Chapter 218

"Pop, promise him quickly!"

When he heard that Logan could present a Manga book to Whitebeard, Ace jumped up excitedly.

If it wasn't for the fact that the 2 billion funds hadn't been raised yet, he would have put the 2 billion directly into Logan's hands immediately, and the deal was done!


Jozu looked at Ace with a confused face, and said incredulously, "Ace, didn't you hear clearly this guy said that buy one get one free but its not medical treatment that is free but a Manga, what's the use of that thing?"

Atmos, the captain of the thirteenth squad, also said: "Yes, what can a Manga book do"

"Our Pop doesn't read Mangas!" Speed Jiru, the captain of the 14th squad, curled his lips, obviously thinking that the gift of a Manga book is just a joke

"No!! Stop talking!"

Ace hurriedly stopped the captains from chattering, and then looked at Whitebeard, "Pop, believe me this deal is definitely profitable for us!!! I guarantee it with my life!!"

"Ace, are you sure you're serious now?" Marco stared at Ace, and with his familiarity with Ace, he concluded that the Ace in front of him was indeed Ace.

But the problem is...

Why is Ace so determined to give 2 billion Bellys to Logan?

After thinking about it, Marco couldn't figure it out...

Just don't think about it.

Let Pop decide for himself.

Whitebeard studied Ace carefully for a while

He took a deep breath: "Okay, Son, I believe you."

Then, he looked at Logan: "Boy Logan, do you charge first and then treat, or treat first and then charge? As for the money... it may take some time to raise."

"What are you talking about...? With your reputation as Whitebeard, I won't worry about your debt!"

Logan spread his hands, and then he looked like Belly, and said with a smile, "Then let's start the treatment right away?"

Whitebeard laughed: "Goooooh!!! I can do it anytime."

"Okay! For the convenience of treatment, let me change the size for you first."

Now that Whitebeard had agreed, Logan didn't think about money any more, and just turned his palm over, and the small card of Clow appeared.

Magical energy enveloped Whitebeard


At this moment, Whitebeard suddenly felt as if some external force enveloped him.

The jet-black substance immediately appeared on his body surface.


Due to serious injuries and illnesses, Whitebeard is in poor condition at this time, those Armament Haki are trembling violently, as if they are like candles that may go out at any time

Logan reminded: "Don't resist, or there will be no cure."

Hearing Logan's words, Whitebeard immediately understood that Logan used the external force just now.

Generally speaking, an emperor of the sea with the identity of the Strongest man would definitely not let the power of outsiders act on him easily.

In the previous battle at Marineford, he had already decided to die, but it was Logan's words that brought him back from the emotion of death.

If Logan wants to harm him, then there is no need to discourage his will to sacrifice himself in the war, just watch Whitebeard go to die.

With this in mind, Whitebeard removed Armament Haki.

The magical energy formed a halo around the surface of Whitebeard's body.

Then this layer of halo shrunk rapidly, making Whitebeard's height and size shrink along with it.

In a blink of an eye, Whitebeard became a 1.8 meter tall existence

"puff!" Looking at Whitebeard in front of him, Shanks didn't hold back immediately, and burst into laughter!!!

"Hahahaha!!! I didn't expect to have the opportunity to see you from such a perspective!"

Shanks walked up to Whitebeard, looked down slightly, and grinned.

You know, Shanks is 1.99 meters tall, and Whitebeard's real height is 6.66 meters!!!

Every time I saw Whitebeard in the past, Shanks had to "look up" to Whitebeard...

But now, looking at Whitebeard, who is a head shorter than him, he feels so much better!!!

"You boy!! You can really take advantage!" Whitebeard curled his lips.

It was the first time for him to experience so many "tall and strong" from the perspective of a dwarf.

"Haha! This kind of experience will never come across once in a lifetime! Don't take it for nothing!! Don't you think...?"

Shanks smiled and deliberately adjusted his perspective to the best overlooking state

Afterwards, Logan called Kaya over.

