Incoming blue light (edited)

I lived under the constant bullying In high school which was a torment , every single day in school went by with me been always bullied and sometimes beaten up , my brother was also bullied but l couldn't stand up to defend him , l felt life was really unfair and cruel to me , why should life be mean to me , my peers trampled on me and used me as a stepping stone, school was a torment for me. At home things weren't that good , my parents were ridiculed and mocked by their own relatives and referred my parents as wastes because we weren't rich .

We are just an ordinary family leaving our life to the fullest and been content with what we have , my parents had a great sense of parenthood they always kept encouraging me no matter what , my parents made sure they provided for me and my two siblings , Sammy and max but still yet they get mocked by others and are looked down upon , l always had this raging anger in me l felt like making those that mocked my parents miserable but l was helpless and weak

I felt what was l still living for in this world when l couldn't protect myself or my brother from bullying and stand up to my bullies , when l couldn't protect my parents dignity from been shattered , l couldn't protect myself how could l protect others l felt weak ,am l gonna be a weakling forever.

in a seeming wide compound a teenage boy with a black short hair and bright blue eyes which sparkled like a dazzling star , wearing a white top and a a short nicker .

lays on the grass and Stares at the pitch dark sky full of a myriad of shinning stars as the moon light , lightens up the surrounding as a gentle breeze blows and gently moves the blossom flowers and grasses under the beautiful moon light and the sounds of insects could be heard as they played their melodious songs in the tranquil bright night.

The air howled as the cool night breeze blew, the tree leaves fluttered under the cool breeze making a rustling sound and the stars glittered their flickering lights.

The moon was high in the sky as it casted it's light upon the young boy who stares at sky with his gaze filled with anger and sadness.

The boy raises his arm towards the sky and moon.


He sighed as he took a deep breath still staring at starry night sky.

"Why do my family have to go through such ill treatment , why do they have to suffer when they try their best the most"

He clenches his fist as he said with anger in his eyes

"Why do l have to suffer from constant bullying all the time , why is fate so cruel to me"

Tears whlemed up in his eyes

" Is this the way things are going to be forever?"

He immediately sat and his short black hair fluttered in the wind

"Why can't l fight back? Why can't l stand for my parents and prevent mockery from others"


Tears rolled down his check as he said and sadness filled his eyes as he clenches both fists

"But in the end am still a weakling who can't even stand up to my bullies , why can't my life be filled with constant happiness"

"Why can't l go against fate and break my limitations , why am l always shrouded in misery and always left in the dark"

"Why can't l grasp the light with will brighten up a path for me to walk on, why..why ??"


Tears streamed down this his cheeks endlessly , the moon reflected it's golden light upon his tears which fell on the grass.

Unbeknownst to him a bright blue light flickered in the sky , the flickering light appeared to be coming closer with very flicker.

he rose his head upwards the sky and saw the flickering blue light which was coming closer.

"What a really beautiful star with a vibrant alluring light"

The teenager said with admiration but then the flickering stopped and what he saw was beam of blue light headed fast towards him leaving a trail in the sky as it heads towards him.

"What's that? Why is the star now a beam of light" the boy's eyes were full with suprise.


The beam of blue light was heading straight for him as it was as if he was in the firing spot.

"Why is it heading towards me" he expression changed into fear as he stood up and stepped back.


"It's .... it's really headed here"

He immediately took multiple steps backwards as the incoming light gets really close and it crashes at the spot were he stood while the teenager quickly moves out if the way .