Chapter 79

Going Merry sailed away from Twin Cape.

Nami made a basin on the ship, put sea water in it, and this is the temporary residence of Laboon.

On the next island, Nami is going to buy an exquisite fish tank for Laboon.

Of course, during normal sailing, they don't have to go through such troubles, just let Laboon swim in the sea.


The monstrous waves set off, and Laboon's big head emerged from the sea water.

"Hey! Come back soon, Laboon! There's going to be a storm~" On deck, Nami waves to Laboon.

It immediately swam to the side of Going Merry.

With a light wave of Nami's small magic wand, the small card ability is activated.

Nami put Laboon in the basin and kicked back to the cabin.

"It's bad!! Nami big sister, come out and have a look, the ship's course seems to be wrong!!"

Standing on the watchtower, Usopp felt more and more that something was wrong.

Nami settled Laboon and came to the watchtower.

"What's the matter? It was fine a minute ago, why did the course turn back all of a sudden?"

Just came up, Nami's complexion is not good~~

She immediately took out the compass, and then her face became even worse...

"AH!! The compass is totally out of order!!!"

"Not good! Tell everyone to come and discuss!!"

Seeing the compass needle in his hand spinning rapidly, Nami realized that there was a big problem.

This situation is clearly beyond her nautical knowledge

Soon, everyone from the Straw Hat Pirates came to the meeting room.

"Well, the situation is like this now..."

Nami clarified the situation and put the confusing compass in the middle of the table.

"It seems that the situation is really not good..." Although Zoro doesn't know how to sail, but just looking at the rapidly rotating pointer, he understands that things are not easy.

"Does the pointer point at random..., in this case, wouldn't our adventure be more exciting!!!"

Luffy showed a big Smile, very excited.


Nami punched Luffy into a daze~

She was furious: "Stupid! We are not going to take risks!!"

"Nami-chan is right, you idiot!!" Sanji also took the opportunity to go up to mend his feet.

"So, no one knows what's going on now?" Looking at everyone's situation, Usopp suddenly collapsed, his face was full of sadness, "It's over, we're over...."

Logan also frowned.

He frowned not because he know what the situation was, but because he ignored this matter and forget about it.

Boom boom boom!!!

Logan knocked on the table, and everyone looked over immediately.

"I have read some information about the Grand Line before, if I remember correctly. Here, because the magnetic field of each island is very weird, the compass cannot be used here at all." Logan said.


It is said that Nami, who is a navigator, is the first to understand the serious consequences of this kind of thing.

Then, she wondered again: "But how do those ships that enter the Grand Line move forward?"

Logan replied: "It relies on something called a log pose to replace the role of the compass."

"then this is not good, we don't have that kind of thing in our hands."

Hearing this, Nami also showed a look of despair on his face.

After all, in the middle of the sea, the little pirate ship is really helpless.

Logan explained: "At least you have to reach the first island of the Grand Line before you can buy a log pose".

In fact, Crocus has it, but Logan didn't think of asking it at the time

Otherwise, Crocus would have been willing to give his log pose to the Straw Hat Pirates.

"It's over! Then it's really over!" Usopp put his head in his hands and leaned it against the window, looking like he was in dire straits.

But the next moment, he was slightly taken aback, and looked into the sea through the window: "Huh? Why is there someone in the sea??"

Is there someone in the sea?

how could it be possible!

It's dangerous to stay on the deck in this horrible weather, let alone in the sea.

"Ah! There is really someone!!!" Sanji didn't believe it at first, but when he walked to the side, he exclaimed, "There is a beauty!!"


There are people in the sea who don't say anything, but there are also beautiful women??

This bastard doesn't dare to brag like that, does he?

Logan walked over, just took a look, and his eyes lit up immediately!

The log pose is here!

Coming to the deck, Logan stretched out his hands and reached into the sea.


A man and a woman were dragged up.

Surprisingly, it was mr.9 and miss Wednesday who escaped before.

"Thanks..., ah!!_

Mr.9 was about to say thank you, but suddenly saw the pirate flag of the Straw Hat Pirates, and his expression changed drastically.

