Chapter 100

The inland port of Magnetic Drum Island

In order to prevent unnecessary trouble, the remaining members of the Straw Hat Pirates did not disembark, but waited for Logan, Luffy and others on the spot.

"I said Nami big sister, your giant throw is really cool!!! At this moment, that Wapol must have fallen into the sea to feed the fish~!" Usopp has a flattering face~ flattering.

"Beautiful Nam-chan!! Please enjoy the freshly baked pinecone cake!!" Sanji slipped out on his knees.

But at this moment


Everyone looked up at the sky in unison, they were all stunned for a while

After a while, Usopp was the first to recover from his stupefaction, and said with a dazed expression, "Just now...something seemed to fly past?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be Wapol who was thrown out by Nami?" Zoro could see clearly because he was bored by the side.

"It seems..., it is indeed Wapol..." Nami is also full of question marks

what's the situation??

How did this guy fly back??

And, it goes even further!

The four members of the Straw Hat Group looked at the distant sea level in unison, splashing big waves

It seems that I heard a "plop"

Time flies~

At night, the full moon hangs in the sky like a silver plate, reflecting the scenery of the entire Snow Country!!

Looking from here to Drum Island, a white snow scene is really beautiful.


Nami came out of the cabin, took a deep breath into her two little hands, and said with some concern, "I wonder if Logan and the others are going well in seeking medical treatment today?"

Standing on the watchtower, Usopp stretched his arms.

Having finished today's manga practice early, he has already seen the snow scene of the entire Magnetic Drum Country.

At this time, he heard Nami's concern for Logan and others, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Logan and Luffy are two of the strongest fighter we have, no matter what kind of trouble they encounter, they can handle them.

Nami nodded: "I know that. It's just that this time they went to seek medical treatment instead of fighting. The two of them are not the kind of people who would kidnap a doctor and force him to treat a disease."

It has only been less than a day since we separated, and the feeling of not being able to see Logan made Nami feel at a loss for a while.

can't live without...

"Someone is here!" Usopp turned the light on the watchtower to the path along the shore, illuminating a group of people coming out of the forest path.

"It's the group of people that came earlier."

Seeing the leading villagers, Nami recognized them immediately.

Especially the one in the middle, isn't it Dalton?

"Are you here for something?" Looking at the people who had already come to the side of the ship, Nami asked with some doubts.

Dalton leaned over and said with a friendly smile: "Miss Nami, Mr. Usopp, the villagers spontaneously want to hand you some hot food and drinks. I hope you can accept it."

Nami looked over and saw that the villagers were indeed carrying a lot of things, and some steamers were still steaming

"what happened?" Probably because they heard the commotion outside, Zoro and Sanji also came out.

"Thank you for kicking out the hateful Wapol gang, you have brought peace to Drum Island!"

"Yeah! Wapol is gone, but the Doctors is here. We will have doctors again in our country!"

"As long as there is no Wapol, relying on the high level of medical treatment mastered by the doctors, our country will soon be able to cultivate many excellent medical talents!"

"It's all because of you, you helped us!!"

"If it weren't for you, we wouldn't know that there are good people among pirates!! You are good people!!"

The villagers shouted enthusiastically one by one, wanting to express their gratitude.

"It seems that they came to express their gratitude~" Zoro said.

"Of course! Even a fool can see it!" Sanji choked, and then looked at Nami flatteringly, "Am I right, Nami-chan~?"

Zoro sneered: "Hey, no one cares about you!"

"Asshole! It's because of you that Nami-chan ignores me! I'm fighting you!!"

"Stupid curly eyebrows! I'm not afraid of you!!"

Immediately, the two scuffled together

"Benefactors of the Straw Hat Pirates, the sea breeze is very cold at night. We want to invite you to the village as guests. We have prepared a comfortable house for you. Do you think it is okay?" Dalton conveyed the wishes of the villagers.

The villagers all looked over; their eyes filled with anticipation.

Before they blamed the Straw Hat Pirates, and almost shot at the Straw Hat Pirates.

But instead of blaming them, they helped them solve their biggest trouble, Wapol.

