The first Androids, Placing the Mines

Hey guys, sorry to annoy you like this at the start of the chapter but i just want to ask you guys a question. 

Is the fan fic becoming stale and boring? I've been doing this for a while now and I've been getting a drop off on views and everything, so... I was just wondering if you are all still interested...

Also! I was thinking of sending the MC to Star Wars soon, what era do you all think she should go to? Here are your options: Old Republic ( 👍 ) , Prequel Movies ( 👌 ) and Original Movies ( 🤞). Please use the emoji next to the related option to cast your vote in the comments!

Anyway, back to the chapter.


I finished guiding the three women who were excited over what hey saw. Supposedly they had never been allowed in the city of Asgard due to the other god's fear that their privates will fall off. Although i found the actions of the gods funny i didn't show the hilarity i was feeling as the women following me looked somewhat hurt by the recollection.

After that I left them with Pixel who was a little sceptical of their motives and actions. She looked at me and gave me a look that showed her scepticism entirely.

`I know Pixel, have them monitored and if there is any suspicious activity please tell me and stop them from whatever they are doing.`

[Understood Emelia.]

I then up and left them, leaving them in Pixel's capable hands and setting off towards the place i would set up the Uru Metal Deposit. As i reached that area I quickly rose in the air, fining myself on a large open observation deck at the very edge of the city. Looking at the mines i had i took out the Uru metal deposit and selected this part of the city to gain this expansion. Within seconds the blueprint started to phase into reality, my own mana being drawn upon slightly to fuel the process.

Thirty seconds later the deposit was built and connected to the rest of Atlantis's power grid. Following that i easily created 100 tonnes of iron and directly fed it to the deposit. The entire structure was factory shaped and had several aqueducts filled with lava that merged into several places within the building. The lava was special however as when i got near to it, it had the heat of a star, only contained by shielding that cover the entirety of the aqueducts. I didn't know what the aqueducts were made of but it was surely something powerful to be able to resist the heat of a star.

The entire section was cordoned off with a permanent shield that was as strong as the main shield of Atlantis. It seems even the system understands how much trouble this could cause. Finding everything to be perfectly safe at this moment I began to fly above Atlantis looking to the Ocean several kilometres away from my city.

I then began to pull on my massive amount of mana, enough mana to drown this entire world in seconds, and opened my reality domain. Like a ripple in a pond space, time and everything around me rippled. I focused on making an Island in the distance that could be used to sustain several mines. The process too several minutes but afterwards a whole entire Island emerged from the ocean and felt strong enough and large enough to house hundreds of mines. Quickly I teleported over there and began to place the numerous mines i had gathered over time. Lithium mines, Iron Mines, A Vibranium mine, Gold Mines and Cobalt Mines, all were placed and automatically generating materials. 

Feeling the security was not enough I contacted Kali and asked her to send some replicators over to the newly emerged island and setup a shield array and some automatic AA turrets and anti-personnel turrets also. She quickly agreed and began to gather the replicators that would do so, using Himari as a bridge to get this done.

Funnily enough the replicators were excellent at making technology as they could easily take data and different ideas and bridge them consistently. That is where we got the turret technology, apparently Himari and Aurélie had already finished on Asuras and had come back bringing with them the knowledge on the AA guns that were used by the Asuran Replicators, which they then proceeded to adapt to our own usages. Now that i knew that we could do this it would make it a lot easier for me to produce things, just hand it to the replicators. I would soon have to give Himari and Aurélie their gifts as they both gave me integral info supposedly, kali had informed me about it.

Knowing that It would need to be something very good I decided to first see the android production zone and see its progress and how everything is turning out. Easily I whisked myself there and began to observe the process. There were actually people here overlooking the automated processes of the robotic arms and sections of the facilities. Each component factory that would make androids was lined up behind the next step in the process, ever component joining a production line that headed towards the official Android Manufactory. I was currently inside the chip section and watched as hundreds of constantly changing robotic arms swooped down from about the production line and did fine detailed electrical modifications to the chips and also imprinted super conductive materials onto the top of the chip. Early on I had created a superconductor material called Graphene that was much stronger than steel and had an insane conductivity coefficient. 