Isn't this the group of pirates who specifically targeted us?

Miss wednesday on the side is also shivering

they don't know if it's because of the cold or because she is still scared.

"Hmm? Why are you two reacting like this? It seems that they are seeing ghost...!! Say, what are you two doing?" Nami approaches the two, and Holmes Nami gets on the line.

"No no no, we're just scared because we almost drowned!" Miss wednesday reacted relatively quickly, and quickly explained.

"Yeah! We just wanted to go fishing, but we encountered a big storm and the ship capsized. Fortunately, we met you!!"

Mr.9 said superfluously.

"You're fooling no one!!" The corner of Nami's mouth twitched slightly, she didn't believe it at all, she pointed to the sea with her finger, "You two are fishing in this horrible weather?"

"Really. You see, this plank is a piece of our ship.

Mr.9 raised the board in his hand and explained.

"Huh? It's true!" Luffy looked at the fragments of ship, and nodded.


Nami went up and punched: "Hey! You are too easy to deceive!!!"

"Okay, let me tell you." Logan pulled Nami back, and then said: "No matter what your reasons are, since I saved you, I will send you to a safe place. Where are you going?"

Hearing this, miss Wednesday and mr.9 looked at each other.

Then miss said on Wednesday: "Let's go to the nearest town from here, Whiskey Peak!"

"Whiskey Peak?? Sounds like a very interesting place!!" As soon as he heard the name, Luffy became excited.

Miss Wednesday continued: "That's right, it is the first island from the entrance of the Grand Line, so the people there respect pirate very much. and any pirates who come from all over the world can enter there, they will prepare a wealth of food for them for free!"

"Yes, yes! Everyone there is very nice, and Everyone loves pirates so much!!" mr.9 also explained. Hey~ I'm not lying! Everyone really loves pirates! Especially the bounties offered by pirates!!

"WOW!! THAT IS AMAZING!!!" Luffy was so excited that he couldn't control himself, he held up his hands, "I've decided, we'll go there next stop!!!"

"Hey, hey, hey! Don't think about it, we can't go there by ourselves now." Zoro very appropriately poured cold water on Luffy.

Luffy suddenly froze: "Huh~? Right. We have lost our course now, and the compass has also failed."

"compass??" Hearing this, miss Wednesday showed a surprised expression, and then suddenly realized, "is this your first time in the grand line?"

"Yeah. It is." Logan nodded.

"That's no wonder! On the Grand Line, the compass is useless. No matter how experienced a navigator is, if he doesn'thave log pose , he will be blind. Here, the only thing that can be trusted is the log pose ."

As she spoke, Miss Wednesday took out a crystal ball-like object from her arms, "Here, this is it!"


Both arms extended at the same time!!!

"Oh, I didn't get it..." Luffy scratched his head a little disappointed.

"got it...…" Logan breathed a sigh of relief, and he rolled his eyes at Luffy, "Fortunately, I reacted quickly, otherwise, our only hope might be ruined by Luffy clumsy hands."

Logan clearly remembers that in the original plot, the first log pose obtained by the Straw Hat Pirates was destroyed by Luffy and Sanji's nonsense.

If it weren't for Crocus providing a log pose .

Then the manga of One Piece should end with the failure of the adventure of the Straw Hat Pirates.

"Ah! That's my log pose !!!" Only then did miss Wednesday realize that his log pose had been snatched away.

Logan nodded, showing a thankful smile: "Oh, you actually gave me such a valuable thing as soon as we met, thank you so much


miss Wednesday was stunned, she bared her teeth and said, "Who said I would give it to you!!!"

"Keep your voice down!!! Logan saved you, what happened to you giving us a log pose !!!"

She stepped forward and grabbed miss Wednesday's collar, and said angrily in a more fierce tone than miss Wednesday, "If you don't want to give it away, we won't force it!! We Return the log pose to you now, and leave you intact back into the sea!!"

"No Plese…."

