The Bestiary

The next day, early in the morning. Alexander groaned heavily as he dragged himself from the blood-stained sheets of the bed and made his way to the bathroom to freshen up. He then took off the bloodied bandages and went to take a bath.

Coming out of the bathroom he discerned that his wounds had healed significantly. His injuries would have taken a normal person weeks if not months to heal. But from the looks of it, he would make a full recovery in a matter of days.

Now, with a spring in his step at his little discovery, he reapplied some ointment to his arms and rebandaged them. His newfound abilities did not mean that he would neglect his healthcare.

He soon felt a pang of hunger, like he could devour a deer whole. He attributed this to his minor regeneration and made a call to the reception requesting some food. Which arrived promptly for his consumption.

Now fully fed, dressed, and clean. He sat at the edge of the bed with his JAGERMEISTER journal in hand to write down his experience.

He created a heading 'First Hunt'. Then made a subheading 'Creature.' and wrote a description of the monster he faced. Including their strengths and weaknesses. All supported by beautiful and easy-to-understand illustrations. He long had a gift for drawing. The drawings were nothing too detailed, just a rough idea of the creature.

He then made another subheading 'Hunt.' And wrote a summary of what had happened during his hunt while providing as much information as possible. He wrote about clues he found. How he located their hideout, the magical necklace, and so on.

He continued with another subheading 'Review.' That gave a critique of his performance during the hunt. What he did well. What he should have done better, what he didn't do well, and how to improve.


|Creature: Vampire|


Looks just like any other human till they reveal their fangs. Fangs that descend from their gums...


Superhuman strength

Superhuman speed

Superhuman agility

Superhuman senses


Invulnerable (Durability)


Superhuman Stamina


Dead man's blood


Sensory Overload

Serious Physical Injury

Soul Attacks



Went to xx to investigate a string of missing people. Interrogated a few the families of the missing people. Followed a suspicious individual to a farmhouse out of town. Discovered the missing people and 3 vampires. A recently turned family on the run. Vampires made use of a very strong charm necklace. Rescued victims. Decapitated the vampires, took the charm, and burnt down the house with their bodies still inside...


What went well:

Handling the victims...


Spotting the lead...

Killing the Vampires...

Breaking free from the charm...

What didn't go well:

Surveying the Vampire base...

Preparation for the attack on the base...

Attack on the Vampire base...

Falling for the charm...

Sustaining injuries...

What could have been done better: Surveying the Vampire base...

Attack on the Vampire base...

Take down of the first Vampire...

Possible Improvement:

A way to hide scent...

A way to defend against powerful attacks...

A way to resist magical attacks...

Improving fighting techniques for monsters...