He urged: "I will take care of the front injuries, and you will take care of the back injuries."

In theory, Logan can handle it all by himself.

But although Kaya has learned medical ninjutsu, she has never practiced it.

With Whitebeard in front of me, a clinical patient with suitable conditions, isn't it just suitable for Kaya to practice???


It was also for Logan to practice.


Kaya nodded, tension and joy appearing on her little face.

In the past, she felt like a waste on the Straw Hat Pirate Ship.

Since Logan gave him a Manga book, the number of medical method Kaya practiced, she seems to have found the goal of life at once

And, with a craft at hand, Kaya is finally confident!

Otherwise... No matter how well everyone treats her, she will always feel inferior because of her "incompetence".

Whitebeard got into position and Logan and Kaya touch Whitebeard back and forth.

The next moment, the energy brilliance of Chakra emerged on the palms of Logan and Kaya at the same time!!!

This is the Healing Jutsu !!——

"What is this? Devil Fruit's ability?"

Marco leaned over and asked cautiously, but then he shook his head immediately, "No! If it's Devil Fruit's ability, only one of them can use it"

Vista wondered: "The problem is how to treat it? Is it enough to put your hands on the Pop's body?"

Lakyo said seriously: "No! They didn't touch on Pop, there is a distance between Pop body and their arm. It really looks like Devil Fruit's ability!"

"It looks like Wanokuni's ninjutsu ~"

Izou came over, as a warrior of Wanokuni, he also had a lot of understanding of the ninja lineage.

"Finally someone who understands" Logan smiled and didn't explain much.

If you want this kind of confusion, let the other party guess.

Hearing this, Izou's eyes lit up: "Is it really ninjutsu? Have you ever been to Wanokuni?"

Logan smiled: "Wanokuni is not the only one who has ninjutsu!"

As the Chakra energy in their hands penetrated into Whitebeard's wound, the cells in Whitebeard's wound immediately activated visibly with the naked eye

"OMG! Look at Pop's wounds!!!"

"My God! This is really an exaggeration! The speed and effect of this self-healing can at least catch up to one-tenth of Marco's phoenix Fire!"

"Absolutely!! But Marco's phoenix fire only have a huge effect on himself, and the effect on others is less than one millionth of his own."

The captains gathered around at once, watching in shock the rapid healing of Whitebeard's wound.

Soon, within a few minutes, an unfathomable sword wound on Whitebeard's body was healed, as was a single hole in his back.

Logan and Kaya each treat a wound and continued treatment.

"Where is ninjutsu learn?" Izou continued to ask.

"This......, is a secret!" Logan pouted, not wanting to say anything more.

Especially in the face of big bosses who wear women's clothing, they don't want to talk to each other...

Time flies, three hours have passed.

Whitebeard's injuries are finally fully healed.

"Gurararara!!!" Whitebeard clenched his fists tightly, and let out a deep drink with a red face: "Really healed from the injury, you really have real skills!!!"

It's just that... Whitebeard's tone of voice was obviously lacking when he spoke.

Marco quickly said: "Wait, pop just healed from the damge, right? The serious illness that has tortured pop for many years is still not healed. I can hear it from pop's voice."

"Don't worry, I just checked Whitebeard when he was treating him. His condition is advanced pulmonary fibrosis, and two-thirds of his lungs are white. Such a situation, He can continue to live, I really admire his perseverance!"

Examining it himself, Logan determined the cause of Whitebeard.

"Then..., how about treatment now?" The captains all looked at Logan eagerly, they couldn't wait to have a healthy pop!!

Logan shook his head: "His lungs cannot be treated."

For a lung that has been completely fibrotic, no matter how powerful the Healing Jutsu is, it will not be able to wake up the completely dead cells.


"Hey, hey, hey! You could have said just now that the treatment of injuries and patients will be included!"

"Aren't you lying like this?"

When the Commanders who were full of expectations suddenly heard such an answer, the immediately went into a riot.

