Getting confronted by God's sons, Illyana's wrath?

Me and Illyana stepped out of the office as Linda saw us off, her face a mix of tiredness and resignation as she saw Amenadiel there to pick her up, dressed in a police uniform. He gave me and Illyana some glances as no doubt he sensed the uniqueness that made us different to this universe's inhabitants, but he didn't take any actions. I personally ignored him and linked arms with Illyana, stepping out through the waiting room and heading towards the car, my foot steps a little lighter as i got a lot of history off of my chest. Linda had told me that the best steps for moving forwards was to get closer to those i love, build bonds with new people and to build up my self-worth. Supposedly i had been doing that already to a minor extent but was spiralling out of control when it came to sustained contact, he had said it is probably a side-effect of my trauma and that sustained social interaction was complicated for me.

"I love you Illyana, i do not think i say that enough..."

"Mhm, you don't, but i love you nonetheless! It is not like I am any better than you, i have issues too."

"I'll be here to help you as well, i just have to fix myself before i can focus on you."

"It's fine... Although you should really have brought all of us to the session i understand that it would be hard for you..." 

We maintained a silence for a time as the dinging of the elevator interrupted it every few seconds. Momentum slowly shifted and a lifting sensation occurred before we came to a stop, the elevator's doors opening moments later.

"She really was a good therapist... Maybe i should take some solo sessions with her?"

"I'd be willing to make the trip! Maybe we can get out sessions one after another?"

"Mmm, sounds good!" 

We stepped out into the parking lot and quickly saw the sight of Lucifer's daughter take off into the sky, her crimson and maroon wings expanding outwards and shooting downwards to create thrust. Lucifer looked up towards his daughter and shook his head as Chloe looked distraught about the fatherly and daughterly conflict.

'If i remember correctly she the goes around talking to people in Lucifers life and tries to convince them and herself of his evilness... Only to eventually get egged on to shoot him as he self-actualizes his vulnerability. Yep, sounds like common biblical stuff to me...'

I took out the keys to my lambo and clicked the open button, the doors opening upwards, revealing the sleek and comfortable leather upholstery of the car's inside cosmetics. The beep attracted Lucifer's attention as Chloe was trying to calm herself down, her hands clasping onto a necklace that she had, Azrael's Blade.

'That would be awesome to have... Unfortunately it is too plot central for my liking and I like the ending of Lucifer and Chloe's story too much. There are no targets for my harem here, even the crime analyst isn't really that appealing to me.'

"Ah, hello! Could we speak for a moment!?"

Lucifer strutted up towards the car as me and Illyana were about to get in, Illyana getting a bit antsy about the way he was so casually walking up to strangers. I smiled at her and gave her a wink, calming her down somewhat as i felt a small disk from behind her melt away into clear space once again. I turned soon after and greeted him.

"Hello! Nice to meet you, i assume you are Lucifer Morningstar?"

"Oho, my reputation proceeds me it seems. If you don't mind, could i ask you a question?"

"Let me guess... What is it i desire?"

He looked put off as if he had just been pushed onto his back foot.

"My oh my, you do know a lot about me it seems! Well then, i will ask it anyway... What is it you desire and why are you here?"

I acted like Chloe did in the first season and began to look into his eyes, my body language switching from confident and powerful to neutral and compliant.

"I- I am here to, sleep with my wife..."

"Ohoho, i see!"

"Pfft, you actually believed that Lucy?"

Chloe came up behind him, now calm and collected as her eyes scanned my body. It seemed she was a master at reading body language, maybe Lucifer was off his game today? 'Learning he has a daughter was probably a lot.'

"What do you mean love? She totally was under my cha-"

A grin slid onto my face as Illyana watched on it joy at my antics, giving me a thumbs up as i talked to new people. 'Ugh, she is way too cute.'

"Father-damnit... Why is it that you block me as well?"

"I am immune to low level magic such as that... That only works on Humans."

"And i suppose your not human then? What are you? A giraffe? A Zebra?"

"Half Angel, Half Demon."

