Chapter 116

If this were earlier, Smoker would have immediately clashed with Logan. Logan had a history of reducing his subordinates to tears, and this was not the first instance. However, upon hearing Logan's words, Smoker was visibly taken aback.

Tashigi, a marine with a sheltered perspective and idealistic notions, sometimes needed a dose of harsh reality to navigate the challenges of the New World. Though Logan's words might sting, they were intended to awaken her. His remarks shattered Tashigi's fantasy of collecting famed swords and made her recognize the value of the renowned sword Shigure that she already possessed. Why fuss over collecting more swords when you can't maintain the one you have?

Upon this realization, Tashigi's slump vanished. Standing tall, she tightly grasped Shigure, staring at Logan with steely determination. "Thank you," she said before turning and swiftly departing.

Nico Robin, observing from the crowd, smirked slightly to herself, murmuring, "What a playboy…"

Smoker glanced at Logan but refrained from speaking, instead issuing a cold command to the Marines: "Let's go!"

However, Logan intervened, "Don't leave yet! The debt hasn't been settled! How can I let you go?"

Smoker's face paled, retorting, "I have no money! You've squeezed every bit from my warship! How about another IOU?"

There's a saying: when plagued by lice, one becomes unafraid of the itch. When Smoker first wrote an IOU to Logan, he was uncertain. But this time, Smoker took a proactive stance.

"More than 200 million in IOUs? Are you kidding me?" Logan protested.

"What else can I do?" Smoker smirked. "I truly have no money."

"You're quite bold for someone broke," Logan remarked, resolute. "We'll stay in Alabasta until the Log Pose resets. Use that time to gather my money."

"I won't get it," Smoker insisted. He couldn't believe Logan would release Baroque Works members. He knew Logan's intellect and anticipated he wouldn't offend Princess Vivi by releasing them now.

"Hehehehe! Smoker, your audacity has grown!" Logan smirked, deliberately glancing towards Tashigi in the distance.

This glance didn't escape Smoker's notice. Enraged, he confronted Logan, "What are you planning?"

"I'm innocent," Logan feigned innocence, patting Smoker on the shoulder. "Pay up, or let your imagination run wild."

Taking Princess Vivi from Nami, Logan declared, "Let's take Princess Vivi home."

"Finally!" Usopp exclaimed, eager to see the palace.

However, Luffy was confused, "Didn't we agree on dinner?"

Nami chided, "Idiot! What's better than dining at the palace?"

"Ah~?" Luffy understood, excited, "That's awesome! I wanna eat till I'm full!"

Robin hesitated, "Should I join...?"

"Why not?" Logan welcomed her.

For Robin, openly visiting the palace was preferable to lurking in secrecy. She sought the Poneglyphs located in the ancient funeral hall, her primary reason for coming to Alabasta.

Alubarna, the capital, lay near the San Dora River. Logan's group headed back to the Going Merry, crossed the river, and reached the nearest port to Alubarna.

Disembarking, the Straw Hat Pirates spotted a familiar face—Captain Igaram of the Alabasta Guard.

"Princess Vivi is back!" Igaram exclaimed with joy at Vivi's return.

"Igaram, why are you waiting here?" Despite her fatigue, Vivi managed to walk on her own. However, upon finishing her question, she noticed the royal guards behind Igaram all kneeling in unison. Igaram, too, knelt, crying with excitement, "Your Highness! The video Den Den Mushi broadcasted your victory over Crocodile to the capital! Everyone knows it now!"

"Your Highness, you're Alabasta's savior!" Igaram directly addressed Vivi. His guard soldiers bowed excitedly.

"Igaram!" Vivi quickly caught him, "Let's head to the palace to meet the king first. Without the Straw Hat Pirates help this time, Alabasta would have been doomed."

"Yes! Thanks to the benefactor!" Igaram rose, moving towards the Straw Hat Pirates, eager to embrace everyone.