I walked through the factory and checked in with some of the workers, most of them being extremely respectful and a bit awed to actually meet me in the flesh. I didn't understand why they felt this way as I hadn't actually done too much within the city to warrant it but i took it in stride anyway. Finishing up with the chip manufactory I moved on to the positronic brain manufactory.

The chips from the previous manufactory were all placed in neat stacks that were fed into a larger more cuboid machine that had thousands of little robotic limbs and elements, these robotic limbs however were made of liquid metal and were changing between numerous different tools with each new process required. Slowly inside the transparent cuboid machine a red brain was formed, countless glowing white and yellow lights flickering on and off as the machine inserted electricity in certain areas to activate the neuron chips and activate the greater intelligence. I walked along with the finished brain as it transferred from one manufactory to the greater android manufactorum where countless finished bodies were already completed and awaiting their brains. A conveyor belt ran above said bodies with the head sections of said bodies open and awaiting the new positronic brain.

A large robotic arm swooped down from the ceiling and effortlessly picked up the 'brain' and placed it within the Android body, the body flaring up in a bright red light before settling down into a normal human-looking colour. There was no colour preference set for the android and thus there were many of every different type of human. The one that had just finished was a ebony android that was female in design.

Once the brain was in several machines came from below the conveyor belt and closed the head section of the android, sealing the brain within and knitting back the graphene that was used to make the skeletal structure of the android. The outside skin of the android was a skin like substance made from adamantium and Isotope-8, giving the exterior a more flesh like consistency as the Isotope-8 were all programmed magically to add this feature to the Isotope-8. I achieved that through some rather powerful rune magic that was still hanging over the android factory as I watched, i had done it in my spare time.

The android was complete and was soon shipped out to the end of the factory where hundreds of Androids were awaiting activation. Yes, over the few days that we had gotten the tech and ability we had already created one hundred... This is true manpower!

I went to the side and quickly decided to activate all of them. I was slightly worried about their emotional programming and whether they would follow my orders and do their jobs but i couldn't just let them sit there and accumulate dust either. With a flick of a switch on an Atlantean control panel all of the androids came alive, their faces moving and expressing emotions as they looked around. Each of the androids had emotional responses and thought like a human for the most part the only thing stopping them from being completely human being the ethics programming that made it so that they can't lie, cheat, steal, murder or any one of another hundred bad things. The only exception to that was serving in the military and killing people of a harmful nature to Atlantis, this would be dictated by me, my wives, my Ai girlfriends and the members of the council that would be formed, although they won't get total control and will only be able to do so in extreme circumstances.

All of the androids at this stage had found me and were waiting for me to say something.

"Good evening to all of you, I am your creator Emelia Lionheart, you can call me Emelia."



There were countless responses and it mainly conjoined into the two ways of greeting me. I looked at all of them and smiled a little, some of them squirming and blushing as i did so. It seemed the emotions are working within them, now i needed to check their intelligence.

"Your duties will vary and be of service to Atlantis, you are your own people but will be assigned a job. You cannot leave this job, however, you can advance in rank and renown if you do especially good things... Such as saving a human, mutant or inhuman from danger, creating a new technology, aiding me or my wives and so on. Now, before i settle you into your new jobs I would like for you all to do this equation for me: x3+y3+z3=k . Find the answer for 42."

"X = -80538738812075974, Y = 80435758145817515, and Z = 12602123297335631 !"

They all answered at the same time. A math problem that had taken a million machine hours for a supercomputer and crowdsourced super computer together, took these androids seconds. 'Good they are all ready then.'

"Awesome! You all passed with flying colours! Now, please line up based upon gender and we will start to assign you tasks. Kali! Skadi! Come here please!"

[Were here Emelia!] (Kali and Skadi)

"Let's start assigning them shall we?"

[Sure!] (Skadi)

[Mhm.] (Kali)


First chapter of the day, i hope you all enjoyed.


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