Chat with my First Wife, Giving the Children their friends

Getting back home, I dropped onto the couch and let out a large sigh. I was sort of tired and bored from creating all of those entities. I picked up a VR headset and began to turn it on when I heard Illyana step into the room. I instantly put it down and looked over at her. 

She was wearing a beautiful dress made of silk and various other rare materials, her presence seeming like a fairy descending from heaven to grace mortals with her beauty. Her eyes were clear and happy as she leapt at me and gave me some kisses.

"Honey! I got this dress today... How does it look on me?"

"Great, love. It suits you perfectly. You look like a pretty butterfly."

She laughed as she hugged me tighter, i was now sandwiched between her and the couch and it felt very relaxing, especially since she was straddling my legs. I rubbed her back a little and rested my head on her shoulders.

"How have you been love...? Sorry we don't speak as much anymore..."

"I'm fine! I know you are busy looking after all of us, plus you aren't as absent as you think you are. I mean just yesterday we were having fun with the kids."

I took some time to contemplate what she was saying and started to feel better. Maybe I needed to slow down and smell the roses sometimes. Taking that Idea I quickly scooped her up and dropped onto my back on the couch, Illyana following me in my decent as she layed on top of me; the couch large enough to hold three people in width.

I rolled her off to my left side and quickly used my powers to turn on the air conditioning and the TV, blankets whipping from closets half way across the apartment. Illyana giggled and cozied up to me as she turned to look at the TV. From there we peacefully layed there watching some series. One i particularly liked was Gordon Ramsey's show, Hell's Kitchen, it was fucking hilarious and also made me feel like anything was possible for everyone so long as they put effort and sweat into it.

By the end of the first season the sun was starting to sink below the horizon. I had gifts for my children and some conversations to have with my women... Not to mention that I needed to visit Linda again. With that sad reality coming true we both got up and started to cook food together. It was one of the things we loved to do with each other.

"I made presents for the kids... More like friends really..."

"Honey, they are supposed to gain those by themselves."

"I know, i know, these being are teachers and guardians as well. Like that Naruto boy with the seal on him. They are like that but for our children, except our children's versions will be much safer and more social with them."

"Okay... well, let's see how this goes."

As she said that my gaggle of kids entered the room followed by my other wives, all of them laughing and settling down as they saw 30+ dishes me and Illyana had made in the kitchen, most of them from me as I multitasked with my telekinesis and clones.

"How are my little fairies and warriors doing?"

""Goood!"" (Elijah, Rachel, Jayden, Eclipse)

"Were okay...!" (Corrin, Louise, Angelo)

"What's for dinner mummy?" (Octavia and Olivia)

The rest made numerous different sounds all in affirmation. They were the cutest little kids but also some of the most difficult to fucking contain. An example of this would be Jayden who was currently wrestling his his toy away from his pet rooster... 'I don't know how the hell he got that rooster and I'm not even going to ask...'

"That's good! Mummy has presents for you all, after dinner." I had to add that last part as I saw some of my children running towards me in excitement, the words knocking the sped out of them.

"But mum..." Elijah was the one to speak up for the group as the rest looked at me with the same eyes; crocodile tears collecting in the corners of their eyes. My wives laughed and came next to me, giving me kisses and hugs as they sat down on the couch after grabbing their food.

"Good luck getting them off of you now honey!" jean was in a jovial attitude as I had given her a playful slap on the ass on the way through, my other wives receiving similar treatment as I shared her sense of feeling to them all at that moment. They gave me rather flirtatious eyes as they sneakily hinted at some actions tonight. Needless to say I was excited.


After sitting down and eating I had all of my children sit down in front of me. All 23 were now splayed out in front of me as they looked at me in utter excitement. Illyana, Jean, Oceana, Idun, Hel, Hela, Sol, Emma, Kali, Pixel and Skadi were all off to the side looking on with hilarity plastering their faces and emotions. Illyana felt a little concerned but eventually also got into and excited mood.

I started by summoning the first being I had made, making sure it was of a smaller size for now. The Dragon was the one to appear as he looked at me in reverence and then started to gaze out towards my children, his eyes instantly locking onto Lanfear. He looked up to me and I nodded. My children were all exclaiming and starting to get restless, their bodies moving side to side.

"Now, now, children, calm down please. You will all get a companion like this one." My children's eyes glowed in excitement and stopped moving as they observed the currently miniature dragon. The dragon strutted over to Lanfear and looked at her straight in the eyes. Most little girls would flinch at the eye contact but she maintained the gaze of the dragon and even gave back what he was showing, it looked as if they were suited to be friends.

"I will be her guardian, mistress." I nodded and smiled as I already knew that would be the case, especially since I had made them specifically to suit the traits of my kids. I waved my hand and created a magical symbol that mixed with Lanfear's birthmark, moments later the dragon was placed within the dimension adjacent to her soul. Lanfear's eyes were wide but ultimately returned to normal as she raised her hand and a small flame emerged, the colour bright white with hints of black.

I summoned the next entity and had her appear before Serphina. Instantly an orange halo appeared above Serphina's head as her own halo acted like a seal for the Fallen-Angel-Succubus. The entity seemed happy and flashed me and her a smile before disappearing.

Next was the Sphinx which appeared in front of my first daughter, Aurora, she was very happy and excited as she watched the rainbow coloured Sphinx come up to her leg and lightly rub its mane against her leg.

