"I trust you will make a good CEO," Mr Blake said as they all returned to their seats.

"We hope so too," some of the board members said, aligning their hopefulness with that of Mr Blake's.

"At this point, I will want everything to move as fast as possible," Mr Bishop said looking at each and everyone of them.

"Oh, if so, what are we waiting for? The date should be set immediately," Mr Blake suggested.

"Exactly, there's no need to keep the boss waiting. The date should be set immediately," another board member, Mr Smith, said agreeing to Mr Blake's suggestion.

"Good. Alright then," Mr Bishop said, "When is the perfect date that will be convenient for the inauguration?"

The board members looked at each other, waiting for the first person's suggestion.

"Two days from now should be perfect. It will give us ample time to reached out to the various invitees," Mr Smith suggested.

"Mm. Two days from now huh?" Mr Bishop asked.

"That will fall on Friday," Mr Smith quickly responded.

"Okay. That's a good suggestion," Mr Bishop said, sighing. "Does anyone else have another suggestion? Or is this date good enough?" 

"I think the date is perfect, since you're looking at Justin taking over as soon as possible. We can't leave the office of the CEO vacant for long. So yeah, I think the date is perfect," Mr Blake said.

"He's right," the rest of the board members nodded their heads in affirmation.

"Excellent! We'll need to call for a press conference today, so y'all gonna have to stick arounda little while longer," Mr Bishop said.

"No problem at all. As long as I get my endless supply of bourbon," Mr Blake hilariously requested.

"That can be arranged," Mr Bishop laughed.


Joey was at his desk carrying out his duties, when he saw Mr Cornell emerge from the elevator, heading to his office.

"Good morning sir," Joey greeted Mr Cornell.

"Good morning Joey," he replied. "Be in my office in few minutes time."

"Okay sir," Joey responded. He smiled as though anticipating something good. 

Each time a particular project is executed, Joey must differently have his share of whatever is deducted from the project.

For this particular project, Joey took his time to engaged his most frudulent skills he had never engaged so as the gain more.

Few minutes later, Joey rushed to Mr Cornell's office.

"How was your night rest?" Mr Cornell asked, looking at Joey.

"I had a good night rest sir," Joey answered elatedly.

"I saw the records of the allocation, and I must say, you did one hell of a job," Mr Cornell praised.

"Thank you sir," Joey replied, smiling. 

"I knew I wasn't wrong hiring you," Mr Cornell added. "So, I believe the transaction records can't reveal any discrepancy right? Because we can't be caught."

"Not at all sir. Everything went as smoothly as always," Joey assured. 

"Alright then. Good job. But, there's something I'd like you to take note of," Mr Cornell said.

"Okay," Joey said. "What is it about?" 

Joey suddenly got an eerie feeling, wondering what it could be.

"The thing is that-"

Mr Cornell was startled when he heard a knock on his door, and it suddenly swung open.

"Good morning sir," Agnes said as she walked in, interrupting them.

"Agnes. You came to my office. Is everything okay?" Mr Cornell asked, feeling a bit jittery.

'What could have brought her to my office this morning without any prior call?" Mr Cornell wondered.

"I needed to work on a file as instructed by Mr Bishop this morning, but I couldn't find it. I Just needed to confirm if it was brought to my desk."

"What file in particular?" Mr Cornell asked.

"The recent allocation you made to the HR department, for the induction of the new employees," Agnes answered.

"Oh that. Its yet to be submitted to you," Mr Cornell said. "There are some things I needed to have indicated, which were mistakenly omitted."

"Alright sir. But please, it has to be done immediately. Mr Bishop has requested for it," Agnes said as she exited Mr Cornell's office.

"So what was it you wanted to say sir," Joey asked.

"Alright. So um, you did one hell of a job like I said. But, with Mr Bishop's visit the other day with that young man who audited the previous allocation we made, an extra security measure was put in place." 

"Okay..." Joey's voice trailed off, as he furrowed his brow.

"I no longer have access to the account where you usually send the money we deduct to. Another signatory was assigned, other than me," Mr Cornell revealed.

"That's bullshit! Are you trying to screw me over sir?" Joey flared up.

"Keep your voice down God damnit!" Mr Cornell said with gritted teeth, looking through his glass office. 

"When have I ever denied you your cut from what we do, huh? My hands are tied now. There's nothing I can do about this. We'll have to come up with something for future transactions," Mr Cornell said.

"You're lying. You see that young man who came with Mr Bishop, I know him. He is my cousin. And I sure as hell know Mr Bishop couldn't have taken any suggestions from him," Joey fired back. 

Mr Cornell gulped, seeing how unbending Joey was. 

"You know what, if I don't get my cut of twenty thousand dollars by tomorrow, just get ready to kiss Cap Industries goodbye. I have a lot I need to take care of with that money," Joey threatened.

"Well, if I go down, you go down with me. I only call the shots, but you're the trigger. So imagine what Mr Bishop would do to you," Mr Cornell also threatened.

Joey laughed hysterically. "So you want to play dirty huh? Alright, I'll fucking show you how we play dirty." 

Joey angrily stormed out of the office, slamming the door. It startled everyone and they turned towards the direction of the sound. They saw Joey huffing and puffing as he walked by, not knowing what exactly he was saying.

He sat in his seat at his desk, and saw a colleague of his looking at him, wondering what the matter was with him.

"What the fuck you looking at?!" he yelled at her. She turned back to her computer screen, minding her business. 

He sat there sulking, unable to carry on with what he had left off doing. Then his phone buzzed. He got his phone from his pocket to see what the notification was for.

"What the fuck!" he yelled, and immediately began dialing Samantha's number.