got keepsakes, then why can't I? I simply chose a slightly more important one."

"You should have killed me when you had the chance. Or even today me to stop moving. But no. All because.."





"To feel powerful."

Seeing Alexander approaching she crawling backwards on her butt away from Alexander. She still looked at him in fear he might do.

Alexander stopped approaching her but she kept on crawling back. Till her back hit the wall and there was nowhere to go anymore. But she still kept pushing back.

Alexander ignored her looked around then spotted his combat knife. He walked over and picked it up with his bleeding hand. Taking his time he examined the knife for a damage. When he found none. He turned his attention to Jack who was lying there trying to heal his wounds.

Alex approached Jack and stood beside him looking down at him.

Jack was too weak to even fully open his eyes. All he could see was a burly yellow and hazel eyed figure standing by him.

Alex raised his knife high, then brought it down with a mighty speed on Jack's neck.

Jack was dead.

Alexander now turned his attention to Rose. He grabbed Jack's head and made his way towards Rose.

Rose panicked even more she was almost hysterical. As she looking at the odd eyed demon approaching her. With the bleeding head of her husband in one hand and a knife dripping with a mixture of his own blood and Jack's blood in the other hand.