But Whitebeard grinned and said "Calm Down every one"

Then, he looked at Logan: "Boy, since the treatment did not meet expectations, then I will only pay you 10% off the treatment fee, is that okay?"

"Hey, I said, what are you in a hurry for?"

Logan shrugged his shoulders and said teasingly, "Whitebeard's lungs can't be cured, but they can be transplanted! I said that the disease can be cured, but can I treat you half and half?"

With regard to organ transplantation, Pirate World is different form ordinary earth.

In this world, even animal limbs can be transplanted into human beings...

"Can it be transplanted? Good! Transplant mine!!!"

"You stay and I will go! My body is similar to Pop's, transplant mine!"

"I am the oldest, let me do it!"

When they heard that Pop's lungs were saved, the Commanders were excited again

Looking at the situation of the Commander, Logan pulled down with black lines all over his head

He said calmly: "Whitebeard will definitely not agree to use your organs for transplantation. And..., in this war, many brothers of your pirate team died in the battle, you can use their lungs Transplanted entirely to Whitebeard."

"`" No way!!—" Hearing this, Whitebeard refused without hesitation, and even his face became stern, "I will never use the body parts of my sons to keep myself alive! This is absolutely impossible!!!"

"It's actually easy to do. You just need to find a few damn pirates and use their organs for transplantation."

Logan was not angry, but asked lightly, "What I just don't understand is that the reason why you are angry is because it will destroy the remains of your sons, right?"

"certainly!!" Whitebeard said angrily.

Logan smiled: "If you think so, then I have to criticize you, you are such an idiot!"

Whitebeard was furious all of a sudden!!!

But Logan has continued to say: "I have seen my father be killed, and before he died, he transplanted his own organs to his son, so that his life can be continued on his son's body."

"I have also seen someone who died unexpectedly. Before he died, he asked his family to transplant his organs to those in need. In a sense, his life is also extended."

"And now, you have the opportunity to allow one of your dead sons to continue life on your body in this form. Instead of accepting it with pleasure, you even angrily refuse it???"

" Whitebeard, you say.....Aren't you an idiot!!!"

When Logan said this, Whitebeard's face was blue and purple, extremely ugly!!!

What Logan said, he is speechless!!

"Pop!! Logan is right! The Brothers who died, who wouldn't want their own body organs to continue to live on Pop's body?"

"That's right! If it were me, I would be happy to die underground!!"

"Using the organs of my dead body to transplant to my father, not only will my life continue in a special form, but it is also a great filial piety!!!"

"Pop! Why use someone else's!!!"


The captains were also awakened by what Logan said, and they all persuaded Whitebeard impassionedly.

Whitebeard pondered for a long time, then patted himself on the head heavily: "Logan, you are right! I am a complete idiot !!!"

"Obviously I can allow my son's life to continue in my body, but I still want to refuse"

Listening to Whitebeard's confession, the Commanders had tears in their eyes and joy in their hearts!!!

After a few hours of surgery, a brand new Whitebeard came back to life

"How's it going, Pop?"


The captains gathered around.

Whitebeard stands up, fists pumping!!!


This solid and powerful force!!!

And that breath of air!

There is no doubt that Whitebeard is completely cured!!

"Good! Pop!!"

"Great! Pop's injuries are gone!"

"Pop is healthy, I'm so happy!"

The Commanders were excited and jubilant one by one.

But Ace was not too busy to be happy about this, but looked at Logan, and asked cautiously: "Um, that manga..., are you still giving it away..."

Speaking of...

Ace has never spoken in such a low voice in his life,

But there is no way

For him, Logan healed Whitebeard's injury, which is already a great kindness.

He shouldn't have urged Logan in any way.

But he is also afraid that Logan will forget about this matter

You know, he is a person who has benefited from Mangas, and he understands how precious a Manga of Logan is!!!

So, in order not to let Pop miss such a precious Manga, Ace had the cheek to remind Logan at this time.

After finishing speaking, he bowed to Logan in shame: "I'm very sorry, please don't mind my rudeness. I... I... value your Mangas too much"