After the reward was delivered to the bashful blonde healer Professor Everhart returned to her class and began a modest lecture regarding some of the basics of alchemy from a general perspective. Most of the knowledge was already covered in her own book on alchemy or the textbook used for the course, however there were tidbits that she expounded on that were of her own personal experience. She even went as far as to bring up some of her personal experiments in different areas including advanced healing elixirs for specific illnesses.
Jien was furiously scrawling notes as the professor spoke of her own personal work in the field. The others at a certain point all looked over in his direction when they saw the near fanatic look in his eyes as he wrote down everything the woman up front said. Jien wouldn't define himself as purely an alchemist like some would, but he was fascinated by the topic and the professor before him was something of an idol to him given that her book had been the beginning of his studies on the subject.
Of the other members of the unit Julie was doing her best to take notes as well, raising her hand periodically to ask clarifying questions. She wasn't very familiar with alchemy at all other than having been treated with some different solutions while fighting in the arenas to help with healing minor injuries. Meanwhile Rosalind and Robyn both appeared to be on the verge of falling asleep in their sleep. They had done great during the time that the class was hands on, though the end result of their salves were not the greatest. However, when the professor began talking in her melodic tone of voice it was akin to a lullaby.
Luckily for the two of them the class went by relatively quickly and ended with Professor Everhart clapping her hands firmly with a smile on her face. Rosalind and Robyn were snapped from their stupor by the 'deafening' noise in an otherwise relatively silent space. "That is all for today's class. Since it is the first day I will not assign any homework but please do make sure to gather your required textbooks from Central Administration before next class."
Everyone gathered their personal supplies and tidied up their respective stations before they started to file off the the platform. The only exception was Jien himself. Having gathered his supplies properly and straightened up his station he moved around the table in the direction of Professor Everhart who was tidying her own notes and supplies. The others only noticed that he wasn't with them as they started around the first bend in the path, but chose to wait for him outside the greenhouse.
Professor Everhart only noticed Jien approach once he was just across the table from him. Her emerald eyes met his light green one with a look of curiosity. "Is there something that I can help you with?" she asked with a warm smile. Jien's eyes lit up with an uncommon type of joy as he dug around in his bag for a few moments before pulling out a fresh copy of her book. He would have been far to embarrassed to show her the original book that had grown so worn over his time training with the mentors. He had instead gone out of his way to acquire a fresh copy simply because he could hardly read the text of the original in his possession.
Not in his wildest dreams did he consider the fact that he would be taught by one of those that wrote the books that his knowledge base was founded on. He was glad that he had gone to get a new copy and he opened the cover to present the title page to the professor. "I happened to realize that you were the same person as the author of this book that has helped me build what foundation I have in the art of alchemy." Jien stated in what he hoped was a calm voice despite his heart that felt it was beating out of his chest. "I was hoping you would do me the honor of signing this copy of your book."
Perse gave a short, bell like laugh as she accepted the book. "I think you may be the first person to ever ask me for such a thing, but sure, I would be happy to." She took up her pen but then turned to Jien with a thoughtful expression. "And what is your name? Unfortunately I am not provided a register of names, only unit designations for courses."
"My name is Jien Losler professor. Thank you for teaching me alchemy, not just here but when I was younger through your book." Professor Everhart after hearing his name took her time to sign his book in her best penmanship with the words 'To Jien, from one aspiring alchemist to another. – Perse Everhart'. "Here you are Jien!" the professor said as she passed the book back to him.
"Thank you for attending my course and if you ever have any questions or want to discuss topics regarding alchemy my office is open in the afternoons at Central Administration." With that Perse motioned to the path where the other members of Jien's unit had left. "I am sure they are all waiting for you. You should't keep them waiting." With those final words she made her way off the platform along a more hidden path where Jien noticed someone he hadn't before standing while leaning against a tree, waiting for her to arrive.
The man himself was a striking figure with dark tousled hair and deep onyx eyes. He wore the same military uniform of any of the senior members of the staff with a single black chain across his chest. On his shoulder was a brown capybara that seemed to be dozing off gently. When Perse arrived at his side he stood up straight and took her hand, walking through the foliage of the obscured path.
Jien only paid partial attention to the happenings as he made his way out of the clearing to meet with the others.