Saving the Children, Emelia's Anger

Bullets flew over the top of Rogue's head as she ducked behind a metal bench in one of the kitchens closest to the children's dorms. The bullets ceased momentarily leading her to assume they were conserving bullets, that assumption was incorrect however as the men started to move around and towards the bench, firing off bursts of gun fire to keep her pinned.

They got closer and closer towards her position, her body flinching from the proximity of the gunfire, the bullets glancing off the top of the bench and landing on the floor in a pile of brass. The air smelled of cordite and gunpowder as the men began to reload. Adrenaline pumped though her body as she quickly and hastily ran towards one of the soldiers her bare hand out. Before the man could react her hand touched the naked skin of his face and he fell face first into the tiles flooring of the kitchen. Following up from her previous move she leapt at another soldier. This soldier, reacting at her previous movements, moved backwards in attempt to get out of range, his hand reaching for his holstered pistol on the side of his thigh. 

She missed her target badly, fumbling somewhat after her leap. The man at this point had gotten his hand to his holster and was half way through unclipping it when six large claws pierced through his shoulders, propagating a god awful scream from the man as he sank to his knees blood squirting out of his shoulder along the adamantium claws.

"That's not allowed, bub."

A stifled yelp came from Rogue as she finished her fall and landed on her side across several shards of glass. Luckily none of the glass shards pierced into her as she had landed. Shaking off the malaise of adrenaline currently flowing through her body she looked back to see Logan, his claws retracted, knocking out the spec ops guy.

"How you doing kid? You alright?"

"I'm fine... Just a bit shook up is all." 

"Good, let's go save these kids."

He started sprinting through the kitchen out the entrance, Rogue following him soon after. The halls were expansive and maze-like as they ran through them, stopping every few seconds to burst through a door or open one up to see if anyone was in them. They finally found a few children hunkering below a table, Rogue going in to bring them out.

Logan continued their search, moving up the hallway until he was barely in visual sight of the door Rogue had gone in. Very quickly Rogue came out surrounded by children aged five to ten, their faces laden with tears from the recent hubbub of combat.

They continued going further and further into the children's dorms, knocking out and sometimes killing spec ops soldiers as they attempted to knock out the children with their tranquillizer guns. The group of children has expanded from a measly five to now over twenty as Rogue and Logan were now calling aloud for the kids to come to them.

"Come out! It's Rogue and Logan, we need to get you all to safety!"

After several moments of silence several heads poked out of the nearby rooms, some with their expressions scrunched up in confusion whilst others being completely pale in fear. They all looked at Rogue and Logan who at this moment were somewhat stunned by how easily they were able to get the kids to look outside of their rooms.

They both had, practically, the same thought.

'They need to be taught not to just come out when someone says names they recognise.'


(Emelia's Perspective)

I had finished the casting of my new spell, mystical runes flaring up in mid-air, a mix of Norse runes and Celtic symbols. The constructed magic implemented by runes was drawing on the surrounding energies of the universe, a mythical looking purple substance seeping from the universe itself into the runes give them a small incandescent glow of purple.

As i was mesmerised by the scene before me and the wonderous sight of glowing runes swirling within the room, my senses kicked into overdrive, the hair on my arms rising upwards as goose bumps started to appear across my body.

Without hesitation I locked onto Illyana, my En spreading throughout the whole entire mansion. I sensed Piotr and Illyana standing near the front entrance of the house. Two soldiers were aiming their weapons at Illyana's head and this was preventing Piotr from aiding his sister.

'These fuckers... Fuck staying away, they wanna play like this then they have a whole world of hurt coming their way!'

I instantly travelled behind the two men, Piotr noticing me as his expression became mournful for the soldiers in front of me. 

'Eclipse Harbingers, come out.'

Holding my hands out in a grasping position two Deagles appeared in my hands, one completely black with crimson highlights in the shape of feathers and the other stark white with golden details the same as its counterpart. I pointed one at each of the heads of the soldiers and pulled back on the trigger. The black gun created a sickly green ray of energy that when it touched the soldier completely mummified him in seconds. The white gun shot out greyish blue energy that warped the soldier into a gangling blob of skin and body parts that eventually fell apart into a gory puddle on the floor.

"No one fucking threatens her when i am present."

Piotr acted like he was close to throwing up as he held it back with his hand and a ghastly swallowing noise followed. 

"D-did you have to kill them, like dog?"

"They threatened her and was using her as a way to subdue you, no mercy shall be condoned on these assholes... Now excuse me whilst I go end the threat and have a meeting with William Stryker."

I disappeared in a swirl of energy as i re-appeared outside amidst several hundred soldiers, spec ops and helicopters.

"I'm here to speak with the cun* called William Stryker." (Yes i censored it because not everyone is Australian and can handle the word.)

Numerous guns pointed in my direction as the sound of guns being cocked resounded throughout the space. Many of the men grimaced and several dogs barked at me as I folded my hands underneath my breasts. What would have usually been a tantalizing sight by most men's standards was now a complete horror show as i began to emit my Nen and used Ren with all of my killing intent concentrated in it. Some men began to piss themselves whilst other dropped to the ground in fear. The only ones who seemed to be dealing with it well were the spec ops of the group who merely grit their teeth and kept their aim locked on me.

"Hoh, so an arrogant mutant has decided to come and speak with me... Interesting. Your powers seem unique, maybe I'll have to add you to my little collection of mutants?"

[🎶Dumb ways to die...🎶]

"Oh, you think i am one of them?"

He moved his head backwards arching his chin upwards in arrogance.

"Heh, if you aren't, then what are you?"

`Heh, let me out, i wanna have fun... And, he seems FUN.`

'Sis, should I?'

[🎶Dumb ways to die...🎶 Umu, do whatever you want just make sure she understands to only target those you want dead.]

'Okay, monster, have your fun.'

`Oh, oh no...` [-Angel]

`heh, heh, hehehehe, HEHEHE! YES!`[-Demon]


Hey guys Author Alex here, thanks for the support! Hope you are all doing well, will have another chapter out today, stay tuned.

🎶Dumb ways to die...🎶 


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  1. All i can think of is Sukie Stackhouse from Vampire Diaries because the actors are the same for Rogue and Sukie...