SGICY + Fast Forward Arc (Final Year)



Sora would walk as he smiled at his life so far, but decided to think of he would do in the near future.

Sora: (Deep in Thought) "Well, if dad was still here he would be proud of my accomplishments in my life.."

Sora would eye his phone as he noticed that it's 8AM so he got up and changed into his school uniform.

Sora eyed his palm, as he thought of his past, from the time he met Marl to when he came to Japan for the first time with his new family.

Sora would check his watch, realizing that he's running late now that it's now 9am and his graduation starts at 9:30am today.

 Sora would run as fast as he could in order to make it to where his graduation took place. 

Sora: (slightly panting) "Crap... I got to hurry and make it on time."

Sora would run as fast as he can, before he was late.

We then shift to the assembly room where the graduation took place.

Aika, Hiroyuki, Luna & Moriko would wonder where Sora is at, not knowing that he was late.

Aika: (sighing) "I'll try to call him so that we can graduate together..."

Daisuke would walk over with Hana, holding onto his hand towards Aika.

Daisuke: (Sighing) "When are we going to start... i just want to get my award and head home happy for once.."

Daisuke would eye Hana before kissing her, as he walked off stylishly while holding Hana's hand.

Daisuke would think about the day he met Hana to the time he fought Sora to now being in his friend group. (for a recap read the 2nd arc in hearts entwined..)

Hana would pull Daisuke closer to her face, as she then kissed him causing Daisuke to do the same thing back to her.

Luna would sigh as she stared at the sky, reminiscing about the time she met Sora and grew to learn and become his friend despite him being a idiot at times. (for a recap read the 1st arc in hearts entwined)

Hiroyuki would eye Moriko, slightly blushing as he cleared his throat.

Moriko: (confused) "hm, what are you doing hiroyuki..." she would slightly chuckle a bit, as she would internally scream as she had a secret crush on him.

Hiroyuki: (slightly nervous) "Moriko, I-...." He would blush heavily, finally shouting out. "Moriko Please Go Out With Me..." 

Moriko would blush, as she hugged Hiroyuki while she kissed him passionately.

Hiroyuki would close his eyes as he did the same back to her.

We then shift back to where Sora was as he was still running to the assembly place for his graduation ceremony.

Sora would continue running to school for his graduation, until he was stopped by someone.

??? would eye Sora from behind, saying "I found my target..."

??? was revealed to be Shiori Yamaguchi, with her red hair in a ponytail creeping up on Sora ready to strike at him at any second.

Sora would put on his headphones, and listened to music while started running to head to where his graduation took place.

Shiori would decide to strike him, as she dashed at Sora trying to attack him.

Sora would dash forward to avoid Shiori's Sneak Attack, causing Shiori to get annoyed.

Shiori: (annoyed) "How did you notice me trying to attack you?"

Sora yawns as he told Shiori that he doesn't know her.

Shiori: (smirking) "maybe i'll kill you like that man..." she would toss a photo of Satou dead on the ground in front of Sora.

Sora eyed the photo, causing him to pick it up.

Sora would realize his father's face before his death, causing him to eye Shiori.

Sora asked, angrily, "Are you the one who killed my father?"

Sora yelled, "ANSWER ME, BITCH" as he clenched his fists, tightly.

Shiori would chuckle before eyeing Sora, saying "yes i am the one who killed your worthless adoptive father"

Shiori: (laughing) "the way he suffered was so funny, it made me wonder about how weak he was and how wonderful i am."

Sora would clench his fists as he decided to dash at Shiori, striking her with a right hook to her jaw.

Shiori would try to counter it with a elbow strike to Sora's Stomach, causing him to cough up spit.

Sora would dash forward as he jumped upwards in order to axe kick Shiori.

Shiori would block Sora's Attack from landing as she then grabbed his throat, mid second slamming him into the wall.

Sora would cough up blood, as the impact from the slam caused glass to shatter from the window.

Shiori eyed Sora, as she smirked proudly, "This is the end of your story." Shiori would then take out her pistol from pouch, pointing at Sora.

Shiori would smirk as she said, "this should be familiar to you huh, boy?"

Sora would have a small glimpse of when his father, Akuji when he shot his friend, Marl and when he almost killed him when he was younger.

Within His Own Mind, Sora would fight himself mainly against his new self and his old self to see if he was really right about his new change within his own life.

Sora knew that he was softer than he used to be, as he slowly gotten up.

As the Sunlight Glistened within his retinas, he realized what he should do and it was to fight his father's killer and the one trying to kill him and his loved ones.

Sora took a glimpse of the sun, before slowly turning around.

Shiori would look confused, wondering why he was getting up.

Sora would look up at the sky, shouting "I WON'T LOSE TO FATE ITSELF TODAY!!!"

Sora would look back at Shiori, as he then swiftly knee striked her chest, causing Shiori to spit out in pain from the impact.

Shiori would drop her Pistol after the knockback power of Sora's Knee Strike.

The Pistol was seen about 6 ft from where they were fighting at.

Shiori would eye the pistol, and ran for it but Sora speed blitzed her in order to send a heavy jab to her cheek. 

