Double Surprise!

Knowing that this would have to surprise them I cast an illusion over these area of the room and made it seem like what it was before. With that out of the way I then went to the central control room and asked for some help from Pixel.

We then spent the next half an hour purchasing real estate around the globe. From Brazil to France, Australia to Japan and The USA to Russia, i had bought around ten properties that i could use. From there i also reserved ten female androids for maids and staff requirements in our houses. Pixel was a bit confused as to the nature of my purchases but got distracted by Kali who grabbed her to ask about several issues. Speaking of Kali, she was really, REALLY, happy that I had already followed through on her ideas... It had gotten to the point that i thought she would jump me when i first entered the control room.

Now that there were more properties to connect my surprise to I went back to the apartment and stepped through into our rural Australian segment. When i got there I quickly went to a wall in one of the hallways and connected the Penthouse Apartment in Sydney to this house. Following that I also created a door for each of the houses that had the same dial as the first two and could connect to any of the houses. Not only that but I began to interconnect different houses into each other, linking it all back spatially to the Apartment in Atlantis. All of the houses were now within walkable distance of each other spatially and seamlessly allowed you to go from one house to another.

I added some direction markers throughout the houses and also began to create some unique spaces, rooms and libraries throughout for any of my women to enjoy, myself included. Finally, with that all finished I pulled out the armour for my first four wives. Knowing that it would be unfair to not have armour for Skadi, Pixel or Kali I began to create some sci-fi armour based on the armour of the Jedi and Sith.

The armour was beautifully sleek and seemed like something from Warhammer 40k and Star Trek, at the same time... It was extremely unique. I made them different colours and with different features based on the wife i was making it for. The armour of my first wives was the one that i spent most of the hour on as I upgraded them and boosted them to make them seem similar to Kali, Skadi and Pixel's armour, for a sense of unity.

Now, with that all said and done, 100,000 Reality Shards down, I just had to wait for my women to come back...


Five hours later a portal emerged in the room as Illyana, Idun, Jean, Piotr and oddly enough, Oceana stepped out. 'When did she leave the room?' I chalked it up to Illyana's shenanigans and pranks, she most likely ported her away from her desk the moment she touched the seat.

I didn't get much time to finish my thoughts as Illyana, Jean and Idun leapt at me with Piotr and Oceana standing in the back looking at the scene with gentle smiles and happy emotions. I gave the women hugging me some tight hugs before stepping back with a large smile on my face.

"Lovelies, I have some gifts for you all. Skadi, Kali, Pixel, come in here as well."

I teleported my other wives to the room and they looked around confused until they saw the child-like glee of my first wives. They too started to get excited thinking about what was to come. Pixel looking at me as if she had been spoiled as to what the gift was, an unhappy aura surrounding her.

As they looked at me with starry eyes and a pout I pulled out the armour from my ring, all of their eyes widening, especially Pixel as she looked at the white and blue armour I handed to her. I then handed out a bronze and gold armour to Skadi and a black and white armour for Kali. As for Illyana, Jean, Idun and Oceana I pulled out basic power armour from 40k but with an exoskeletal extension so no implants would be needed to use it. The armour for Jean was a rose-gold and cherry colour and had DNA patterns across segments of her armour the patterns being a crimson red. For Illyana her armour was a silver and chrome with a bunch of engravings in relation to her routes as a descendant of Rasputin, the engravings coloured in crimson and having a distinct connection to Orthodox Christianity. Idun got armour with bright gold and white colouring, Norse symbols splaying across the armour in unique depictions of Asgard's story and her story specifically, crimson being woven into the gaps that the runes made in the armour. Oceana got a Neon Blue and black armour with ocean wave engravings across the armour, creating a depiction of an Ocean, the waves calm and collected just lightly rising.

For Skadi, Kali and Pixel I had relatively similar armour but with a more Star Trek-like smoothness and sleekness to it. There were more glowy bits and technological extensions connecting to the top layer of skin. Kali's was the hardest to make as she hadn't ever talked about what type of armour she wanted and she had never shown any armour even in her previous AI form so i just went off of her personality and interests. Her armour was more simplistic and stuck more to the actual design of power armour from 40k, except, it was pitch black with neon red lights shining with my symbol, the Ouroboros, in the middle of the chest. Like the other power armour variants hers had an exoskeleton extension within the armour to allow movement with it on without any implants or surgical modifications. The bonus for this armour was also the distinct connection they had with the wearer's brains, making for easy movements and control of all aspects of them. 

My wives were happy, really, really happy, ecstatic some would say as they immediately ran to the bedroom and began to equip the armour, each of them giving me a kiss on the cheek before going. Piotr looked at me with a smart ass grin.

"You are doing lot to impress them, you are romantic." He gave me a thumbs up and I laughed at his attempts at embarrassing me.

"Thanks... How are you going with Deadpool?"

His mood darkened and he huffed a little before answering me.

"He refuses to see reason... He is a despicable man who murders and slaughters for no reason other than he feels like it. But, i can't help but feel that I can save him."

"Seems like some serious, 'I can fix her' energy coming from you... Are you interested in him?"

"No! He is despicable and crass, i would never like anyone like that... let alone a man, i am woman's man i will not fall into his traps and innuendos."

"Fair enough. Well, let me know when you catch him next, I'd like to meet him."

"You really won't..."

We were silent for a time until my women all stepped out with their armour on. They looked like Adepta Sororitas but from very unique and eclectic orders. The sheer colour disparity was astounding as they were all intimidatingly powerful and oozed lethality whilst being beautiful pieces of artwork, their designs less cluttered in comparison to the Adepta Sororitas armour. My AI wives were also completely beautiful as the armour they wore resembled Mjolnir armour from Halo more than 40k but it couldn't even be call Mjolnir Armour from Halo either as it had a distinct sci-fi glow to it all and had too much grim dark elements to it.

They all ran up to me, hugging me with their armour as i felt squashed between the hardened metals of their armour. Luckily for me I was a creation and destruction goddess as i would have likely been choked to death otherwise. Their armours were made from Inertron, liquid metal and Vibranium. The Liquid metal i found could make blades and spikes from anywhere on the armour making it an omni-directional weapon, all they had to do to activate it being a mere thought.

With my first surprise finished I decided to summon another massive grin and extended my arms out as I stepped towards a certain illusion in the room.

"Well, ladies, i have one more surprise for you all, follow me."

I walked through the illusion with all of them in tow, stepping into our house in rural Australia. When they all followed they were amazed, but not as amazed as they would be in a second as i dropped the illusion and showed that the two spaces were permanently connected. They gaped and i laughed as I showed them the door as well, now with a dial filled with different notches with all sorts of acronyms to show which house and where.

Let's just say that they were blown away and that Oceana was the only one who was taking it easily as i had talked to her about this before. Piotr thought it was awesome and continued to look between the different spaces, like a child wondering how the lines connected on a maze curtain. We went to several different houses one after another and by the end they were all used to it and kissing me for being such a hard working wife.

I was all smiles as I enjoyed the rest of the day with my family, Piotr included, in various countries exploring some of the venues and restaurants.


First chap of the day, sorry for the delay, it's hot as balls here in Australia.


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