Taking My Place as Rule- *Cough* President

A month after my upgrade of Atlantis I used my time by placing several city-ships across the ocean of Terra Nova and also placing the multitude of mines across the planet's surface. Whilst i was there I also restored the fauna and flora by copying a lot of Terra's Ecology and food chain but adding in some other unique creatures. Such as the displacer beast from D&D and some of the dinosaurs from Terra's past.

The continents on the planet were only numbered three now as all the other land masses had turned into archipelagos and islands. Europe was intact for the most part except Italy mostly being swallowed up by ocean and the Balkans now becoming a part of the Black Sea. Asia was now separated from Europe and the Middle East as a massive crack ran through the land masses, creating a deep ravine where the ocean's water seeped into and flowed through.

Lastly the continent of South America was roughly intact with only half of its land mass missing from severe damage. Using this perspective I easily placed cities down on the Oceans closest to these continents and several on the most expansive parts of the ocean. These cities had extensive portal systems to make transport easy between said cities, not to mention I had placed all of the mines on the continents closest to some of my city-ships. 

As for the 5 million remaining people I quickly brought some androids over and had them set up and start running the cities, providing education and dishing out jobs for the remaining people to do. Mining quickly became a staple of the society of Terra Nova as Farming became a quick second as I got the replicators to copy the technology of our own farms but make it more expansive for continental farming. 

Terra Nova, after a month had now become a resource planet that would produce tens of thousands of tons of metals and food stuffs a year. That was only the start however as we funnelled about 100,000 Androids from the Manufactorums to boost productivity and education standards, easily boosting the knowledge and skill of all of the workers. Funnily enough, a lot of the 2.5 million women were pregnant and close to delivering due to the nature of how they were brought up. 

I had checked in with some members of the 5 million people and found out that the Aliens had invaded two hundred years ago and that Humanity had been used as cattle ever since. This brought to question my sister's existence as I didn't know how she was capable of living that long. When i asked one of the leaders of the survivors, the man's eyes widened and he began to sputter a little, me having to calm him down with reassurance the Aliens were not around anymore. The PTSD ran deeply in his mind.

"Well, leader, some of the humans got age extension implants due to their virility and their obedience... The most I can assume is that the parents of the one you mentioned were amongst the most obedient, only people of those type could survive so long."

"T-then why aren't there more of my brother's and sister's?"

He grew a little pale at that question but answered nonetheless.

"The bastards, usually, ate... them... leader. Only very rare cases would the Aliens make acceptation. As far as i know and have seen it is because the human in question is superb livestock and was being raised to rear children from the Aliens to eat."

"... So you are saying my brothers and sisters were all eaten and that my sister was a cash cow for this species?"

"I do not know what a cow is but i think you have the right of it, leader."


My emotions were flaring too much and making the man nervous so I put a control on them and sighed out the grief i had.

"Thank you very much for your knowledge. Take this."

I handed over a year's worth of wages in which he tried to decline but I ended up walking away before he could try and hand it back.


Needless to say that my sister's appearance was understandable now and how she could exist 200 years after my 'death'. 'Wait doesn't that make me 221 years old in her Earth's years?'

I felt some chaotic compulsions rise within me as I thought of the mischief i could cause by teasing her but they quickly subsided as I felt a mental ping from Jean. I disappeared from the centre of Omega; a city on Terra Nova.

Appearing back in Atlantis i was now receiving the full message.

`Emelia! You have to go accept the Presidency of the World!`

`Shit, that today?`

`Yes, now get dressed quickly and get on your capital ship.`

`The Arcadia, sure.`

Like that I hastily ran off and got dressed in my Military uniform before whisking myself away to the space ship construction manufactorum, where the Arcadia in her massive glorious black hull plating, and Battleship-like construction with a massive skull and bones on the front ramming section of the massive ship, which i was heavily considering switching to golden Angel wings and a halo. The vessel itself had three Twin Pulsar Cannons that were shaped like WW2 Battleship salvo weaponry. It also had AA capability for space-fighter combat, Gravitational Wave Missile Launchers; six silos in total, The Knife ram that increased the threat of the vessel's ramming capabilities and The Dark Matter Drive, which allowed for the entire ship to Phase, Blink away and Become Invisible. The drive was limited in uses based on the energy coefficient of the power core but was easily as powerful as the Aurora Class Battleships if not a little bit more powerful.

