12. Immortal Practice

After arriving at the location, the head Manager with Ember get out of the carriage.

After arriving at the gate of the residence manager ask Ember "Sir do you want to keep the previous guards"

Ember "No I will not need any guards"

"Ok sir i will assign the guard to another place, Sir here is the blueprint pf the residences and now I will take my leave"

Ember wait until the manager with his carriage get far away, then he look at the newly purchased house and enter it, after entering he lock the main door, and tour his house and look for anything suspicious or if someone is inside hiding. All this take him 6 hourssmoke and even after omitting many areas.

After checking the house he go the the training field and take out a stick and lite ot which started to release smoke.

After some time a bird landed besides him with the same hight as him. He give the bird a letter, and the bird fly in th clouds after taking it.

Directly at the front of his house is a famous restaurant, Ember go to the restaurant and order food for 20 people's and tell them to deliver the order at his address.

After exiting from the restaurant as Ember came near his house he see 2 people standing both covering their face.

Ember greet them and said "This is the house that i have buy today at Phoenix Innovations"

One of them spoke "We will cover all the traces, and others have check the house, it is safe"

After saying this they vanish from there.

Ember enter the house and sit on the chair which was kept for guards.

After some time there was a knock on the main door and a shout "Is some one is inside, I have brought the order"

Ember take the order, lock the door and was walking towards the residence surrounded with lake and after reaching the bridge he stop at the middle where a palace was build and put the food on the table and arrange it.

Night has already fallen and the only source of light is the moon, a cold air blow and suddenly on the 2 empty seat two people come mysterious.

Ember eyes meet both of them and they started laughing, and Ember said "Let's enjoy today's meal, this is my second home"

In the palace 3 people was eating the meal and enjoying the moonlight reflection on lake water.

The sun rises and and the sunlight wake the 3 people.

One of them said "Ember, Hai Liu wake up, I am going inside the Lake surrounded residence to take a bath"

Ember and Hai Liu both said at same time "Haoyu Zhao, I am also comming"

Haoyu Zhao "Ember is there a hot spring"

Ember "Yes, on the back side of this residences a big hot spring is there"

After bathing, Ember, Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu clean the table where they had meal last night and order morning breakfast, and while having breakfast discusses future plans.

Haoyu Zhao " Ember now since you have a personal home then you can start immortal practice "

Hai Liu "Haoyu Zhao did you bring spiritual toot testing stone"

"I forget, but I know you will have one"

Hai Liu "Ember why are you not saying anything, does there is some thing that trouble you"

Ember "5-6 days ago I has tested my spiritual veins at the dragon street"

Hai Liu "I will tell you one thing that is, powerful cultivators wants to control masses. And storm city is a small city, here high quality spiritual testing stones are rare. If someone has high level spiritual veins them they cannot be determine"

"Here is the spiritual testing stone, hold it in one hand and inject qi, according to the color we will know what type of spiritual veins you have"

Ember take the stone and ask "What is qi"

Haoyu Zhao "The thing that flow within you and you can control, just think that something is going inside the stone and if it does not happen we also have different stone, the same stone used during dragon street events but if higher quality"

Haoyu Zhao "Spiritual veins is divided into mortal, human, earth, heaven, magical, divine, god"

Hai Liu "Haoyu Zhao and I have heaven level spiritual veins, this are just the level and spiritual veins also have affinity to the 3 thousand dao and five elements and yin, yang and also many rare elements like thunder, undead, sword, spear, light, dark, etc"

Ember take the stone and think that something is flowing from his hand to stone, in few seconds the stone shine in cyna light.

Looking at this both Haoyu Zhao and Hai Liu become happy congratulate Ember.

Hai Liu "Ember, you have heaven level spiritual veins,Haoyu Zhao and I also have the same level of spiritual veins, after we become powerful we will create our void cave and will live like a king"

Haoyu Zhao "After breakfast, Ember we will go to both White Tiger Clan and Demon Fist Clan and look for Cultivation manual from our collections so that you will not have to be affiliated to our Clan"