A bleak road

Rosemary's pov:

"… I never asked you to tag along so if you're going to be up my ass this whole time, please, spare me the petty and passive aggressive comments, got it?" 

My heart hammering against my chest louder than my echoing words, I inhale deeply, realizing I didn't breathe a single time since the beginning of my sentence. 

The sound of my own voice lingers in my head even after it has already died down.

Nathanael simply stares back at me with this… Look on him, one I can't really read. It's like his lips are trying to display a smile while he's actively fighting it.

"Well, to be honest, I'd prefer to be up your ass in a different way, but I am the type that can make do with whatever I've got," he states from where he stands. 


What the fuck did he just say? Did he flip a switch in his mind or something?