The Arch Fey appeared in front of Eclipse as she happily started to poke 'his' head. The action got a pout from the Fey before he smiled and lightly pinched her cheek with his power, the gravity drawing her down so that he could flick her cheek. I created a seal for both the fey and the Sphinx, binding them to my children as I moved on.

The Phoenix and Daji-lookalike were next as they appeared in front of Elijah and Rachel, the two of the huffing at each other before I created a seal for them and merged them to their hosts. Hydrus was getting worried because he hadn't been called out yet, but this vanished as a small Hydra appeared in front of him, the twenty heads of the creatures slithering amongst each other as they looked up at him. I created another seal, like the first ones I created and move on yet again.

Next were the Warhammer 40k entities and for them i decided to summon all of them at once and put them in front of their recipients. The goddess entity with spears was placed in front of strong and resplendent daughter Olivia, The Sword entity in front of my sharp little daughter Octavia, Shiva'E in front of my little war god of a son, Shiva; I was just going to call the entity Shiva'E in future, so i wasn't confused... And finally the Ranged Firepower Entity to my conservative thrill seeker Constantine. All of them had looks of pure elation spread across their faces. The other children of mine were starting to get worried that they wouldn't get any... So i decided to unleash all of the remaining entities.

The Diamond Elemental Entity soared up to the shoulders of Louise, her many facets glowing in the light of the room, making beautiful patterns against the walls. The Lightning Elemental Entity was also swirling around Anna's head as it playfully darted around, lightly zapping Anna with small shocks of static electricity.

The White armoured transcendent looking entity was also looked up at Catherine and smiled. The two of them got on as a purple aura from Asgard itself flowed around the entity. The Mermaid Entity lightly sat on Atheria's knees as they began to converse in English, my mental conveyance containing most basic information and more specifically information on the likes and dislikes of my children; they all got information about each of my children.

The Space-Time Entity was floating calmly as he floated in front of Eternia, she was engrossed in the entity's powers and ultimately began to ask it questions. Funny enough, It answered them and began to lightly reveal some of its powers, reversing time in a localised field surrounding a tear in her shirt. I smiled at that interaction as she now had stars practically forming in her eyes. 

The two technological entities were conversing between the two of my children, both of them combining the greeting as they considered working together to be better than working alone. I loved that Idea and quickly spread that information to each of the entities, telling them to work with each other to figure out solutions to issues that may pop up, like a small entity chatroom. Needless to say my two daughters were blown away with their technological friends and began to ask them all sorts of questions.

"How did you use Electricity to stabilize the polarity of your internal power structure?" I chuckled at Lalina's question as Natali also nodded next to her.

Angela, Angelo and Jayden were flabbergasted by their own entities as they looked at them in awe and enjoyment... But it came to me, i forgot two... Rose and Corrin were left out and they had tears in their eyes. 'SHIT! FUCK!' Calming myself down forcefully I gave them a huge smile and started to talk to them.

"Rose, Corrin, i didn't forget you! I just need to go grab them real quick, they were super special and hard to find, okay? Give mummy a few moments." Their sadness instantly turned into bright smiles as they started to discuss between each other what they would get. My other kids also started to join in as Illyana looked at me with a dead pan expression.

'Look... Having 23 kids is rough, forgetting only 1 or 2 was acceptable sometimes. Luckily I was a fucking Primordial.'

I vanished quickly and appeared on Illum, the planet from which most lightsaber crystals; Kyber Crystals, were found. I instantly deployed a time domain and sped up the inside so that a second or two outside was an hour inside. To make up for me forgetting them I decided to imbue these ones with a little more outside of just their usual elements.

I started the process of creating an entity of Ice, in fact, I was going to make an Ice Queen sitting on a throne with Kyber Crystals jutting out of it. Secondly I added some small amount of time energy, supplied by your truly, into the process. Following that I also imbued some sun stone into the entity so that she was truly the brains of the entities.

An hour passed inside before the entity was finished, I conveyed all of the knowledge she needed and proceeded to turn off the time bubble, store her and then take off towards Elysium, the actual dimension. When I landed i was in field of flowers, plants, crops, animals and various other things. I ignored all of it and instantly began to create the entity, using the same time bubble to isolate myself from real time and to make the process quicker. The good thing about being a primordial is that my powers superseded time and space, the energy was being collected despite the time differential.

I had the image of a beautiful fairy, literal this time, with auburn hair, vibrant neon blue eyes and large fairy wings. She was sitting on a small cloud and shewing on grapes. The creation magic I was using churned away as within an hour the entity formed. She was beautiful and slightly golden in skin colour as her bright shiny eyes scanned me up and down in an energetic nature. I did the same to her that I did with the Ice Queen and stored her, whisking back to home.

"Here! These were little buggers to gather, so please cherish them." My daughters nodded happily as Illyana smiled, i could tell she bought what I had said as well. Emma was a little doubtful but she just shook her head and continued watching the children.

The two entities appeared and began to interact with my little fairies, all of my children interacting and communicating with their entities. The ones that were sealed also came out to play as they talked amongst each other and with their wards. Life was good, when i didn't forget some children... 'That was close...'


This chapter took me hours, i hope you enjoy! Please feel free to leave a comment and i hope it was good enough to gain some power stones...

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