Standing in front of the front desk was a beautiful woman with long golden hair that laid like silk threads and ran to the small of her back. Her emerald eyes seemed to sparkle with a certain warmth and her fair skin shown with slight freckling. She wore robes of rich blues and purples, which at certain moments under the light sparkled with a variety of symbols in silvers and golds. It was hard to tell what the symbols were at first glance but as they approached the platforms they became clearer in the instances they shown like jewels. Some seemed to match some of what was written on the board in style and Jien could only marvel at the idea. It appeared that she was wearing robes covered in alchemical symbology.
Perhaps he had stared too long or intensely at the woman and her clothing because her focus had turned from the group as a whole to himself in specific. "Is there something that you would like to say to me?" the woman asked in a gentle tone that sounded like a mix of silver bells and a soft lullaby. Despite not trying to raise her voice her words seemed to carry with unusual clarity in the clearing, reaching Jien with ease. Jien blinked because he was unsure what had allowed her voice such clarity from a distance but it seemed that the question had only reached him. It was either that or the other's were purposely ignoring it, something that he doubted given their nonchalant attitude as they continued onto the platform and up towards the front of the 'classroom'.
There were many tables with about twenty full sets of alchemy tools but only ten of them here so they gathered at the front tables to make sure that they could see what was on the board and hear the teacher's words. It was only as those of his team started to find seats that Jien answered her question, not wanting to yell from across the space and unsure if he could replicate the feat of the beautiful mentor. He approached her calmly, catching the same, infrequent glimpses of what he was sure were runes used in certain types of alchemy. They appeared to be woven in a web that spread across the robes in an organized pattern.
He seemed to get sucked into the mesmerizing patterns once more without realizing it, only brought out of his daze by a soft clearing of the throat and a simple question. "May I help you?" Jien, once more regaining focus looked this new mentor in the face instead of staring at her robes. He found her warm emerald eyes and a kind smile on her lips. She felt like a patient mother, willing to happily discuss topics at length with her child than a mentor preparing to give him a lecture on alchemy.
Jien paused for a moment before asking the question on his mind. "The patterns on your robes, they look like alchemical runes, may I ask what they do and how they are created? It doesn't appear that they are sewn into the fabric given how they are only visible in certain light." The question was both a question and a statement, as if asking her but then ending with a ponderance of his own, almost telling her not to give away the secret so he could discover it on his own.
"That is a rather advanced application of alchemy." she stated calmly, not giving him a full answer. "Unfortunately we won't be covering such an advanced topic for quite some time, but if it truly interests you and you don't mind waiting to know then you should go to Central Administration the on Wednesday on your work time and ask for me. My name is Perse Everhart, but you will refer to me as Professor Everhart going forward."
Her voice was still a gentle lullaby as she spoke, almost the murmur of a small forest spring, yet as clear as day for not just Jien but the others to hear as well. They had turned their attention to the professor and Jien, having heard his question and only now catching glimpses of the runes scattered within the folds of her robes. "Thank you Professor." The response was calm and Jien gave her a slight bow, adhering to his classes on etiquette despite being a long way from his home.
It was only when he found his seat between Olivia and Julie at the front of the class, left open for him on purpose, that a thought flashed through his mind. That name rang a bell but he wasn't sure where at first. Once he was seated his eyes reflected a myriad of stars as he delved into the mindscape once more to try an figure out why her name seemed so important. It was several long moments, longer than he was used to searching through his recorded information that he was able to find the answer, and it left him awestruck.
This woman before them, Perse Everhart, was the author of the alchemy book that he had received years ago on his birthday. In fact he still had the green, leather bound book within his bag, though long worn due to his travels in places like the Warping Forest. He never in his wildest dreams imagined the day that he would meet the very same woman who authored the book that had taught him so much about the basics of alchemy.
He knew immediately that he not only was going to pay special attention to this course, but that he most definitely would be spending some of his independent study time to discuss more with her at length. He only hoped that she would be willing to discuss more than what was on the curriculum for this first course. He took a deep breath to steady his racing heart and mind in preparation for the lesson to come. Only to notice, just as the hour struck and the class began, a lithe, grey fox jump out of the surrounding trees, gracefully hopping onto the raised platform and stepping up next to Perse before sitting and scanning the students with intelligence more than an average animal would have.