Off to New Mexico

(Host: Emelia Lionheart)

Level 50

Species: Magical Nephilim

HP: 283,000 (10,000HP/minute regen)

MP: 283,000 (10,000MP/minute regen)


STR: 4000

DEX: 4000

CHA: 2000 (Fully Awakened)

INT: 4000

CON: 5000

NEN: 1500

Passives: Mana Cost Reductor, Jigenkan (3 Tomoes)

Skills: Nephilim Paragon, Multiversal Teleportation (1 use per week).

Innate: Aetherial Ascendance, Nen Advanced, 

Magic Affinities: Yin and Yang, Eldritch Bloodbinding, Spacetime, Water, Matter, Psychic, Dimensional, Technomancy,

School of Magic: Sorcery, Dimensional, Teleporting, Illusion, Combat, Runes, 

Nen Class: Transmutation (Her aura can be changed to have the qualities of any Affinity she has) 

Magic Spells (This represents individual spells not under a school of magic): Supreme Spell Aquanomos Gravitas, Astra Domina, Psycheclairvoyant Liberatus, Aegis Runicus Praesidium, Reconstructio, 

Resistances and Immunities: Holy/Unholy Immunity, Soul Damage Immunity, basic elements resistance (Affective on lower levels only.)

Titles: Enigmatic Nephilim Paragon (Unmergeable), Advanced Rune Forger (Evolving), Interdimensional Arcanist

Diamonds: 1,100,000 Diamonds

Money: 15 million dollars

Dimensional Tethers and Multiversal Connections: |Warhammer 40k, Warp| , |Stargate Multiverse| , |Mirror Dimension| , |Positive Energy Plane| , |Negative Energy Plane| , 

Soul Weaponry: Eclipse Harbingers


'Wow, okay... That opens a lot of options for me.'

[Mhm, aren't i awesome?]

'Yes you are li'l sis'

[Knew it... Wait, i am not the little sister! Please stop!]



"Sorry to intrude..."

Loki broke me out of my thoughts and the others out of their conversation, his finely slicked black hair and green-blue eyes giving him a refined look as he stepped into the room, his countenance considerate.

"Uhuh, what do you want Charlie Chaplain knock off?"

"What is a Charlie Chaplain and why does this man keep on comparing me to other people?"

"Do not worry, its his way of bonding with people..."

Pepper was the one to speak up as she quickly covered herself from view and began to clothe herself again. Illyana was creating a fog-like mist near her so that she wasn't seen by Loki.

"Very well then. To other matters, Lady Emelia, would you be able to take me to my brother? I am afraid my own efforts have done little to alleviate my current state, thus i must resort to using my brothers' minimal intelligence for ideas."

"That is doable, would you like to go now or...?"

"Now is preferable but if you are busy with your enchanting and forging then i can wait."

"No, it's fine, let's go now. Illyana, do you want to come with me?"

"I have a scheduled lesson in half an hour, so, sure... Why not, i can always teleport back."

"Come on then, gather around me."

I activated my Jigenkan my eyes changing into a red and orange colours with concentric rings with 3 Tomoes scattered throughout the rings, rotating slowly. A faint purple-silver colour highlighting the the rings further. 

Loki looked at me as if he was looking at a monstrous creature whilst Illyana looked at me with endless curiosity leaking from her gaze as she changed the angle of her vision a few times. Tony and Pepper were slightly concerned by the change but seemed to just chalk it up to 'angel stuff'.

Instantly i grasped onto Loki and Illyana my head tilting backwards as i traced the recent atmospheric anomalies until I felt the presence of the Bifrost in New Mexico. My vision was covered by small particles that thrummed and pulsed in different shades of light that turned into threads that latticed across the sky, my seventh sense allowing me to traverse this thick tangle of threads. As my hands dropped onto their shoulders the space surrounding our physical selves shuddered and quaked until the space around us had changed into a plain barren desert with faint Norse runes imprinted on the ground, barely evident due to the constantly changing landscape that was a desert.

"We are here."

My eyes changed back to their usual lilac colouration as i started to look around me. Illyana and Loki were slightly off equilibrium as i had forcibly warped them to this location using my skills in teleportation magic from Kamar-Taj.

'Still less stable than the magic created in the system... I need to analyse how the system achieves it, maybe i could then replicate it.'

"So he emerged here... It seems he may be aimlessly wandering around in this desert, knowing my brother."

"No i do not think so, it is most likely he ran into someone or he found the nearest town."

"You really over appreciate my brother's capabilities..."

"Darling, i can feel some magical activity in that direction."

Illyana pointed in the direction of Mjolnir. I had seen it in my Jigenkan vision but decided not to go to it as it was Thor's weapon and I shouldn't interfere in that. With Thor's permission i may want to add more durability to the enchantments and so on to make sure that Hela, if she is anything like she was in the movies, couldn't just break it.

"Yes, I believe that would be Mjolnir."

"Really? The one from Mythology?"

"The very same sweetheart."

I activated my Jigenkan again as i looked around in a 360 arc, before i finally saw a glowing golden thread pertaining to the existence of a Thor in this dimension. I turned back around to Illyana before turning off my Jigenkan and noticed a bright silver thread connecting to a small disk-like item. Limbo, that is what it was and it contained innumerable chained existences that could harm this universe and possibly the multiverse if they were released. I refocussed my attention onto Illyana fully see her radiant soul full of bright pinks, purples and silvers, my own visage appearing in flashes across the exterior of it.

'She really does love me... Maybe i should propose at some point, get in and get engaged before other women.'

[I support it, although i think you should talk to her about Jean.]

'Good point, i'll discuss it after we get Loki to Thor.'


Author Alex here, hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always have a good day/night.


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