A cultivatior and a Special ops

The leader of the terrorists begins a broadcast right away , outside the mall a large screen appears right before everyone the whole Police force could see it even the news reporters , then he begins to speak as the screen shows the leader of the terrorists wearing a mask.

" Look the government is really testing my patience, l waited for an hour and nothing l think you all want to see someone die right , well here's the big suprise for you all and especially General Mo cheng , well we got general mo cheng's daughter in our hands" he laughs like a hypocrite as the camera shifts to the girl with black long hair and jade coloured pupils .

She was kneeling on the floor , with tears in her eyes as a gun was pointed at her head

" If general mo cheng's doesn't come and grant my request and government don't agree to my terms l may as well end the life of your precious daughter right here" the terrorist leaders voice echoes throughout the entire mall and everywhere becomes silent .

Robert who was helping his mum up heard this

"Who could this general mo cheng's daughter ,and besides who is general mo cheng , looks like they is a grudge between them" Robert Wonder's

" Well let me see who this daughter of his is"


His pupils glow red as he could see through the mall walls on seeing the person who was General Mo cheng daughter, he gets shocked

" What, the girl l protected earlier is general mo cheng's daughter, what should l do now if l want to get of his place now without mum getting hurt , l guess l have to take this terrorists head on and also try to save that girl but this is too troublesome"

Robert says in his heart

" Mum looks like you will have to rest here for while and l will see if l can get help from the outside " upon hearing her son's word she couldn't believe what she just said

" Robert are you insane , they are terrorists in this mall with guns and you are thinking of getting help from the outside , are you trying to kill yourself , l can't allow that" she disagrees with him

" Mum Don't worry l won't get killed by those monsters " he pats her on the shoulder

"But... I don't want you to lose your life you are precious to me and your father "

" Mum look if l don't do this none of us or anyone in this mall can live here alive" robert tells her.

"Alright ... promise .. me you will come back safe" she touches his cheek and caresses his cheeks gently

" Mum l promise " he smiles at her then he runs off , she looks at him as he runs off

" I don't what have gotten into you but please come back alive l can't afford to lose you" she says with an emotional look

Pyke also heard the terrorist leader broadcast as he sneaked across a large hallway as they were stores on both sides and the place was empty.

" Damn this bastards , they actually have General Mo cheng daughter in their hands things are gonna get more difficult and tricky

Robert is running across the large shopping center trying to get the entrance to be able to get to the first floor

" I can't let anyone see my face and know my identity , when l use my powers l can't afford the government and other fractions coming after me" he thinks carefully and he summons Lin zhong who appears out of the blue as always

"Master please is they anything useful , l can use to hid my identity from been discovered" Robert asked Lin zhong as he ran

" Let me think, oh yes they is something pretty useful for you my student" Lin zhong disappears and appears again in his hands was a wooden fox shaped mask

" Robert take this , it will change your appearance and it can also change your voice" he hands the mask to Robert ,who stops and puts the mask on.

On putting it on his clothes changes into a cultivator style cloth which was black and a black Cloak appears which hung like a cape on Robert..

" Wow not bad , this outfit surprisingly looks so good" Robert admires the cloth

" Don't just stand there admiring want you are wearing ,because l sense a group of enemies headed this way , don't get distracted" Lin zhong reminds him

"Yes of course master , time to take out the trash" Robert head's out of the shopping center as he knew an encounter was inevitable after all , besides if he doesn't take action the terrorists will kill everyone

Robert and the group of terrorists eventually cross paths in the exhibition hall in the second floor

" Do you think peck is sure that this person is really strong according to what he said "

" Nah it can't be , no one in this world has such strength am sure they are more people who did this" some of the terrorists gossips

A figure wearing black stands on a pillar in the exhibition hall , Pyke was also in the exhibition hall but hid at the back of pillar in other to ambush the unsuspecting terrorists

The group of terrorists enters into the exhibition

" Everyone spread out and search" one of the terrorists orders the rest and they all spread , Robert seeing the terrorists get readys to attack and summons a blade in his hand ,the blade gave off a sharp aura

"Spartial leap"

Robert appears behind one of the terrorists who wasn't aware and and Robert swings his blade aiming for the neck


Robert beheads the terrorist in an instant before the terrorist knew what was happening his head was already sperated from his body and blood pumped out of his decapitated body .

Thud! The body lands on the floor alerting the others and they get shocked seeing one of them dead

" What the Fuck , whoever the Fuck you are get out now , l don't care who you all only l know one thing for sure you aren't getting out of here alive" one of terrorist speaks with fear in his eyes as he points his gun towards different direction even the other terrorists were confused from which angle exactly the person attacked from.

Pyke was dumbfounded at the sight of the decapitated body as he peeked from behind the pillar

" How could someone lunch such an attack like that without been noticed" Pyke Wonders

Then Robert appeared in front them instantly holding his sword which was the practice sword Lin zhong had given him , they was a stain of fresh blood dripping from the sword and they were shocked at his speed.

"Who ...the ..hell are you and want do want because anyone that offends the black Cobra can never escape " one of the terrorists said while he trembled as the person in front of them was mysterious

" You should be worried about yourself first , as who l am you are not qualified to know , because none of you are leaving here alive" he says with a smirk as he takes an offensive stance

"Fire , don't let him get away " they opened fire at Robert but Robert disappears from their sight and appears in front of one catching him off guard.

Robert kicks the terrorist with brute force on the head and this sends the terrorist flying backwards and crashing into a wall with a loud bang!

They all keep firing but not a single bullet touches Robert , he increases his speed more and keeps attacking them

" Iron fists"


Robert punches two terrorists at once sending them flying and he dashes at another and stabs the terrorist in the chest giving him no time to comprehend what just happened and he draws out his blade

Pyke on seeing all this was shocked to his core as he couldn't believe his eyes

" Who the hell is this person , his movements are fast l can barely see his movements and his attack are precised, fast and deadly , l wonder if this person is really human , l guess l have to place my bet on him this time , thou he doesn't looks bad l got to be careful" Pyke sighed

Robert releases his aura in the the entire exhibition hall and his aura emits around his body and a really strong force throws the terrorists off balance as they slam unto the floor , Pyke could barely hold on to the pillar he hid behind

" What a terrifying amount of energy , who in the world is he " Pyke was dumbfounded

"Lighting sword strike"

Lighting sizzles around Robert's sword ad he lunches the strike and a pillar of lightning follows the strike


The strike kills five terrorists at once surprising Pyke ,suddenly a terrorist attacks Robert from behind with an axe and Pyke steps out

" Behind you , get down' Pyke warns him and shoots the terrorist and it was a headshot the terrorist drops dead to the floor.

Robert glances at Pyke who looks at Robert whose face was hidden under the mask .

"From his looks and uniform he must be a special ops so his presence here might make things more easier" Robert thinks

Robert nods in his head as a sign of thank you and Pyke nodded too and this was a signal to work together and Robert nods back in approval and they ready their weapons to fight the enemy .