The Morning After...

I woke up with all three of my women draped over me, bottles of wine and scotch scattered along the room, chinese takeout containers strewn across the room throughout the drunken haze of last nights actions. Well, they were drunken for some, me... Let's just say that Illyana is really mischievous. She had snuck scotch into Tony's food on several occasions as Pepper distracted him with her drunken cuteness. Oceana was completely sloshed by the time she got through her thirtieth shot and Jean was throwing up after her fiftieth. I had to be there for all of them throughout the 'party'.

I had to hold the hair of Jean as she threw up whilst simultaneously giving head pats to Oceana who felt like she was a horrible person, at least whilst she was drunk. Illyana was the easiest to deal with as she was too busy playing pranks on people that she forgot to do the usual drunk things, like throwing up. The image of Jean chucking up into the toilet entered my mind... It seems the Apples of Idun aren't the only reasons for Asgardians being tanks when it came to drinking. 'Its probably their genetics... They are the ancestors of the Vikings.'

I snapped out of my contemplation as i heard a deep groan from the opposite couch. Tony was slowly pulling himself up from the couch, Pepper strewn across the top of the couch, her limbs hanging loosely to the sides as she dribbled slightly onto the couch.

'Ahh, nothing brings people together like seeing them shit faced... '

"E-emelia... W-water, n-need water... Help." Tony's voice was raspy and choked as he fell to the floor in the next few seconds before calling for help. I sighed once again, teleporting above him and pulling him upwards with a small tug, my control being put to the test.

"Whoa... t-thanks..." I arched my pointer finger on my right hand backwards and pulled water vapour from the atmosphere and quickly made it liquid before dunking it onto his face, continuing to do so as he complained.

"Emelia no-"

"t so muc-"


The gargling and intense breathing in between tickled my funny bone as i started chuckling a little at the expressions he was making. After another minute of practically waterboarding him out of being drunk i finally stopped, a wicked grin on my face as the sun shone through the now opened windows.

"You'll thank me after you wake up a bit more."

"Ughh your the worst and the best friend at the same time... Why is it my luck that i get a friend like you?"

"Its spectacular! To become friends with me!" I struck a small pose, much like the captain America posters from world war 2. He laughed a little before waving me off as if i was full of shit.

"Uhuh, and you must have saved a universe in your past life to have become friends with me..."

"Could you both please shut up...?" Jean threw a pillow in our general direction, missing completely.

"Morning sweetie, want some water?"

"Ughhhh, my head hurts so much! I thought the apples would make us immune to the alcohol..." She rubbed her temples as she scowled at the sunlight beginning to pour through the open windows.

"Turn off the lights..." That groan was from Illyana who was slowly picking herself up off of the floor adjacent to the couch, the clinking of bottles rolling across the floor making her words funnier.

"I can turn it off but i think we would all die honey..."

"Oh, its the sun..." She stared at the bright ball of orange hatred that we called a sun, at least, that was what she thought it was, 'a ball of hatred', as she squinted and looked away her hands grabbing her temples.

"Let's never do that again... This sucks... Umpf." Oceana now pitched in as she swallowed something there after. 'Uhhh, that is definitely not helping me with my hunger.'

"Come on all of you, you need water and showers, you especially Jean."

"""""Fuck off..."""""



An hour later we were all sitting around the kitchen table, my skill Supreme Cooking coming in handy as i quickly assembled an English Breakfast. Sumptuous pork sausages with sunny-side-up eggs, bacon, orange juice and a side of pancakes with syrup dripping off of them. To say i was proud, well you would naturally be right!

"I love you more than i ever have before honey..."

"Your the best big sis."

"Be grateful I'm awake..." That was Jean.

Tony and Pepper were the same, somewhat grateful but also completely over everything.

I started to dig in once everything was served and had to egg them on to do the same. The meal was quiet as the only noise was the scraping of metal cutlery on plates and the occasional glass clinking as they were placed on the table.

Finally after another half an hour they were feeling more human, their headaches slowly fading away, either due to my pampering or the natural regeneration of an Asgardian Physique.

"What are we doing now Emelia?"

Jean asked me that as Illyana and Oceana both listened in. I considered for a moment before answering. 'I could take them back to what they were doing before? Nah, let's go get a house!'

"How about we go and get a house?"

Their eyes all lit up in excitement at the suggestion, their body language switching to excitement from their previous lethargy.


They spoke at the same time, they were getting way too good at that... It was spooky. Feeling the stares on me i quickly nodded as i began walking forwards. They were stuck back where i had nodded, my neck craning back to look at them.

"Are you coming or not?"

"Yes Honey!"

"Yes Big sis!"

"Yep, were definitely coming Emelia!"


Another one... Hope you enjoy the chapter and wish you all have a good day/night!


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