Basking in the glow of my new command vessel I quickly teleported to the bridge where a crew of tens was manning the command deck and making pre-flight checks. Seeing me some of the crew stopped and yelled out.

"President on DECK!"

Like a well oiled machine all of the military people in the room right now turned and faced me, snapping their legs together as they brought their arms to their chests, right above the heart, and yelled out.

"Glory to The Veritas Imperium!"

"Thank you all for your effort and initiative. Glory be to all your families!"

I responded with my own salute before telling them to be at ease and return to their stations. Met with loads of information on the current status of the ship I began to work with the bridge crew to get us off the ground. As this was my personal vessel I was the captain of the ship and had the capacity to make orders.

Minutes passed as the ship slowly lurched forwards, the technology cooperating with the crew somewhat as we quickly flew through the sky moments later, several of our Airforce's fighters following us from behind as they escorted us to the event. Ten minutes passed when we reached Brussels and I was needed on the ground. The whole entire venue was packed to the brim with people and media, my own military personnel giving me sympathetic looks before continuing their tasks.

"Lember, take command whilst I am gone. Stay in this spot unless shot at or I order you to, that is my last order at this moment."

"Yes Mam!"

"Good. I'll see you all when I get back."

I created a Gate at the head of the podium within the UN. Stepping through the Gate i was met with panicking politicians and the movements of Spec Ops teams, that suddenly stopped and went back to their positions.

The politicians collectively breathed a sigh of relief as the room returned to calm as the reporters and other various people watching all started to record me. The US president stood up and grabbed a mic on his table.

"I would like to thank all of you for coming today, all representatives of the collective countries of Earth."

'Soon to be named Terra...'

"We meet here today to form a world first, history's first, world government. Today we have Emelia Lionheart President of the nation called: The Veritas Imperium. Their past moniker being Atlantis."

There was silence as he continued.

"As you all know and the world knows, we come to this meeting today to establish Emelia as the leader of us all, under the guidance of the United Nations and the people of the world. Please, stand and applaud the new leader of Earth."

Everyone stood up simultaneously as thunderous applause reigned supreme within the hall, only one person making a reference to Padme from Star Wars. Something about Democracy dying with applause... silly person. I nodded slightly and waited for them to finish before raising my hand and requesting them to slowly silence themselves.

"Thank you all once again for your faith, and trust in my abilities and goals. I must thank everyone on Earth at this moment for the momentous honour you have bestowed upon me and trust you have placed in my character. For this I will forever be grateful and serve in the best interests of the people!"

There was another round of applause.

"Today I have become your leader, the representative of mankind and our struggles. Using that, i would like to start off with an announcement and an explanation."

The room turned eerily silent once again as I breathed in deeply before continuing onwards.

"As of a month ago a new planet has appeared within the Solar System."

Gasps echoed around the chamber as the flickering of Cameras ensued.

"This planet is, Earth... Earth from another multiverse, another reality. This Earth had been ravaged by the invasion of Aliens from beyond the stars. They had raised the humans on that Earth to become a food source and raised them like cattle... Terraforming Earth they changed its atmosphere to a combination of Xenon, Sulphur dioxide and other chemical compounds."

"With the advanced technology of The Veritas Imperium we have been able to rescue the remaining 5 million people on the planet and restore the planet to its previous state. They are now living on a planet also named Earth..."

There was a furious amount of flickers and more and more phones were being taken out to record this moment. The politicians had darkened faces and seemed very concerned about the fate of the other planet, considering that it could have easily been this Earth.

"Therefor we come to my announcement. I wish to rename the planets. Our planet shall be named Terra and theirs Terra Nova. I make this decision not to isolate the two populations but to indicate the new era we are on the precipice of entering... Like the Romans thousands of years ago we have reached the most technologically supreme of our era via a multitude of means, we are now entering a new age and need to have the same initiative that the Roman Empire did. This initiative will bring both planets closer together and bring a sense of closeness."

The silence was deafening and a bit concerning until a massive uproar of wooos and yeah's filled the room followed by the cheering of the entire crowd. I was a bit worried about their mental state due to this but I quickly found the route cause. 

'They were happy that I was able to save them and that I was here to help them out in the case of a similar event... So selfish... All well, if that is what can force my fancy names through then why not.'


Hope you enjoyed!


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