Convincing them to Learn, Summoning Yao

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" 'That' Hermione is Skadi, and SHE, is an AI or Artificial intelligence." Arthur and Molly recovered soon after and began to examine the entity in front of them. She was dressed in a long flowing blue dress and had wolf ears on her head, bright golden eyes staring at them as a sarcastic grin was perpetually plastered on her features.

"It is very odd... H-how did, she, find out all of that?"

"Have you heard of the internet?"

"Marvellous invention of the muggles, love it, I've even read that it can do complex math for them..." Ron looked excited by what his father was saying as Hermione had her eyes glued to me and the AI her senses screaming that it was important somehow.

"Well, you are sort of right. Humans, or muggles as you call them, have computers which is a device that uses a complex language to allow computers to understand each other and the intentions of the programmer, a programmer being someone who understands this language and imbues it into the computer to make applications. The base language of a computer is a combination of 1's and 0's, these 1's and 0's represent 'ON' and 'OFF' then they invented programming languages that use words to make it easier to program applications. That is a basic summary. The internet is a globe-spanning program that can be used by most people with what is called an 'internet connection', which is supplied by cables that are connected to massive storage computers that convey this information and program to other computers in real time."

'I had to simplify a lot of information because they were ignorant of Humanities' progress as they sequestered themselves away in another dimension or whatever bull shit this universe pulled out its ass.'

"My head hurts..." This was Ron and he was seriously having issues comprehending the complexity of the systems the muggles had created. 

"That is TRULY fascinating! They are so inventive and thriving despite their lack of magic, makes me wonder how far we have stagnated in our hiding."

Molly was mortified by what i explained but was still confused by what that all had to do with how she found out.

"Now, to answer the original question, this internet is used by people, businesses, corporations, Governments, Agencies and Militaries to store data, keep records and monitor people. Using this inherent connection to the internet my AI easily pierced through the language that protected the computers that housed this data and collected it, dumping the information into the open so that the police forces could arrest them and put them through a trial."

"Oh! So that is how it is... It's like those men and women that look through old documents and find scandals and such about members of the Ministerium!"

"Exactly! It's just more focused on technology than magic."

Everyone, including Ron seemed to understand what i was talking about now as they had a point of reference to draw from.

"That is awesome!"

"So, muggles have gotten to our level of power despite the lack of magic..."

"No, they have surpassed you all."

That drew shocked faces, even a little bit of a shameful face from Harry who had heard about some of this stuff but was never able to get his hands on it.

"How are they superior, if you don't mind me asking?"


"A-ah... And?"

"Imagine bombs that can destroy an entire forest. Imagine weapons that drop fire that doesn't easily go out and start spreading. Imagine a weapon so devastating that if all of them were fired it could wipe out all life on the planet."

"Y-you surely jest?" Arthur was getting a bit jittery now as he heard about all of this, his worries for the future evident by the increased amount of sweat gathering on his brow. 

"Nope, not joking. The universe is more dangerous though." He started to pale a bit at my words, his expression becoming harder and harder to the point of steely-eyed determination.

"Now, now, no need for drastic measures yet, i suggest you withdraw your children from Hogwarts and introduce them to the Sorceress Supreme. I am also willing to teach a few people although they will constantly be on long trips and will most likely require to older than 16 at the very least."

They were stunned at my spiel but decided to sit down and seriously consider my offer.

"Were listening..."

"Well, the Sorceress Supreme is the most powerful magic user on Earth. She even taught me the magic i know and i am now a full blown sorceress and am capable of going anywhere i wish. I could even destroy this planet if i so wished."

Everyone began sweating bullets when they heard that.

"Don't worry i would never do that so long as my families' loved ones are here."

"Loved ones? Weren't you alone here?"

"Yes but since i met you I have gained four wives."


Everyone looked stunned, i was kind of expecting it especially since it wasn't exactly the norm for these people. I was fine with their reaction it did very little to bother me, if it did it would just show how weak-willed i am when it comes to my love, which i wasn't weak so...