It can be said that this country... ware saved by the Straw Hat Pirates!!!

For such great benefactors, how can they see them being cold at wind at sea?

"this......." Nami's face was a little dazed.

Because she is only thinking about Logan now, she doesn't care at all whether she on sea or on shore.

Seeing that Nami was absent-minded, Dalton looked at the others again: "Mr. Usopp, Mr. Zoro, Mr. Sanji, do you think it's okay? Give everyone a chance to express their gratitude?"

Zoro pushed Sanji away, and said simply: "Our captain and deputy captain are not here, this matter cannot be decided.

"Yeah, although I'm also the captain of this ship, I usually don't make decisions about this kind of thing. " Usopp took the opportunity to be the captain again

"This matter..."

Sanji was about to say that he had to ask Nami, but suddenly, his pupils opened, and he looked in the direction of the moon in horror, exclaiming, "Ah! That's...!!"

Hearing his exclamation, everyone thought that there was an enemy attack, and they all became vigilant for a moment.

Then they followed Sanji's line of sight and looked at the past

next moment


Everyone exclaimed!!!

In that sky, the sun and the full moon are like big discs!!!

With this as the background, a reindeer pulls a sled and jumps down from the highest mountain!!

Full moon, reindeer, sleigh.....

A breath-taking beauty emerges spontaneously!!

"That's the witch's sleigh. Could it be that the witch has gone down the mountain again?"

Seeing this scene, Dalton thought for a while and analyzed it.

"She must know the news that Wapol was eliminated! So she want to come down to confirm."

"Now that we have 20 doctors, we don't have to look at her for treatment anymore~"

"It can be said that although the old woman has a bad temper, she did help us a lot."

"Yeah! In general, we should still thank her."

The villagers talked a lot.

"Hey~? Do you see that reindeer pulling the sled seems to be coming towards us?"

Someone said suddenly.

"It seems to be!!"

"It's too far away, although I can't see clearly, but there seems to be more than one figure on that sleigh! Is the witch willing to ride her sleigh with others???"

"This is the first time I have seen such a thing in my life!"

"Isn't she also looking for the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Could it be that the patient was cured and sent here?"

"How could the witch deliver the patient herself?"

"It was impossible before, but it's hard to say now. The Doctors iare back, and witches are under a lot of competition now, so it's completely possible to improve the service!"

"It makes sense!"

In everyone's wild guesses, the reindeer pulled the sleigh across the full moon, and then rushed all the way into the dense forest.

"I saw it!!" On the observatory, Usopp holds the god-killing star in his hand, and his vision is supernatural.

"Is it Logan and the others?" Nami immediately asked with concern.

Usopp looked over and said, "Yes! Logan, Luffy, Princess Vivi, and Kaya are all on the sled."


Hearing that Logan came back, Nami's heart seemed to be full of strength all of a sudden.

But Dalton was a little confused: "There are only four people on the sled? Isn't the witch on it?"

Usopp's definitive response: "Yes, only the four of us Straw Hat Pirates, and a reindeer pulling the sleigh ahead."

"Ah this...?"

Dalton was completely stunned.

What's the situation??

The witch lent her sleigh??

After a while, there was a rustling sound from the forest ahead

People who live in the snow country know that it is the sound produced by the sled gliding quickly on the snow.


A reindeer rushed out of the forest, and under the action of huge inertia, it flew into the sky directly!!!


On the sled, Luffy tied himself to the end of the sled with two legs, and pointed in the direction of Going Merry excitedly.



Seeing the figure on the sled, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates stood up.

Sanji also shouted excitedly: "Beautiful Princess Vivi!! Lovely Miss Kaya!!"

Near the shore, the reindeer stomped its four hooves, and the whole person soared into the air.


It landed firmly on the deck.

"Luffy!! Dampen!" Logan shouted.

"Got it!" Luffy replied.

When the sled was about to hit the ground, Logan and Luffy's fists were instantly inflated into bone balloons!!!

Four bone balloons are respectively distributed at four points of the sled.



The sled bounced a few times and then came to a solid stop.

Princess Vivi is still in a weak stage at this time, and she is tightly covered by several layers of quilts.