"Then let's do this! I'll return the log pose to you first, and after you drown, we'll go get the log pose ~~ It also saves food for two people, it's perfect!!" As he said that, Logan took the log pose and put it on miss Wednesday.


miss Wednesday look everyone like they are stupid

Is there still such a flamboyant plan...

The people on this ship...are all devils!!

She quickly pushed Logan's hand and shouted: "Don't!!! I...I don't want it anymore..."

"Yes, yes. This is a gift from us, please accept it!!!"

mr.9 followed suit and kowtowed to Logan directly on the ground

Although the log pose is very important to them, but obviously, life is more important!!!

"Hey! Since you are so polite, we will not be disrespectful." Shrugging his shoulders, Logan handed the log pose to Nami, "Keep it safe, and don't let Luffy touch it.

"Do not worry!!" Nami will remember

The log pose is put away.

With the log pose , although the voyage in the next few days was not smooth, it was generally safe and sound.

A few days later, Going Merry approached Whiskey Peak.

Logan's system mail has increased by six.

[Your manga fan Roronoa Zoro has improved his world strength in the manga [Zaraki Kenpachi Biography], Observation Haki has been promoted to the primary level. You get its Observation Haki function simultaneously force. You get points +1]

[Your manga fan, Nami, has conquered The Sweet in the world of the manga [Cardcaptor Sakura]. You get the sweet card at the same time. You get points +1]

[Your manga fan Nami conquered the Shield card in the world of the manga [Cardcaptor Sakura]. You gain shield card simultaneously. You get points +1]

[Your manga fan Usopp has improved his world strength in the manga [Bleach : Oetsu Nimaiya] and developed the Shikai of Zanpaku Slingshot. You simultaneously gain the ability of Zanpaku Slingshot Shikai. you Get points +3]

[Your fan Sanji cultivated the second gate of Eight Inner Gates in the world of the manga [Might Guy Biography], and successfully opened the second gate. You simultaneously gain the second gate ability. you earn points +2]

[Your fan Coby has improved his world power in the Manga [Demon Slayer: Zenitsu] and has learned the breath of thunder, the shape of one, the flash of thunder, and six consecutive. You simultaneously get its learn ability. You get points +1]

Nami is as good as ever

Others are still doing it step by step~~

It was Usopp's Shikai that interested Logan.

He stood on the deck, communicated with his soul, and a sealed state slingshot in the form of a slingshot appeared in his hand.

"Chasing freedom, God Killing Star!!——

Logan felt a little embarrassed when he yelled such Shikai.

Fortunately, no one was around, so he took advantage of it to see what Usopp's gadgets were.

he saw that the original slingshot suddenly became bigger!!

It becomes a shape of a bow, about 1.2 meters in length, just right to hold, very handy

"God Killing Star..., this name is very suitable for Usopp~~" It is Zanpakutō after all, and if it can connect with your soul, it must also be affected by usopp.

Logan looked at the Whiskey peak in the distance.


Seems like his vision has become clearer!

He subconsciously released the God Killing Star, and then looked into the distance.

Vision is back to normal!!!

Afterwards, the God Killing Star reappeared in the hand.


Sight became clear again!!!

Although we are now close to Whiskey peak, there is a saying that when you see the mountain, you run into a shipwreck...

It looks close, but it's actually far away!!

But Logan is holding the god killing star in his hand at this time, but he can clearly see everything on the whiskey peak that are shaped like prickly pears!!!

The thorns on the surface of the prickly pear are like cross tombstones one by one!!

"It's interesting "

Logan opened the bow, and suddenly felt a wave of power from the soul trembling in his hands.

Because this zanpakuto God Killing Star has just been developed by Usopp as Shikai, so it doesn't have any moves yet.

Logan is aiming at the top of the whiskey mountain in the distance, full!

Then let go


A spirit beam full of Reiatsu is like a laser beam, instantly across the sea and sky!!!

Like a long rainbow penetrating the sun, it penetrates into the top of Whiskey Hill in an instant!!!


Numerous tombstones were blown over...


[More Chapter available at, support me and read up to ch195 ]