"Yes, wives... Now, onto the school for sorcerers. You will learn several schools of magic-" Harry and Ron groaned a little as Hermione looked extremely interested.

"Practically, meaning that they will get to cast their magic and practice it even when outside of school, they do not politically manipulate the children or people who come there to learn. Their main priority is maintaining the security of Earth from foreign invaders and dimensions."

Arthur and Molly seemed blow away by the scale of the mission but were drawn in by the lack of seals put on their kids. They looked at each other for a few moments before refocussing on me, this is where i picked up again.

"They will learn what mana is, how to manipulate it, how to feel it, how to draw on different forms of it and ultimately how to connect to different dimensions that allow them to do something like this..."

I waved my hand through the room, the entire space becoming fractals and reflections as we entered the mirror dimension.

"This is a perfectly safe dimension known as the mirror dimension. It is a basic dimension taught in middle of the training. Speaking of the training, depending on how talented they are they could easily complete within a year, or if they are my level of broken, in 8 months. They will be able to easily commute to the London Sanctum which is a branch of the school."

The parents looked over at Ron who, if he was an anime character, would have had star eyes at this entire premise. Hermione was sold once she found out she could manipulate dimensions and learn esoteric magic and spells. Harry was convinced because he would easily be able to commute there using the flu shoot.

Arthur and Molly looked at each other once more and nodded.

"We'll take them out of Hogwarts, all of them. They can learn from this sorceress supreme, i would hope you could teach Ron something in your spare time... What about payment?"

"There isn't a fee, i know, it sounds like a scam... But i am honest, they merely accept you if you have talent, if you don't they will only rescue and look after you if you are extremely ill or in need of aid. It is a meritocracy with regards to their teachings, the harder you work and study and train the more you will gain from them."

"Very good! Why haven't all magical families been sending them to this Sorceress Supreme?"

"The information has been suppressed by your wizarding parliament/council, whatever it is, and she ad the group she commands are super secretive, the only reason you get to know is because I'm a huge softy and can get them in. Especially with Hermione joining, she will be interested in training you for sure, you may even become my Junior Sister."

She blanched at that as she considered becoming the personal student of the most powerful magic user in the world. Emelia was here so that was questionable now, but she didn't know any better.

"Okay, well let me summon her." I deactivated the mirror dimension, the original view of the house returning as the sun spilled through the windows and the soft fragrance of growing grass spread within the house.

I used some basic Rune magic to make signals that could be felt specifically by Yao, basically like a phone going off in her ear. Within moments i could feel her spatially emerging, my hand grasping Hermione and forcefully moving her behind me as the orange portal appeared and out stepped Yao, who currently had a smug expression and was sipping on tea.

"What is it Emelia? I was enjoying a rather good match of soccer."

"Master, i have some potential students for Kamar-Taj, or, more specifically the London Sanctum."

She heard me and eyed everyone in the room, ignoring the two adults and gazing out at the teenagers in front of her. Nodding her head slowly at Ron she held a slight grin before moving onto Harry. At Harry she narrowed her eyes and gazed at the scar on his head before finding nothing nefarious left within it. Her smile had expanded as she felt the potential of Harry, his power being nothing to scoff at. It was when she turned to Hermione that her eyes shot wide open and she looked back at me as if i was a monster.

"How do you find these people Emelia, one is at the level where he can easily become a sorcerer. The other, the one with the scar, can become a very powerful sorcerer given time, maybe even reaching sorcerer supreme level eventually. But this young woman has Steven Strange level talent, she could easily be a replacement for him if need be, in fact I'd love if i could have both of them fill the position that way we don't have to worry about one being controlled and disturbing the balance of Earth!"

"Holy shit... That is the most words I've ever heard you speak."

[Yeah, no doubt, even when is searched through bitchy bosses' memories over there i couldn't find anything remotely similar to that display!]

Hermione was just frozen there, completely lambasted by the sheer amount of excitement she heard from someone described as the most powerful magic user.

"What is going on...?"


Last Chapter of the day, hope you enjoy! (Although its technically 1am, anyway, doesn't matter.)


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