Life Just Goes On Arc (1st Year)

Second Arc will feature some references and fights as well as moments of romance as well.

Sora would wake up this morning, looking sluggish but unamused like last time but Aika was all he thought about.

Sora: *confused* "Am Love...with her?..."

Sora: "...It must because she's a good friend I guess..."

Sora would look around in his room, as he noticed his phone was buzzing.

Sora picked up his phone and answered the call.


Sora: *annoyed* "What?"

???: *angered* "YOU ARE NEXT TO BE MY WORSE ENEMY...."

Sora hanged up the phone, and sighed.

Sora: *angered* "Worse than Those Guys I Beaten when I met Her..."

Sora: "I think imma watch some rosa x vampire after I finish reading Half Speed..."

Sora then finished reading Half Speed.

Sora: *laughing* "Byron is just like me in a way.."

Sora noticed the time and headed down downstairs.

Satou: *Shouting* "Sora..."

Sora: *Confused* "Yes, Dad?"

Satou: *confused* "Where are you going?"

Sora: "To see Hiroyuki."


Sora: *embarrassed, waving* "See ya later Dad."

Satou didn't know Aya was behind him.

Aya: *angry* "Where is Sora, My Love?"

Satou: "oh dear..."

Aya scolded Satou, hitting him on the head

Satou: "Ow..."

Aya: "Now Eat Sora's Portion I Guess.."

Megumi after finishing her food.

Megumi: *waving* "MOM, I AM GOING NOW."

Megumi would walk to school now, but then she stopped as she noticed Sora going the opposite direction of the school.

Megumi: *wondering* "Where is that idiot going?"

We would then get introduced to Daisuke, who was quite weird and strange, with 200 pounds of body fat and quite perverted tendencies.

Daisuke: *muttering, bleeding from the nose* "16.5cm, Bust size A, Luna Watanabe"

Jisu: *Rubbing His Hands, Perversely* "DO HER.. DO HER..."

Takashi: *Rubbing his hands, lustfully* "YEAH YEAH DO HER DO HER..."

Daisuke would notice Emi, as he then blushed, this however made Emi Weirded Out.

???: "...What A Weirdo..."

??? was a 5'4 15 Year Old 2nd Year who was quite gothic appearance, and had a emo like personality but was also the Student Body President.


Daisuke: "Hana... Aged 15... 162.56cm... Bust Size D.."

Hana would stare at Daisuke, with disgust.

Hana: *weirded out* "...DUMBASS STOP STARING."

Hana: *walking off* "..YOU KNOW WHAT I DON'T CARE.."

Daisuke was turned on by this, weirding out Jisu & Takashi a bit.

Daisuke then look out the window to see Sora with Emi.


Jisu: *sighed* "At least he isn't with Aika~Senpai..."

Takashi: *Smirked* "Or with Moriko, Luna & Maybe Megumi..."

Jisu & Takashi noticed Moriko, Aika, Luna & Megumi by Sora, which pissed them off as well.

Takashi: *angry* "Let go find that Woman Stealer."

Jisu and Daisuke nodded before walking off with Takashi, but then Daisuke noticed a computer.

Daisuke: *Grinning* "Guys How About we just spread lies on Sora."

Jisu and Takashi nodded and agreed, smirking devilishly.

Daisuke would then finish making his video and sent it to the biggest outlets on the internet.

Daisuke: "This should work guys.."

Daisuke rubbed his hands, and grinned smugly.

Takashi: *smirking* "Hopefully, It won't be long until we see him rot in despair.."

Jisu: *Annoyed* "Let's Hurry, so we can read some fanfics like Waman x Original Cast"

Takashi: *weirded out* "NO EW..I rather watch paint dry than read waman x original cast"

Daisuke: *grinning* "Then, Ninja Warrior Adventures it is then."

They all walked out from school, as it transitioned to the next day.

Everyone looked at their phones getting a notification as they watched the video of some guy exposing Sora.

Sora: *not knowing about anything* "What?... Let's Play Something later i guess."

Sora would then stop in his tracks as he noticed the student council arrive with Megumi Tanaka, the Student Council Vice President, tearing up somewhat.

Sora: *worried but angry* "Megumi?? Are You Okay?"

Sora tried to walk up in order to comfort his sister, megumi but was stopped as emi, Aika & moriko knee'd him.

Sora: "What the Hell."

Sora then noticed that they were faked a knee strike onto his stomach, confused.

Sora: *pissed* "Guys.... tell me what's going on?"

Emi: "I AM NOT SURE..."

Aika: "I-I'M SORRY..."


Hiroyuki would walk over as he gave his phone to Sora, who then watched the video about HIM.

Sora: *angry, SLIGHTLY PISSED* "Who are these no named fucks and what type of death they want me to give them..."

Hiroyuki: *cracking his hands* "I WANT TO HELP."

Daisuke stared out from the window from where sora was at, as he called and told a bunch of delinquents that Sora was the one who beaten their men.

Daisuke: *Chuckling* "This Should Do for now..."

Luna walked over to sora who then waved at her, causing her to hug him then aika, emi and moriko got jealous and did the same thing.

A Sound of Motorcycles Revved as Loudly as A group of delinquents pulled with their leader in the front.

A Blond Haired Male, Aged 16 about 5'7 asked the three guys in his group if he was the one who attacked them.

???: "is this him, Frank... Tatsuya.... Akihiro.... IS THAT THE LITTLE SHIT WHO MISSED YOU THREE UP?!..."

Frank stared at Sora, noticing him as the kid who uppercutted him away.

???: "Is he?"

Frank: "Yes he is..."

???: "Good Job, Useless Bitch."

