Family Meeting!

I quickly flittered away to Atlantis where I began to quickly pick all of my wives up. They were all a little flustered at the suddenness of it all but quickly just went with the flow, all of them getting used to my antics by now.

"Emelia, what about the kids?" (Illyana)

My other women all looked at me with the same concern evident in their countenance. They were all very cute and huggable sometimes. 

"We won't be long and we'll be coming back to the Apartment anyway."

"Where are we going now?" (Jean)

"Its a surprise."

She grumbled somewhat at my response as Oceana came in and hugged her a little, a smile creeping onto her face. I just smiled and turned around summoning a gate from Overlord and bringing them all through. On the other side it was the same as before, a odd-looking city with Hexagonal architecture and countless people standing in the street.

My wives looked around at the place and were put off by the disgusting style of the buildings. There were even conversations in relation to how ugly they were and even bets from Skadi and Kali that none of the building could survive one of their punches. I chuckled at my wives actions as I awaited my sister.

It was not long that we waited as quickly a small family unit marched across the street towards us, the other humans around sitting far away from me and my group as they were concerned over possible retaliation from me if they got too close. My sister's family looked robust and muscular as the kids all had small little muscles showing, her husband was rather robust in figure and even she was on the athletic side. My wives all looked between me and the new figures, some confusion and worry evident in their faces.

"Emelia... who are they?" (Idun)

"Yeah, that's what I'd like to know as well." (Skadi)

They all looked between me and the other family group. I didn't answer and simply waited. Finally just as my women were about to flog me and interrogate me they heard a woman shout out something they never expected.

"Sister! You actually came back!"

My sister had broken off from her family and leapt into my arms as she started to cry a little. My women were instantly jealous but soon froze when they saw the familiarity between me and my sister. They would have spoken, for sure, but they were too stunned by what they were seeing.

It took half a minute until they finally reacted, my sister's family catching up within that time as the children looked at my wives with cute little expressions of shyness. Most of the children were female with only one being a boy, it seems that type of luck runs in our DNA.

"E-emelia... What is going on?" (Illyana)

The rest of my women said nothing but were obviously paying a deep amount of attention to the matter.

"Long story short, you are on Earth, but from my first life."


"Yes, I gained some bit of intelligence and received a vision of my past world's people being exterminated by some aliens. I kinda got pissed and wiped out the entire species on the planet and brought the entire planet to our solar system... Oh yeah! The new name of this planet with be Terra Nova and our planet will be renamed Terra."

They were stunned and looked at me as if I was an alien that had impersonated myself.

"Honey, what the fuck?" (Skadi and Jean)

"So this is your sister..." (Oceana)

"Heh, this is very much like Emelia." (Pixel)

"It is nice to have family." (Kali)

"Are they coming back to Atlantis with us?" (Illyana)

"What are we going to do with this world?" (Idun)

"First, let's all get back to our Apartment and we can figure things out from there. Sister, are you ready?"

She nodded and affirmed their choice to join me, i could see hope shining in her eyes as her husband looked on in mild worry as his soul was leaking emotions of supportiveness and caution. I nodded at him a little and waited for my sister's response.

"Yes! We are ready... I hope you don't mind us staying over..."

"Don't worry, I have an entire city that I am the president of. You will not be left high and dry and in fact, you will all be given education, a house, and temporary citizenship for two years. The citizenship will become permanent if you pass the test within the two years. As for the children, they do not need to pass the test, they just need to finish school."

She looked a little confused as I was probably using words she didn't have any clue about. I was a little saddened that humanity had faltered so much but quickly picked myself up and guided them through the Gate.

From there I quickly made some food as my wives asked me question after question. Some were related to the renaming of the planets and why. I gave them the simple answer of: "Because it sounds cool and we can't have two Earths in the same solar system so why not rename them."

They were past the point of being stunned anymore and started to argue with me about how confusing it'll be for the inhabitants of this Earth; the one Atlantis was based upon. I just shrugged and told them that the education system will aid in converting people plus we could explain it as creating a more solid name for ourselves before confronting Star Wars.

Some of my wives nodded whilst some were just frustrated. My sister and her family was stunned by the room they had entered, this was nothing like what the aliens had ever shown them or had. They hadn't even seen the city yet.

"Idun, to answer your question, I am going to have another city on that planet that is like Atlantis but with the survivors of humanity living there. We'll create another android manufactorum assembly and pump out some workforce and educators and make some jobs for Atlanteans in the mean time by offering them jobs in this other city. Plus I want to set up a multitude of different mines and collect several different materials. I'll spread fauna and flora in a few days and we can set up farms and plantations and such, employing the people of Terra Nova, giving them money and the opportunity to educate themselves in a trade."

"Sounds good. I was just curious." (Idun)

"Sister, come, let me show you my own children."

My sister looked really happy as she strode over towards me and entered the baby's room. She was blown away by the tech in this room but quickly focused on my little munchkins.

"You birthed all of them!?"

She seemed absolutely flabbergasted and bamboozled, so much so that i laughed out loud leading to my wives to also break into small fits of laughter.

"No Sister, these are me and my wives' children."

"Ah! B-but how? None of you have a-" She looked at her own children before leaning closer to me and finishing her sentence.

"a, penis..."

"Let me just say that we have the ability to change planets, create flying cities and destroy suns if we wish, I do not think that is an issue yes?"

She looked very shaken at what i said but accepted it easily enough, probably because she wanted to be accepted as family by me. I smiled at her as I pet her head a little again.

"Don't worry sister it is fine... We aren't exactly normal on this planet either."


From there I introduced all of my little ones to her and even showed off their birthmarks to her, which caused some ooooo's and ahhhh's from my sis's children as the three girls all called out a variety of words meaning cute. The singular boy in the room looked at Elijah and tried to give him a little fist bump. My heart almost melted at the innocent actions of these kids. They didn't have prejudices, they just thought they were more kids, like them.

After that we all sat down and I introduced the idea of steak and meat to my sister's family, the food they had gotten before being all vegetables and a slop they called yogurt. They all salivated at the meat and quickly dug in. Let us just say they had seconds and were tempted to go for thirds. From there some of my wives said an early goodbye and made for their work whilst I, Skadi, Pixel, Kali and Idun were left to take them for a tour and show them their apartment.

'They just wanted to get out of showing people around again...'

[Better Believe it!] (Oceana)



Another Chapy! Hope you enjoyed!


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