Little bit of a flashback and starting the Date

In those hours leading up to the start of my week-long date with my women I had actually gone to Coruscant, with its palatial towers and monumental size and density. The entire planet was a city, every part of it. The streets you stand on? City. The surface of the planet? Unseen and thousands of floors below the surface level of the Ecumenopolis.

I had shown up in the middle of an alley way where I heard grunts and bestial utterances. I didn't even need to look to see what was going on so I just exited the alleyway and merged onto the main street. I was dressed in a beautiful black and silver dress with transparent X patterns running across the bottom of said dress. I had my beautiful storage ring on my hand as i was wearing matching earrings. Needless to say that I was way too overdressed for the area i found myself, drawing attention from multiple people.

There were some men who looked at me in open lust but a small nudge from a force blast easily dissuaded the fuck heads. I quickly extended my force powers across the planet, uncaring for any Jedi detection and found the most prominent real estate office on Coruscant. Of course I easily used my Magitechna domain to hack into the government's files and create my own identity and one for each of my women. Standing at the front desk of the real estate agency I found myself talking to a luscious and lithe Twi'lek woman with distinctive green skin and tattoos. She asked me the standard questions that a normal desk lady would ask including my ID marker which I easily produced using my reality domain and the new records i made. Everything went fine as we moved onto what my budget would be and what type of house I am looking for.

"What is the most expensive housing you have?"

She flinched a little at the question but soon became excited at the prospect of a big buyer. She straightened herself a little more and emphasized her assets, knowing that I was glancing at them anyway.

"Our most expensive properties range in the billions... As of right now we have a building close to the Jedi Temple for a little over 2 billion Credits."

I didn't like that one as it was close to the prying eyes and senses of force powered idiots who considered themselves just despite the inherent lack of emotion they preach. She saw this and quickly went to the next one on her list, a data pad being what she was using as we were now moving into a more private meeting room.

"There is one near the high-class district near the senate and entertainment sector. It is pricy at around 10 billion and has all of the amenities you would expect. It is basically a palace as it is a penthouse apartment with views of numerous entertainment events that play in the area. It has 20 Bedrooms, 10 Bathrooms, 2 Pools, 5 Kitchens, several bays for air speeders, a Personal landing pad for space vessels, entertainment rooms for all different types of games within the Galaxy and two different halls for entertaining guests."

Now that sounded more like it, we would be exploring the entertainment of Coruscant and having some meals at restaurants all over, so a house within that area would be very convenient. This doesn't even include the fact that I could spatially link this house and my apartment in Atlantis and make travel instant and very convenient.

"I'll take it!"

"Yay! Well if you would come with me we'll finish the procedures and complete your purchase."

(End of Flashback)


Me and my wives were now ready to go, the only thing holding us up being our adoptive daughter Blink, who had insisted she also dress up well.

Several minutes passed as my women slowly became impatient but luckily Blink finally came through the door leading to the bedrooms. She was wearing a rather sexy purple dress that had a hole between her breasts where skin was being shown. The dress itself was silken and had a shiny lustre to it.

My women, who had at this point gotten informed by Skadi about Blink's intentions, were looking at her and sighing slightly, most of them deferring to Illyana who was my first wife. I didn't want to know the result until it was obvious so I just decided not to detect any emotions of a little and gave her a small compliment.

"It looks nice daughter. You have style."

She blushed a little and walked over to my wives where she received some choice stares from Jean and Skadi. Illyana didn't seem bothered and welcomed her to the gathering and wish she enjoyed herself. Blink seemed a little uncomfortable at the stares and from what i could see, seemed really saddened that she was being treated like this.

'Ughh... It's so hard to see her like that. One part of me wants to stop this petty staring and shit, another wants me to just let things play out naturally.'

[She put herself in the position honey, its not your fault... Let Illyana decide and she will make the choice. From what i can tell so far it is likely that the relationship of mother and daughter will remain intact at the very least.] (Oceana)

'...Doesn't make it any easier but I know what you mean. Fine, do it your way, just please tell Jean and Skadi to settle it down a little.'

[Okay honey, I will, Jean can't hear you right now btw because she is too focussed.]

'Mmm'kay, love you.'

[Love you too.]

To stop the awkward atmosphere I quickly stood up and beamed a smile at everyone.

"Come now everyone, let us all go and enjoy the sights and scenes of another multiverse!"

There was a collective celebratory outcry as all of my women seemed uber-excited, they all got close to me and huddled around as I created a ~Gate~ and showed them the new house/palace i had bought. Gasps and yelps resounded as several of my women cascaded into the home, finding the unique architecture fascinating and enjoyable. Illyana checked out the kitchen and entertainment area finding appliances that were rather similar to Earth's but way more fancy and precise. The home had a hologram TV where shows of all types splayed out before the projector. The view was the main thing that my women enjoyed as they eyes the semi-distant light displays and hectic neon light.

"Honey? Where are we?" (Kali)

"This is Coruscant, the capital city of the Republic."

All sorts of reactions came from my women and daughter as they all played around within the house. I let them do as such and quickly set up a connection to my apartment, connecting directly to the end of the bedroom hallway. I set up the door and tuned the door to connect only to that singular door at the end of the hallway, the dial would not have this building added to it. It would become a private sanctum of my family.


Hope you enjoyed!


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