??? told the rest of his crew to attack Sora, which sora was ready for until Hana appeared as she told Sora that she'll help him out with this.

Hana: *would stare at Sora* "Don't get hurt, Kid."

Sora: *annoyed* "Kid??"

Sora and Hana stared at each other as they fought together, but they were working well with each other despite just meeting each other for today.

Sora: *grinning* "This was so easy..."

Sora would laugh.

Sora: *While Laughing* "You Bastards are fucking ass at fighting*

Hana: *sliently chuckled* ".."

??? would walk up as he introduced himself as Tsukasa.

Tsukasa: *smirking* "You must think you the strongest after handling puny bitches here but now you are going to fight the real deal now."

Tsukasa dashed at Sora, Striking him with a elbow, but sora countered it with block.

Sora: *Thinking* "What would Cold do in Cold's Distant Adventures??"

Sora would knee strike tsukasa, causing tsukasa to stumble back.

Sora: *would laugh* "You are not winning this that easy, but the real question is who told you to come here anyways?"

Tsukasa: *grinned, cocky* "If you beat me, i'll let you know."

Tsukasa then back handed Sora, causing sora to stagger a bit.

Sora then hit Tsukasa with a 1-2 Jab Combination, which caused tsukasa to stagger as well.

Sora then jumped and hit tsukasa with the meanest roundhouse kick ever, causing tsukasa pass out from the impact.

Sora: *would stand on tsukasa's stomach and laughed* "Wake Up."

Sora got off of him and smacked the shit outta of Tsukasa, waking him up.

Sora: *annoyed* "tell us who sent you?"

Tsukasa: "i did say i was going to tell you."

Tsukasa told frank to untie him and tell sora who sent them over.

Frank: "it was someone named Daisuke."

Sora: "Who is Dais-..."

Hana would grab Sora's Hand and Walked to the computer room with him.

Hana: "i know where that weirdo is at."

Hana took Sora to where Daisuke, Takashi & Jisu were at.

Hana looked for Daisuke, Takashi & Jisu, who then noticed a pissed off Sora.

Hana: *moving out the way* "they are all yours..."

Sora would crack his knuckles.

Hana whispered that, They were the ones behind the exposing channel.

Hana then kissed Sora's cheek before walking off, whispering "i'll see you later i guess."

Daisuke would piss his pants in fear as he told takashi and jisu to handle the issue for him.

Jisu then swung a right hook towards Sora before Sora countered and high knee striked his chin before hammer fisting his temple, causing jisu to foam from the mouth.

Sora Laughed as he laughed viciously, pointing at Jisu and then back at Takashi.

Sora: *smugly, grinning* "You see this loser, this will be you two next."

Sora then decided to elbow strike Takashi's Temple before hitting him in the belt.

Sora: *mentioning* "This is really pissing me off but I guess i'll do the thing that electricity guy from AOAD Or maybe like that guy from Strong Hero, or like someone from Ordinary.."

Sora then swiped jisu's belt and started beating the fuck outta of him, with it then he would notice piss on the floor and was grossed out and would cringe but take a photo of it.

Sora: *while disgusted* "Before I Copied What Cold does to his enemies."

Sora: *before laughing* "THINK. JISU. THINK."

Sora would laugh menacingly and palm striked Daisuke in the stomach, causing him to spit out in pain, and then to make matters worse, Sora laughed and said "I KNOW WHAT YOU ARE."

Sora would get into stance as he was ready to kick him, which he was.

Sora: *laughing* "TAKE THIS. AND THIS. AND THAT."

Sora was kicking on Daisuke like he was a target practice, until Daisuke spat out blood.

Daisuke: *crying* "Please.... Stop... This..."

Sora then got down and just glared at Daisuke.

Sora: *glaring* "Did I Give You Permission to Speak?!"

Sora then got back up but then he noticed Daisuke's Phone on the ground, which he then deleted his channel in front of him, then Stomped on his phone.

Sora: *smirking* "Now then onto kicking you..."

Sora then restarted by Repeatedly Striking Daisuke, with a flurry of kicks before stopping.

Sora: *glaring* "you so fucking weak, you know that?"

Sora would notice a weird fanfic called waman x original cast story, and read through it.

Sora: *weirded out* "How do I delete this story..on this website.."

Sora: *weirded out, concerned* "...Fucking Weirdo..."

Sora then just deleted all three waman x original cast stories from daisuke's account then grabbed the belt from the ground and wacked Daisuke in the cranium.

Sora: *annoyed* "Weird Ass Bastard..."

Sora walked out as he then noticed Hana who then walked over to Sora and give him her number.

Sora: *confused* "What's this for?"

Hana: *blushing* "N-NO...REASON..."

A Day after the situation died down, everyone would notice Daisuke, Takashi & Jisu together and coldheartedly glared at them.

Sora: *laughed* "I Guess they learned their lesson.."

Sora then smirked at hiroyuki.

Sora: *grinning* "Hey um Hiroyuki, can i borrow the Saw Man Manga or the Dive A Dive Manga... Please."

Hiroyuki: *grinning* "then lemme borrow your blotch, wooden sword samurai or two piece mangas then..."

Sora and Hiroyuki Agreed to each other, before slightly sighing.

Sensei Yamato would arrive to class as he told his students about the upcoming school trip that's happening on Friday.

Yamato: "Bring things you'll need..."

Yamato left and sighed, as he looked forward for a new day.

The Students would discuss to each other on what they are bringing.

As the School Day Ended, Everyone was stoked for the school trip.

Sora walked off, heading to the school gate until he was stopped by Hana, Emi, Aika, Moriko & Luna then he walked home with them with Megumi and Hiroyuki following them as well.