The Outcome and Pregnancy

My Two Hundredth Chapter!!!! YAAAAY! We're doing it guys! Please consider giving some Power Stones and some comments! Love you all, enjoy!


After I turned up Natasha complained to me about Jurisdiction and a bunch of bullshit, but like my soldiers apparently, i just ignored her and addressed my soldiers. I gave them some words of appreciation and gave them half their pay straight up for the quickness and professionalism of this operation. I was genuinely impressed as I was expecting my forces to be a little inexperienced but they handled the situation perfectly.

'Luckily i came here for shit and giggles... hehe.'

I looked over the Spectre Agents and noticed some brain control chips and even some high levels of psychic manipulation laying over their brains. I scoffed and disabled the chips whilst cleansing them of the psychic influence. They blinked many times in quick succession until they looked around and sighed deeply.

"So this is what he meant when he said don't cross him." (Man Captive)

"Sis I didn't do anything, it was all that evil fucker!" (Female Captive 1)

"What my sis said!" (Female Captive 2)

I would usually pay attention to people talking to me but I was in a bit of an attitude today, didn't really feel like listening to them or Natasha.

"Alpha, please take these prisoners to Justice, lock them in the cells at Atlantis and get information from them... Make sure it is the deep cells, by the way."

"Yes Mam!"

"You heard her! Grab these grunts."

The team moved into action and surrounded the captives before calling Justice and beaming out. Natasha looked at me in anger but didn't even have time to complain as I also teleported myself back to Justice, sitting at the captain's chair.

"Take us back to Atlantis helmsman."

"Yes mam!"

The Asgardian Ship soon took off into the distance its cloak still activated.


I got back to the apartment, to my women when i noticed they were all sitting down on the couch, touching their stomachs. They looked mesmerised and sounded like it too as they spoke to each other in excitement.

"Hey ladies, what's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong! We felt some movements from inside our stomachs!" (Illyana)

"Oh... Wait! What!!"

I rushed over and lightly dropped to me knees before dropping my ear to her stomach, listening to her entire body. That was when i heard it, the little baby moving about within her. It was unusual to have them move this early in pregnancy but seeing as how we were all fantastical species and I was even more obscenely rare, i discarded these useless thoughts and descended into happy parent mode.

I switched to Idun's stomach as she laughed a little, her stomach bulging a little. Asgardian women were different, when they gave birth after 8-9 months they would have to raise the child for 100 years until it became a full teenager. It was a little strange that my knowledge of Marvel and this version was different but i didn't care, we were all different species anyway, the Asgardian being a mere fraction of her DNA now. Once again I heard some small movements, a goofy grin coming over my face.

One by one i continued until it was their turn with me. I sat down on the couch and let them all lean their heads against my stomach. They were a little worried after a minute of not hearing anything but quickly became joyous as they heard separate little movements. Another goofy smile came to my face as Skadi, Kali and Pixel looked on in envy but also excitement. I could tell they wanted children but thought that the ten i was already going to have would be enough for now.

Yes that's right, you heard me correctly, 10. Jean and Oceana were having twins, i haven't told them this as i wanted it to be a surprise but boy was it surprising for me. I could have sworn that I only put one of the little buggers in the eggs but, life find a way i suppose... Those little troopers probably took it as a challenge, knowing that they were from me it made me a little proud.

Like that we snuggled up on a large extended couch with a fireplace crackling inside our Alpine residence in the alps and watched some of The Originals, enjoying Elijah's constant struggle to get his brother to see reason and also Klaus's blood lust and Machiavellian schemes. Idun even asked if we could ever venture there and meet those vampires. I was interested and found it intriguing to think i could take my children to that multiverse and play around, once they were of age of course.

I didn't answer her directly and asked her to hold out and wait until we see the entire series. She responded with a low hum as she layed her head on my stomach, Jean mirroring her on the other side as Illyana and Oceana hugged into me from the sides. Kali, Skadi and Pixel were all on duty tonight so they left us alone soon after the whole me discovering the babies movements fiasco. 


The next morning i awoke to a large cramp in my stomach as i felt completely empty, figures, i was pregnant with four babies. Speaking of pregnancy, I was now showing a little bit. There was a lovely motherly bump on my midriff and from what i could tell a constant drain on my energy levels. If i was a mortal I'd surely die within moments, but i wasn't so boohoo for my children's tragic backstory plans. The little buggers were persistent though so I quickly summoned an apple of Idun and turned it directly into nutrients and swallowed it. I made sure it wouldn't make my children grow faster or become immortal babies for all time or any such shenanigans, i wanted them just the way they were... We can speak about powers and awesomeness when they were past the age of 16. Before then it'll just be awesome adventures with their mums and me, and maybe some training in lightsaber combat and force usage, fuck it, maybe even mutant powers seeing as how they inherited my awesome genes and their mothers' as well.

The grumbling in my stomach settled down a i noticed the same phenomenon appear in my wives, stirring them awake slowly. I took out more apples and made them into base nutrients again before teleporting it directly into their digestive systems, the aches calming down and their rest uninterrupted. 

'I don't want to hear them complain about being forgotten ever again, i am an awesome wife!' 

With that said, within my own mind, I teleported out of the cuddle huddle and arrived in the kitchen making a sumptuous meal for my women who were ever so slowly waking up as the time got closer to 6am anyway. My actions had merely delayed them half an hour to an hour. 

I noticed some rather obvious signs of Skadi, Pixel and Kali spying on us so I looked straight at them and motioned for them to come in and sit down. All of them looked worn out, not tired but emotionally and mentally drained from the work over night, taking care of a city was no joke. Feeling that they needed a pick me up I gave them all a kiss on the lips and set down a small amount of orange juice infused with vodka. They looked at me weirdly but drunk the concoction anyway, i hadn't drunk any i just wanted them to relax a bit.

And boy did they relax... They were asleep ten minutes later, their bodies relishing the rest and pointlessness of sleep. Yes sleep was pointless for them as their brain never needed to take a break because of the efficiency of their body but their emotions and thoughts were another aspect, their very souls an aspect of their enjoyment of sleep. Yes, i had noticed they had gained souls at some point, that was the evolution I was seeing beforehand. For some unknown reason they had gained souls and i don't mean someone coming in and taking over their bodies, i mean, full blown, they manifested souls. It was a process i hadn't ever seen and felt oddly attracted to. Maybe it was because i was part Warp Entity but that process seemed to be something beyond Goddess or Primordial, something within OAA's territory and power. 

If i could study this then perhaps i had found my way to OAA level power. That took a back seat in my mind however as Illyana grumpily sat on the opposite side of the kitchen bench and dropped her head onto the counter.

"Morning love, you okay?"

"Kill me... I want to die." 


"I'm fucking hungry and i feel miserable, and, i don't know... I just don't feel right."

'Ah... The hormones... I should filter those out of my body regularly so I can function as a husband for them. Seems like they may need it.'

"Okay love well, here, have some bacon and eggs with some Bratwurst, okay? Maybe then life will feel a little better."

"I love you... I love you sooo much..." She started to tear up as Jean walked over all chipper and happy.

"Morning Honey! You made breakfast! How sweet!" 

Jean stressed me out more than Illyana did as she went completely opposite of her usual grumpy morning person self.

'Holy shit, no wonder men feel like ending themselves during a woman's pregnancy. This is insane!'


Final chap of the day! Enjoy!


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