Meeting Hela, Hel and Sol

Cleaning up after our little escapade we both straightened our clothes and whisked away the liquids that were remaining. Idun looked absolutely stunning and oozed womanly charm by the metric fuck tonne, a new way of measuring stuff that i just made up.

She was glowing and seemed to be fulfilled as a woman. Coming over to me she slipped her hand around my body and gave me a deep hug, the bulge in her belly only slightly disrupting our hug.

"Thank you Emelia, you always make me feel complete."

"No need to thank me dumby, if I couldn't at least do this much for one of my wives then how could i call myself your partner?"

She blushed and just tightened the hug, her body leaning into mine for support as she was still somewhat affected by our lovemaking. Picking up her face from my chest I quickly leaned down and kissed her, separating a moment later as I smacked her ass.

"Now, I need to go meet some people, please take it easy. Do you want to go to Illyana and the rest?"

She just nodded, stepping back and breaking the hug.

"Please, honey, stay safe."

"Always love, now go and say hello to your sisters! Oh, yeah, you may have a new sister joining you soon." I waved my hand and sent her on her way to my other wives. What i had done would probably cause a shit storm among them, but i was all for it... 'What is life without some chaos and fun!?'

[I can still hear your thoughts you know?]

'Can't hear my words though can you?'



I snapped my finger in my right hand and appeared on a completely green jungle planet, specifically on the planet that Hela was living on. I could tell she was Hela because she looked exactly like the actor from the movies. What i wasn't expecting was a stunningly beautiful goddess with a sun perpetually glowing behind her standing opposite Hela. I also didn't expect another woman who looked vaguely similar to Hela to step out and be dressed entirely in white and blasting lifeforce from every inch of her body.

'SO! We have Hela, goddess of Death... Sol Goddess of the sun... and Hel Goddess of Life? Three in one package then!'

I began to walk out of the nearby underbrush and flora, my aura fully portrayed for everyone to see. All three goddesses were standing in a training yard looking at me in wariness, Hela already had grasped a black sword whilst Sol had gathered the sun into a spear of concentrated plasma.

"Wow, you all look beautiful! No wonder you hide yourselves away on this planet most of the time, if you didn't the men and even the women would hound you!"

"And, still we can't escape, so why are you here?" (Sol) Sol's voice was buttery smooth and had a motherly tone to it. 'The Ara Ara was strong with her.'

"If i was to say that I came here to meet Hela who even Thor and Loki are scared of?"

"Then you would be speaking a load of bullshit." (Hela)

"Oh come now, i'm not lying, why would i lie? i have nothing to gain for it..."

"Getting closer to us would be gain enough." (Hel) Hel's voice was rather normal and seemed unsuited to a goddess but that was how she was and i wouldn't judge her for it.

"Fair enough, you caught me..."

They all tensed and got ready to fight, their senses telling them that it would be very difficult to actually fight me and their best chance was to run, RUN as fast as they could. Unfortunately for them however, i wasn't here to fight them to the death or even harm them, i really was just here for alleviating bor- Ahum, training. Now though? Yeah, i'll probably try to woo all of them, they are way too sexy!

"I'm here to seduce you all!"

Their stances broke and their weapon's blades dropped to the ground, complete befuddlement coming over their faces as i shamelessly proclaimed my intentions. They were all looking at me as if I was a strange creature that they had never seen before.

"And train... But seducing is much more important."

"A-are you being serious with us?" (Sol)

"Of course? Why would I lie?"

The women looked at each other and simultaneously high fived.

"Yay! Someone wants us!" (Hel)

"Finally... No one ever wanted to get near to us..." (Sol)

"You still have to court us okay?" (Hela)

'What the fuuuuuucccccckkkkkkk!?'

'Probability, was it you?'

There was no answer from the status sheet other than a lowering of my good Karma by 300... 'IT WAS YOU!...I LOVE YOU! THANKS SO MUCH!' If the stat was alive it would probably blush, at least that was my head canon as I looked out at the three beauties in front of me.

'Now why the hell weren't they able to get anyone to court them? They are drop dead gorgeous.'

"M-may i ask, why were you all unable to get seduced?"

"Oh, you don't know... Well, please don't go back once we tell you!" (Sol)

I nodded waiting for Sol to explain.

"The three sisters that live underneath Yggdrasil told us that if we were ever to have lovers that we would have to share them and that it would be someone very specific. Anyone who we were with that wasn't 'The One' would die by having their privates rot and decay. This was shared by the three old crows to the entirety of the Norse Pantheon. We have been waiting for Eons. And. Now you have shown up!"

'Norse Mythology is fucked up...'


There is probably one more chapter after this one today!


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