
An Israeli souldier gifted his wife a pair of heels he looted from a displaced family in Gaza.

What did they not steal from the Palestinians? These Israeli people took their lives, homes, belongings, basic rights, money, the lives of their loved ones. Palestinians can't even pray in the holy Masjid named Al Aqsa freely. In fact these Zionists even stole an encouraging song made for the Palestinians called 'Ana dammit falastini (my blood is Palestinian) ' and remade it.

What's left for the world to see?

A little child had a close friend. Her mother brought some helpless people to their homes and informed her that an younger girl who's about her age is there too. She went to see the person and was surprised to see her own friend there. This girl's name is Eman Ahmed Abu Assar, a student of grade eight . She's too young to experience this traumatizing event.

Later after some days she went to bring some food for her friend and she discovered that her friend got martyred by the Zionists, the biggest criminals of the world.

Girls who experience their periods for the first time have no sanitary napkins, pain killers or anything to help them. Pregnant women can't give birth properly and have miscarriages there. Married women often become widowed. Mothers are burying the bodies of her children and grandchildren.

A Palestinian woman was raped for two days until she lost the ability to speak. Women are being raped, children are dying to these airstrikes, pregnant women are being run over by bulldozers so that their baby dies. A woman in Al Shifa hospital of Gaza was stripped of her clothings in front of her brother and husband. Once one of them tried to cover her body they both were killed by the Israeli soldiers.

Where are the people who always talk about human rights? Where are the feminists? Where are the people talking about human, children, female rights? Are they dead or something? Something huge like this is happening in Gaza and everyone is choosing to ignore this.

Aren't they humans too? Don't they have the same rights as us? Can't we think about them too instead of complaining about our lives all the time? Can't we think about their sufferings just for a moment?

Where is humanity? This isn't a war going on between two religions. This is a oppression being caused by the torturers on innocent people.

The genocide didn't start in 7th October of 2023. Even before Ramadan of last year, the Zionists killed some Palestinian people.

What did these people do to deserve this treatment?

A mother once tried to breastfeed her child. Instead of milk only blood poured.

When in eid all Muslims have a reunion, go to their friends and relatives houses to enjoy the day with them, eat different foods, collect salami (money given by the elders to children) and play together the Palestinians can't even do all of these.

This day is a day full of happiness for Muslims all around the world but not for them. When Muslims eat foods of different varieties for iftar (the meal eaten by Muslims after fasting for the whole day) the Palestinians eat soup made by grass and still feel satisfied.

They even drink rain water or contaminated water. The food AIDS sent by different countries to Gaza was obstructed from reaching their destination since Israelis said that they wanted to help the Palestinians fast in the month of Ramadan.

This situation reminds us that these inhumane people will always be merciless. After fasting for more than 14 hours in a day they can't eat proper food.

This is going against human rights. Why aren't people raising awareness about this? Issues like these need to be addressed by the United Nations.

Honestly what's the purpose of UN if they can't secure world peace which basically makes it useless.

People of Gaza are dying from starvation due to not having food for months. 9ther Muslims fast only in the month of Ramadan for 30 days. Meanwhile the people of Palestine have been fasting for months. Children have to take care of their younger siblings since their guardians died due to the airstrikes. At this point who is going to take care of the little kids?

These Israeli forces stole the freedom, human rights and much more from them. Yet people can't address these issues. They are just like us. The little kids in Gaza are like our own children, siblings. The old people of Gaza are like our parents.

Now I would like you to imagine your family in a place which u used to call home being destroyed, you all having no food, shelter, new clothes, electricity, internet, money, sanitary napkins and any thing needed to keep you safe.

At this point you wouldn't even survive. Instead of fighting for your own lives you would give up and die. Now let's look at the Palestinians who refuse to give up on their faith and keep on fighting until their last breaths.

Many might know this but dying as a martyr in Islam makes all your sins forgiven and guarantees you Jannat. No wonder even children are willing to die for the cause of Islam. Just how strong their faith is becomes proven once you see them.

Little kids of Israel claim that they want to make Muslims as their slaves, torture them and claim Al Aqsa mosque. On the contrary, in almost every video the Palestinian kids have said that they wanted this war to end so that they get their rights back and their sufferings to end. Only in one video a Palestinian kid said that she wanted all Jews to die.

Take a look at the differences. We all know that children learn from adults or the elderly people. Now u see that there is a huge difference between their mentalities.

After seeing all these evidences, you can't deny that the Zionists or the Israelis are the real thieves stealing everything of the Palestinians.