Change of Rule, First Battle for the Multiverse

Twelve hours after the start of the battle the entire solar system of Alderaan was alight it multicoloured explosions and beams as Terran ships clashed with the bright white battleships of the Ori. 

Stray beams from the Ori vessels crashed against asteroids and disappeared into various uninhabitable planets in the system. The Terran ships had formed a defensive wall around Alderaan with their void shields as the Ori used multifaceted tactics to subvert the shields, pulling Asteroids near to the Terran ships so that some ships would have to break off and deal with the asteroids; to stop it from dropping onto the planet.

Meanwhile Emelia had already begun to implement massive changes to both The Republic and the Sith. She had first began by removing all forms of corruption, using thousands of military Automatons to enforce her changes as army corps moved into Korriban, Coruscant, Tython, Alderaan and Dromund Kaas. The troops weren't alone however as they were back up by Asgardian forces, The Space Force, Airforce and finally the sorcerers of Kamar-Taj. Oddly enough the sorcerers had changed their job description and had now become a sort of defence force for the Veritas Imperium. When asked by Emelia, Yao had just shrugged and said that it seemed appropriate and would possibly change some factors in future, which Emelia agreed with.


Currently on Dromund Kaas Several thousand of the Veritas Imperium's troops marched into the main Sith Sanctuary on the planet. Many of the sith were resistant to the change of rulership so suddenly and had confronted the soldiers about this, others sneaking around trying to find a way to torture information out of straggling troops. This was impossible to achieve really as within moments of a soldier being left alone an automaton would step back and follow said soldier as protection.

One such event was playing out as a Sith in moderate garb and equipment stepped up towards the foreign force and began to shout threats and thinly veiled disgust at the display. The military force of the Sith were ready to launch into action at a moments notice as several turrets and emplacements tracked the 'enemy' force with their weapons. No one had fired yet because of Darth Vitiates orders but it was soon getting to the stage where his orders would mean very little.

Two soldiers stepped forwards to stop the sith as he quickly grabbed for his lightsaber. In moments the lightsaber was out and slashing down towards the soldiers. The automatons in the area instantly alit in hostility as their weapons aimed directly at the other sith in the area, the Soldiers tapping buttons on their power armour, summoning small moveable shields. The soldiers of the Veritas Imperium aimed their particle lance rail guns; PLRG's, outwards at the sith forces and comms quickly passed to the ships in high orbit.

The automatons face plates opened up and started to shine brightly in crimson colours. The lightsaber of the first sith hit the power armour and bounced off as small amounts of heat was left on the power armour. The two soldiers instantly smacked him in the face and dropped a couple shots into him, blood seeping out of his wounds. The one thing about sith that everyone was told, everyone in the military at least, 'Never trust a Sith and never back down from violence, they see it as weakness.'

Words to live by when dealing with Sith. These soldiers knew these lessons as they had been trained in VR with this direct setting in mind, hence the easy reaction of all of the soldiers and automatons. The sith population was outraged and wide-eyed at the seeming lack of power that their lightsabers held against the armour of these soldiers. Automatons were but an icing on the cake when it came to the intimidation and power that this new force had just shown.

The corps easily took over the capital of the sith planets as a new order was being implemented. One that would have the core beliefs of the Sith but altered into a more centralist ideology. There must be balance in all things and thus the birth of the first Sith-Jedi society was formed in the galaxy.


On the Republic worlds things were a bit more peaceful and cordial as the government came out and told the people of the impending threat and the fact that the republic is going to work with and alongside the Veritas Imperium. They wanted to take a more gradual approach in comparison to the Sith and wished to slowly convince the people of their planets to work with and become part of the Veritas Imperium. Emelia accepted this way of doing things due to the fact that most beings within the Republic were used to democracy, or at least a form of it.

This didn't stop Emelia from reforming several different policies, laws and judgements, these changes passing through the wartime power allowance of the Chancellor of the Republic. There were of course some hiccups with such fast changes but honestly this was nothing in comparison to the power of Emelia.


Above Alderaan several ships from the Terran Space Force broke off from their original aegis formation and began to rapidly rush into the heart of the Ori forces. Several continent sized lasers blitzed towards them only to be syphoned off by the shielding of the eight vessels. Now in the heart of the enemy formation, which was splayed around the space above the magnetic poles of Alderaan the ships shut off all propulsion.

The Ori, taking this as a chance to inflict damage and potentially make their enemy hurt, began to open fire on these eight ships. That was an error. The lasers passed through the non-existent shielding and hit the hulls directly, but instead of damaging the ships the hulls absorbed the energy and redirected it into large emission arrays, placed on top of the bridge section. Energy started to pulse from said emission arrays until a massive wave of exotic particles washed over the entire enemy force, eventually dissipating just before the rest of the Terran fleet that was positioned in low orbit.

From that moment on the entirety of the enemy's siege was useless as the rest of the Terran forces began to ascend from low orbit and lock the disabled Ori Ships with tractor beams.

There were many drinks shouted for by the rest of the fleet for the crews of those eight vessels that day...


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