Witnessing this, Zoro recalled the moment Igaram hugged him back at Whiskey Peak, sending a sudden shiver down his spine. Inadvertently, he pushed Sanji, catching Igaram off guard, leading to an unexpected embrace between Sanji and Igaram.

"Hey!?" Sanji, unhappy about being hugged by a man instead of a woman, lunged towards Zoro.

Amidst laughter, the Straw Hat Pirates arrived at Alabasta's palace, where King Cobra hosted a grand celebration dinner.

Luffy devoured food with gusto while Sanji indulged in the attention of several maids.

That night, the Straw Hat Pirates stayed in the palace's most luxurious guest room.

Around 2 AM, Robin awoke and quietly ventured into the palace corridor.

"Stunning..." Standing behind a pillar, Robin crossed her arms.

In the next moment, eyes appeared atop each pillar. Utilizing this ability, Robin stealthily bypassed every guard.

Upon reaching the Royal Hall, Robin took out a blueprint, examining it under the light of her flashlight held in her mouth.

After a while, she turned back, puzzled, "Strange, it should be right here..."

"Why not check over there again?" Suddenly, a rustling voice reached Robin's ears.

"Who!?" Robin swiftly turned, spotting Logan standing not far away, hands in pockets.

"That's quite an intense look," Logan remarked casually, moving closer to Robin.

"It's you..." Robin's icy demeanor softened upon recognizing Logan, though she remained cautious, "Why are you following me?"

"Hey, hey, don't misunderstand!" Logan feigned innocence, then gestured, "I'm here waiting for you... Didn't expect you'd arrive this late."

"Waiting for me? Why?" Robin's wariness heightened.

"Come with me; the secret staircase to the Royal Ancient Tomb is here." Ignoring Robin's question, Logan motioned towards a passage on the right.

After a brief pause, Robin followed him.

Navigating several passages, they reached a seemingly simple staircase entrance.

"Are you sure it's here?" Robin doubted the location as she gazed at the long upward staircase.

Logan tilted his head, meeting Robin's gaze, "Isn't it obvious? With your intelligence, can't you deduce the reason?"

"Well, this staircase is indeed concealed. Who'd expect the entrance to the underground tomb to be an upward staircase?" Robin commented before following Logan up the stairs.

Ascending through several corridors, they encountered a descending staircase.

It grew darker, making visibility challenging.

"Don't you have a flashlight or a lamp?" Robin inquired casually.

Logan gestured towards the flashlight in Robin's hand, "Doesn't this highlight the importance of companionship this time?"

That line again! Robin felt a sense of annoyance toward Logan's words. Irritated, she pressed the flashlight, casting the burial chamber into darkness.

And this happened to be the Funeral Hall, a vast tomb.

Logan sighed, "You're not someone who enjoys such childish pranks."

"I disagree," Robin retorted with a hint of arrogance, pocketing the flashlight.

"Fine, even if I'm mistaken. The problem is, even without light, I can use Observation Haki. Are you deceiving yourself?" Logan's voice echoed in the darkness.

It seemed that way. What was happening? Why did she feel her intelligence waning whenever she conversed with this guy?

Attempting to retrieve the flashlight from her pocket, Robin's attempt was thwarted as Logan intervened.

"Oops!" Robin accidentally dropped the flashlight, instinctively reaching out to grab it, but found nothing but air.

Logan heard the sound of the falling flashlight and immediately discerned what was happening. Activating his Observation Haki, he pinpointed its location.

As he turned, Robin let out an exclamation.

"Ah!" In the dark passage, Robin unexpectedly fell, landing directly on Logan, who had just raised his head.

"That's why..." Before Logan could react, he felt a suffocating sensation and tumbled backward.


"Cien Fleur: Wisteria Ball!"

In the dark funeral hall, two voices echoed simultaneously.

Had there been light, a spectacular sight would have unfolded. Hundreds of arms would have formed a large flower-like ball, enveloping the two within. An energy shield would have encased them both, and they would have rolled down the stairs together.


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