Although Kaya's body is thin, but this is her first time riding a sled, she is very excited

If it was in Syrup Village before, it would never be possible to have such a fresh experience!!

Not to mention that there is very little chance of snow, even if it snows, the Butlers will definitely put Kaya's body first and will not let Kaya touch the snow.


Not only did she have a snowball fight with a reindeer on a mountain at an altitude of 5,000 meters, but she also rode a sled down from a mountain at an altitude of 5,000 meters

She feels so happy!!!

"Logan, you are back!" Nami walked quickly to Logan's side, then looked at Princess Vivi who was wrapped by Logan's quilt, and asked with concern, "How is Princess Vivi's illness?"

"Dr. Kureha has injected her with antibiotics, and the next step is to wait for the bacteria to be eliminated. It is estimated that it will take about three days for Princess Vivi to recover."

Logan told everyone about the situation.

When everyone heard it, they all let out a long sigh of relief.

"Originally, Dr. Kureha asked Princess Vivi to leave after her condition recovered, but..." Logan looked at Nami and gave her a wink

Nami understood instantly.

I know it's about newspapers.

The newspaper the day before yesterday reported the riots in Alabasta. For every extra day Princess Vivi delays, tens of thousands more people will die in the Kingdom of Alabasta!

At this time, Princess Vivi is going on the road with her sick body, which is enough to show how much she is a caring princess for the country and the people!!!

Thinking of this, Nami held Princess Vivi's hand and said gently: "Vivi, rest well, your country and people still need you!"

Princess Vivi smiled gratefully.

At this moment, Sanji's voice broke this warm scene

"Ah hello? What's the matter with this meat? Is it the food reserve that the witch doctor gave us?"

Suddenly seeing Chopper, Sanji went over excitedly.

But when he just rushed in front of Chopper...

The originally cute and petite little elk instantly swelled in size!!!


The strong humanoid Chopper knocked Sanji to the ground with one hoof, his face was full of bewilderment...

"what is this!!" Zoro's mouth widened in shock, his face deformed.

Usopp even yelled: "A monster!!"

"I'm not a monster!! I! My name is Chopper!! I will be the ship's doctor of the Straw Hat Pirates from now on!!" Chopper yelled at Sanji and others aggressively!!

Nami opened his mouth in surprise.

But the next moment...

"Yeah!! Logan, I said it, I did it..."

Chopper, who looked fierce at first, suddenly changed back to his original form, and hurriedly hid behind the sled.

Of course, he hid his head behind the sled very cutely, leaving his body exposed.

Logan patted himself on the forehead

All right!!

Chopper can do this step, which is already very good.

In order to encourage Chopper's courage, Logan set a threshold for Chopper to join the group, which is the scene just now

As for kicking Sanji over with one hoof, that was purely incidental!

"I'll announce it!!" Luffy jumped off the sled, and hugged Chopper up, "This is our new Crewmate, Chopper!!! He will be the ship doctor of our Straw Hat Pirates from now on!"

"Wow! It suddenly became so cute, so cute!!!" Nami stretched out his hand and wanted to snatch Chopper over, but Chopper was so scared that he hid behind Luffy.


A loud noise came from the direction of the mountain

Immediately afterwards

Boom! Boom! Boom!! …

"What's going on? Someone's firing?"

Dalton's face on the shore changed drastically!!!

Logan laughed: "Don't worry, it's a grandma who cares about her great-grandson"

If the witch heard what Logan called her here, she might directly open a hundred transparent holes for Logan!

Drum Mountain Top

The witch stands under the full moon, holding plum wine in one hand, with her sun hand on her waist

Behind her, there's a row of cannons!!

When Logan and Luffy left, they helped her carry it out.

The cannon roared, and a kind of pink dust was blasted into the sky

Flying snowflakes, stained with pink dust!

The pink Sakura flowers are falling

"Hiriluk...your stupid son has set off..."

She raised her head and took a sip of plum wine, tears welled up in the witch's eyes

That's Hiriluk's silly son~

He is also the silly grandson of the witch!


[More Chapter available at, support me and read up to ch228 ]