Shiori was sent back into the ground, as blood dripped down from her nose due to the impact and force of the jab.

Sora would eye Shiori as he lifted her up by her neck, while she was coughing up blood.

Sora would ruthlessly strike Shiori's Face Multiple Times, forming bruises onto her face without any mercy.

Shiori would beg for mercy, asking Sora to let her go and spare her life.

Sora would regain composure as he seen visions of his deceased father, Satou and finally stopped.

Shiori would eye Sora while she got up slowly, as she grabbed her pistol from the ground, while Sora stood there blankly staring into the Sky.

Shiori: (smirking) "This is where you lose, boy... and this is where i win.." Shiori would aim the pistol at Sora, as she clicked the safety off.

Sora blankly stared at Shiori, as he broadly said, "Nah imma do my own thing"

Shiori laughs in Sora's Face, causing sora to yawn before palm striking Shiori's Chest.

Shiori was knocked back into the pavement, coughing up blood again.

Sora would pick up the Pistol and tossed it into the building with the broken window, before stomping Shiori's Face in.

Shiori's Skull would be cracked from the sheer force from the stomping that Sora did to her.

Shiori would lay on the ground, knocked out and bleeding from her skull.

Shiori: (smirking) "I Know I Lost but i'll find a smaller target once he thinks I'm dead from the blow.." Shiori would finally pass out now, from the final attack that Sora sent at her.

Sora would look at the time, as he realized he can still make it to his graduation, despite it being a bit late.

(30 Minutes Later of Running and Hurrying to the Assembly Building for the Graduation)

As The Graduation Ceremony was going on, the Principal would ask for Sora to get his award.

The Seat was Empty, as no one knew where Sora was.

The Principal was ready to move on, until Sora finally arrived slightly scratched and bloody but he seemed fine.

Everyone Eyed Sora, before eyeing back to the principal as sora found his seat and sat down on it.

We then fast forward to the end of the ceremony as everyone threw up their graduation caps.


The Time Period would shift to 5 Years Later, as we see most of the cast either living their own lives, or finally tying the knot and getting married to each other.

Sora would be seen walking with his wife, Aika and their three kids, Akari, Arata & Tamika who were beside them while walking.

Sora would hold the door for his wife and his children, as they entered a restaurant for lunch. 

Sora: (Smiling) "Get anything you want to eat alright." Sora would smile as he headpatted his children and kissed his wife's forehead.

Sora would remember his past when he used to live in Thailand, to meeting marl and when he lived in japan for his life.

Sora's Memories to his past would start to crack and split open revealing how good his life is at this moment in time, showing his Wife, Aika & his three kids, Akari, Arata & Tamika smiling and waving to Sora.

Sora and His Family would finally eat and head out on the restaurant afterwards, Sora eyed his phone as he called his assigned driver to pick them up, which they did.

Sora would be noticed by some fans of his work as they all waved and asked for autographs holding a movie or a book he either starred in or work on from the ground up.

The Assigned Driver finally arrived to drive Sora and his family to their home, as Sora opened the door, the driver sped off quickly to the destination of the house they live at.

As Sora and His Family finally headed to the House, The Assigned Driver would drive off once The Family entered their house.

We then Shift to Osaka, where we see Marl and Azalea together.

Marl: (clearing throat) "GET YOUR FEET MOVING!"

Azalea would eye Marl, before saying "i'll take it over for you."

Marl nodded before noticing Tsukasa getting tired, so she would whip him with a belt.

Katsuro, Yoru & Kaede would eye tsukasa and get scared at this, so they decided to continue on their training.

Marl would notice someone walking into the dimly lit room, which turned out to be Shiori who was still injured from the time Sora attacked her, finally passing out on the ground.

Marl would then command Kaede and Katsuro to help Shiori back onto her bed so she could rest.

(We then cut to a dorm room in Seraphim Academy, where we see a green highlighted Black haired Girl in goth like attire and emo like makeup, listening to songs on her phone)

???: (Annoyed) "this is the only way i'll be able to sleep nicely in life, despite my life being nothing but shit."

??? would check the manga site for new series to read, she would read a story that she likes.

??? would be revealed to be named Makoto Yokoyama, a Student from Seraphim Academy.

Makoto would grab her skateboard as she went out of her dorm, heading to the skate park.

As Makoto left the house, she was seen by some of her classmates who bully and tease her most of the time.

Makoto would deep down wishes that her enemies would all die one day, even if she does it herself.

Makoto's Head would ring as she walks elsewhere to clear the voices that would try to speak to her in order to snap out of it.

Makoto eyes began to slowly bloodshot, but she just walked off as the Screen Faded to Black.


(Sora's Story isn't done yet, as there's gonna be more people coming to kill him but Makoto's story is pretty much going to be the main focus as she heads down a darker path than sora did in the 2nd year saga)

(Season 2 of Hearts Entwined is going to be focusing primarily on drama, gangs, murder and other themes outside of romance but that doesn't mean romance won't be in the sequel, it just means there will be less of it in the story)

(Hearts Entwined OVA will happen before it... and season 2 will be 4 or 5 parts and begin in summer or fall of 2024.)

(i had a lot of fun working on this story, and now i'll be end here.)