Introducing the New School

The Students were the first to enter through the large silver portal of my wife as they all stepped out into the massive auditorium. Gasps of excitement and wonder were echoed into the room as after the couple hundred students exited the portal the teachers exited soon after. Jean, Illyana, Idun, Ororo, Logan and many more stepping out, Xavier and Cyclops coming through side by side as they watched over a new member. The new member they spoke of was an eighteen year old woman with completely purple skin and a panicky scared disposition, she flinched whenever the two men got close to her and seemed to constantly eye her surroundings.

"Emelia!" (Illyana)

"Honey! It is good to see you, how are you?"

"Great, me and Piotr agreed to go pick up mom and dad soon. Also, we are here to transfer to the new school!" (Illyana)

"That's great, i have the perfect campus for you all. Oh and by the way who is the new addition?"

"Ah, her name is Clarice Ferguson or as she likes to be known, Blink." (Illyana)

"I see..." I knew the name blink as she was connected to Clan Akkaba a mysterious force of mutants in the world that manipulated governments and such but also served their father Apocalypse by trying to bring it about.

'Is Clan Akkaba active within Japan as well?'

I looked at the woman and she seemed a bit jumpy as she was brought in front of me. I had chosen to wear my military uniform as it added to my charisma as a leader, not that i really needed it as i could complete overpower a room if i wanted to, just by releasing a fraction of my charisma. It never hurt to dress fancy though.

"Sup Xavier, Beamy, who is this little ball of worry?"

"Emelia, good to meet you again, this is Clarice Ferguson or Blink as she likes to be called." (Xavier)

The woman looked down at the ground as Cyclops or Beamy as i had called him tried to comfort her. I could tell she didn't like the pats on the back he was giving and seemed to be distraught at the idea of her power becoming unsteady and uncontrollable. I narrowed my eyes as I also sensed a massive inferiority complex and trauma from her time being caged by Clan Akkaba for a ritual, which she barely escaped with her life.

"Cyclops, please don't pat her back, she doesn't like it."

He immediately withdrew his hand and looked saddened as there was very little he could do for the young woman. I ignored him and stepped forwards, the students being guided by the teachers to the seats in the auditorium as we all 'sorted stuff out', more like fucked about and talked about shit.

"Blink, you are afraid of your powers right?" 

She nodded shyly causing Magneto to nod in cockiness off to the side as he looked at Xavier, Xavier staring back with a plain face. Yet again i ignored this and focussed on her, Jean, Illyana, Idun and Oceana all looking at me and the girl with some expectation. 'That's odd, whatever...'

"I see, is it because you accidently killed people with the first use of your powers?"

Blink looked up at me with complete and utter despair and worry on her face as she soon began to look around as if people would condemn her and hate her for what she did. Without a seconds hesitation i slapped her face lightly, knocking her from her stupidity. Everyone looked at me with incredulity, especially my women, yet again i ignored them and focused on the woman in front of me.

"W-Why did you do that...?"

Her voice was weak and had some deep fear echoing throughout the tone of it.

"Why? Because you are being utterly ignorant and stupid."

"I- i am not...!"

"You are. People die, those people deserved to die... Did you like what those men did to other girls and women?"

She shook her head vehemently but had her teeth grinding against each other as if it was a massive struggle within herself to accept that what she did was good.

"Then what the fuck are you upset about? Life isn't nice, reality is hard and not fair. Consequences come for those that court them. In this case their consequence was you. Don't blame your powers for other's faults, you are not omnipotent... You are not even a god."

I unleashed 1/4th of my powers, the entire solar system filling with my presence as my entire body seemed to extend upwards into the clouds. Space rippled, reality shook, water rained down, heat accumulated, matter was simultaneously created and destroyed at my feet. For all intents and purposed I was now fully in my god form.

"When even me, A GODDESS OF CREATION AND DESTRUCTION, cannot be called Omnipotent how dare you consider yourself as such!?" The sky boomed with my voice, my voice only being heard by those in the auditorium and turned into thunder for those across the planet. Seconds later I stifled the output of my power, the affects of my domains ceasing and coming under control once more as It looked like i shrunk to everyone inside the auditorium.

Blink was absolutely shaken and as the target of my pressure she was forced onto her ass and was slightly tearing up as everyone else around me were pale in fright, except my women and Xavier who were still stunned a little but weren't fearful.

"I-is it okay, for me, to, use my powers?"

I stepped forwards, this time with a more elegant pace and placed my hands on her shoulders, staring into her eyes.

"Yes, they are a part of you, you can't deny yourself any more, that just leads to self destruction and suicide."

She started to cry and ball her eyes out, everyone else in the room recovering from the shock of my display as they stared at me who was now comforting the woman by hugging her and letting her cry on my shoulder.

I looked between Illyana and Xavier before speaking out.

"I'll take her as my student, she will need some help with regards to her ability and I am really the only one that is massively proficient in space."

"HEY! That's not true I'm fucking great at Spatial stuff!" (Slipstream)

"Slipstream, not now." (Xavier)

 "Emelia, please look after her... She needs to learn still and you are a leader. Adopt her and teach her what you can but please enrol her in our school so we can teach her basic topics, not just powers." (Xavier)

"... Do you think me an imbecile? I have more knowledge of Science than you and more grasp on the mathematics of reality than you could ever figure out... Not only that, i have some of the best wives in the entirety of the Multiverse who have so much intelligence that they can literally scour the internet in seconds and destroy Multiversal enemies. But now that i say that, i can see your point, she will lose common sense."