He got dead serious after that, his eyes turning a deep crimson red as his face changed into its 'devil' mode. Subconsciously i was laughing, he thought this was intimidating and scary? Maybe to a normal person, me though? Nah, its weak as piss. My face was completely serious though as i also felt Illyana summon up her magic again which was covered in an unholy greyish-white that superseded the previous brightness of Limbo's aura.

"Don't lie to me! They have never existed and would have been purged by me, or, FATHER... They were abominations of the highest order and almost killed us all!"

His voice was deep and had a growl to it, as if he were a pissed off Pitbull inside the room with a toddler in it. I rolled my eyes as Chloe stepped backwards in fear of me or him, it was probably me. Illyana's eyes began to glow a bright silver as she spread out her magic more, drawing some minor attention from Lucifer. Just as i was about to rebound his aura two more angels appeared, Amenadiel and Rory (Aurora). They looked at me and Lucifer with confusion and caution, Rory against Lucifer and Amenadiel against me.

"Lucy, what is going on?"

"Yeah old man, what is going on here?"

"THIS woman, told me she was a half angel, half demon..."

Amenadiel Instantly began to prepare to fight me as I felt his aura spike and his combat stance tighten into readiness. Rory was confused and decided to back off, whilst Chloe stepped back with her.

"Now, now, boys... Calm down. I am not here to hurt anyone or anything. I come from another multiverse entirely."

"Multiverse? What's that?" 

Rory questioned the word but got no answers as Amenadiel and Lucifer didn't stand down.

"I am not usually one to lose my calm... But your existence is a blight on everything within it." Amenadiel was the one to say that as i could see Lucifer slowly coming to terms with my lack of aggression and seemingly uncaring nature in the face of their powers. I couldn't stop Illyana however as she easily dropped Amenadiel into a portal and made the exit above the other portal, affectively trapping him in an infinite loop so long as her powers hold out.

Rory laughed hard at the display as Lucifer looked at Illyana with concern and a bit of mistrust.

"Why is she doing that to my brother? I must admit it is funny but it hardly seems correct in this situation, yes?"

Illyana yelled out a moment later.

"He dared to insult my wife's existence! If it wasn't for her i would have been tortured for several hundred years by my captor... He deserves everything he gets!"

Lucifer seemed placated by the answer and soon dropped his 'devil' face and returned to normal again, his hand flexing his Italian Suit out as if it would help calm him down.

"So... you... are here for what?"

"Emelia, my name is Emelia and i am here to see Linda... I had some, issues, to sort through and needed her help."

"Oh! Very good, she in indeed a perfect therapist. Now, ignoring the unfortunate events previously..." Amenadiel shouted out as he fell through the portal again and again, causing quite the ruckus within the car park, a few people slowly starting to move towards us.

"Illyana, love, could you let him free? People are starting to notice."


"Huu, okay, do as you wish."

"Ah, le-"

"t me ou-"

"t of here!"

Amenadiel continued to fall.

"I was wondering if you could maybe help me in figuring out if my daughter is the one who stole Azrael's blade."

Rory pouted and looked livid at the insinuation, i could easily tell that she wasn't the one. I remembered on the show that Chloe had it and that she would most likely attack anyone who suggested to take it from her, the sword billowing its deathly aura outwards.

"She isn't the one who took it...Chloe is, and she had been affected by it... Also, i would suggest apologizing to your daughter and possibly making yourself vulnerable to her. Now, if that is all, i'll be on my way... Illyana, could you let him go?"

"Fine...!" She ended her magic and dropped the angel in police attire onto the hard cold cement of the parking lot, people walking up on the group. 

I got in the car with Illyana and quickly beat a swift exit as i didn't want to get caught by the two sons of god again... They were honestly very annoying in different ways, although Lucifer seemed intelligent. I wasn't attracted to Lucifer at all, especially since i was an angel myself, part one at least, it was more of a curiosity and gentle want of friendship that betrayed my more violent tendencies this time.

"You made a friend or two Emelia!"

"I have friends in our original multiverse?"

"Yeah, but you consciously didn't hurt them despite their actions and words... Maybe Linda is the actual god?"

"Nah, she ain't but she certainly knows people as well as god does, I'd believe that."

'Shit! I forgot to pay her! All well... Maybe i should explore some DC with my wives and repay her later?'


This should make up for the delay! I'll release another chap then call it there for today.


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