chapter 2.crime series( part 1)

At the tv display news was scrolling Melbourne City again attacked by the strangers.the breaking news was more people killed at the incident and they ere counting it. Many more to be few people was gathered out at the road and watching the incident hakudoshi with his parents and stay before the building. Yuki stood with his parents at the other side yuki's father.

What will happen to the city how many days people will suffer than Yuki looked at his father

Yuki said dad I will rescue the city and the people one day it will become to end.

Yuki's father replied yes my son I will feel proud when you will rescue the whole city from these demons.

Hakudoshi was watched at Yuki while he was saying it. Then his father got a call then he took hakudoshi to his home.

After the day hakudoshi was upset and his father asked his wife what happened to him then she replied that he got failed at one subject.

He said Help him at his studies to get him good marks then she replied that she will help him

his mother was came inside then hakudoshi sit at his bed and be upset.

She said don't worry dear I will help you then hugged him and she went out of his room .

He just felt like he wasn't like other boys and he was slow at his studies that made him upset .

Hakudoshi was new joined boy at the school and he was innocent but he was usually they all were street friends.

The day when he passed some boys came near to him and teased him and said Yuki Is a hero then hakudoshi is a zero then he ran away from there by Crying .

The next day Yuki was at school with his gang one of the boy teased hakudoshi then he was crying at the corner of the library then Yuki and his gang was gone to warn him them.

Yuki went to them and they almost fight among themselves.

After the fight the proffessor came and send them to the principal yoshi he have seen all at the cameras.

After they went inside the principal office he restricted the Yuki gang and suspended for a month from the school.

Yuki was the hero of the school and he is brave enough and he never afarid of anything he will do what feels him good also he was a quite cute and soft heart for his friends.

Hakudoshi was a coward and he is very sensitive of everything. And even people may tease him easily. Yukino and ito Hiroshi was also a same of Yuki as well only hakudoshi was quite different of them.

Yoshi father was a also very kind with his son he never disappoint him also he give everything whatever he wants never denied

He gave him more freedom.

He just want his be good at his personality and do good things to others.