Xavier looked at me with some small amounts of hilarity as I finished my entire argument. Illyana, Jean, Idun and Oceana looked at me with smiles creeping onto their faces as the entirety of the school was blown away by the actions i had taken before, the tone i had used with Xavier and the fact that I was joking around. Yeah they were mentally deficient at this moment. 'RIP School!'

I looked down at blink who was now over her tears and was looking at me with harder more mature eyes. 'That's good... I don't think I'll adopt her, but giving her a place to live and food won't be difficult.'

"How about you stay at my house for a while and attend classes at Xavier's school?"

"I-it sounds good, please let me go there... I want to know more people like me." (Blink)

"Sure, no problems. Honeys' could you please take her and clean her up? I'll settle the move of the school."

"Sure!" (Illyana)

"Why do we have to...?" (Jean)

"Fine." (Idun)

"Cool! We got a roommate!" (Oceana)

My wives grumbled and whined as they took Blink away and quickly brought her to the apartment where they began to look after her. 

"Thank you Emelia, we-"

"You brought her to me knowing that I'd take a soft spot with her and therefore have more ties than i already do to the mutants... Smart, but unnecessary, seriously? You think I'd not help the mutants when my wife and in fact four of my wives are mutants?"

Xavier looked down at the ground, his legs wobbling a little as he stood there in a despondent way. Beamy was the next as he stepped up and took blame for the entire idea which when i scoured his emotions i found out it was true and that he was just worried that I was using them by getting closer to certain members of the X-men and all. He was an idiot, for sure, but a well intentioned idiot.

"I accept your apology Beamy, as recompense, you can train some military personnel for me. I want them trained in fighting bad mutants and super powered enemies."

He seemed shocked but nodded his head when he noticed Xavier's despondency.

"I'll do it."

"Thanks! Now...! Xavier! Snap out of it shithead, i healed your legs because you were kind and helped my wives, don't get all sad on me because you made one mistake."

He looked up at me and noticed the mischievous curl of my lips as i grinned.

"Fine, well, please take care of us as you have done repeatedly."

"Xavier, you always have been too sentimental..." (Erik)

I just shook my head a little as Magneto put a hand on his friend's shoulder and guided him to the edge of the room. I didn't know what was going on with Xavier as his defences were still effective against me, but whatever it was it was probably serious and had something to do with the mutants.


Over the next hour or two I introduced a massive school to the entire student-base and all the teachers. The building was massive, it was in between two connecting towers, was ten stories tall and had a beautiful exterior with vertical flowers and gardens covering some of the outer elements of the building, wooden panels and doors adorning the entrance of the school. The inside was the same as a regular school except it had uniqueness throughout. Some sections of the school were themed on science with planets represented on the walls and ceilings of the sections, a black material making the actual structural material. There was a math section that had numerous mathematical equations and other relevant objects and knickknacks. This continued for every possible class you could think of. Social Studies, political studies and other such useless classes were prohibited in all schools that were not universities and even in university it was the basics of those actual topics, not about a certain parties' propaganda or viral brain rot. 

The students were already enjoying the new space and were exploring all of the unique features and aspects of their school. The teachers were the same but were looking at the availability of toilets, offices, smoking areas, etc... The ones looking for smoking areas being Logan and Beast; Henry McCoy.

Xavier and Magneto were looking at everything with a smile, especially Magneto as he noticed how much enjoyment and life that these mutants were having.

"Emelia, would it be unfair to you if I started to bring other mutants to Atlantis?" (Erik)

"Not at all, i have already stated that all people, no matter their power or social class can come here and stay, so long as they pass the moral and IQ test for citizenship."

He smiled before conversing with Xavier somewhat.

"Well then, i suppose i will use the previous mansion as an admission area for citizenship to Atlantis." (Erik)

"If that is the case, please spread the word to everyone. Including Humans and Inhumans. They deserve a place just as much as you all do."

"Very well. I should have some results in a few weeks." (Erik)

"Good, well, since you want that job I'll give you a base pay of $200,000 per half year, $400,000 a year essentially."

"Isn't that nothing in comparison to a diplomat's pay?"

"Not in Atlantis, $200,000 can get you food for ten years. In fact i am paying you a lot higher than i should, mainly because you have to deal with some stupid Americans in government... In a few days I'll visit the president again and see if i can convince him to make the mansion an embassy for Atlantis."

"I am shocked, i had heard about how well your country was doing but did not think it would be to this extent." (Erik)

"You'll discover more with time and will see more of the possibilities of humanity here than anywhere else."

With that we both said goodbye to each other after another round of conversation, Xavier walking off with him and Cyclops to discuss some matters about mutants, i could hear them, it wasn't anything impressive.

I stayed around for a little longer as the teachers organised the students into dorms and got their luggage and other items unpacked, several of the students looking out their windows at their new home and gawking. I cracked a smile and teleported away to the control room again.


Another chapter, hope you enjoyed!


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