The Terrorists defeat

The whole mall vibrates from Robert's attack as everyone is suprised at the sudden vibration

"What the heck? What Was that right now"

Williams the terrorist leader becomes confused while outside everyone felt the vibration.

"What was that sudden vibration just now"

General Mo cheng asked while he was in a preplexed state over Williams demand

" I have no clue either? But wait sergeant Pyke is in the mall right" the superior suddenly remember.

"One of your operatives managed to get into the mall" general Mo cheng said with a surprised look.

"Yes general he did manage to get in am sure he is holding out on his own ,but let me contact him now" the superior presses a screen bracelet on his hand

"Sergeant Pyke do you copy" the superior clears his throat

Pyke receives the transmission through a small transmitter in his ear

"This is falcon team's leader , sergeant Pyke copies" Pyke responded as he loaded his gun . "Oh thank goodness it's a great thing you are still alive so how about your mission progress" the superior asked

"Well the mission statues is excellent we have already wiped out most of the terrorists and advanced towards the main open area ,were the hostages are held " Pyke says his mission statues

"What do mean by we l thought you were alone" the superior was suprised

"Well l got a helping hand , but this person is extraordinary and has an immersive terrifying strength and possess superhuman strength , but l can't explain everything right now but what l know is that with this mysterious person this mission will be successful and l can rescue general Mo cheng daughter " Pyke explains everything and cuts off the transmission,this whole thing suprised the superior who was in confusion

"Is sergeant Pyke really saying something true , but Pyke would never lie so this person might be a superhuman " the superior wonders

"If what your operative said is true ,then they is chance of us taking out the terrorists" general Mo cheng said with cold expression on his face and he had sharp facial features

"But this mysterious person , l wonder if we can figure out it and track him down , because having super strength is something straight out of a sc-fi fiction" the police commissioner said with a thoughtful look

Robert pants as he had exhausted his soul power then he brings out a pill bottle and opens it , he takes out a yellow pill and throws it in his mouth and faint blue light glows around his body

" This feels much better , the fatigue and exhaustion is gone but my soul power hasn't recovered" Robert looks at the pill bottle in his hands and turns his gaze to Pyke who was also tired .

"Here take this sir Pyke it will be helpful to recover your strength" Robert tosses him a pill and Pyke catches it

"Oh thanks man" he puts it in his mouth and swallows it , Soon he felt something he never felt before , he's body was now full of energy and the tiredness was gone in an instant , he felt like he could run a thousand meters without stopping , the feeling was unexplainable

"Wow what kind of medicine is this , the effects are really amazing" Pyke was in suprise

"That's not relevant for now we have to take out the last group of terrorists and the leader if we must free those hostages " his words sounded like that of grown man

"Yeah right , so what's the plan I think you would have a more pleasing plan" Pyke said with enthusiasm then Robert smiled at him and explained the plan

Meanwhile the administrator to the minister of finance was making negotiations with Williams

"Sir the government is ready to pay the Ransom for the release of the hostages and you must guarantee their safety" the man spoke to Williams in a composed manner on the screen that appeared above his head in mid air

"That's more like , looks like the government aren't cowards after all , but the family of each individuals must pay the sum of one million dollars" Williams spoke with a malicious smile on his face

"But sir most of their families can't pay that kind of amount , how about this you take your money and we let you leave without any disturbance" the administrator proposed

"Do you think am a fool to believe your nasty words , if the families can't pay then l can't release anyone and the government is already pissing me off so it's no longer 2.5 billion it's now 200 billion" Williams smiled with a grin and William cuts the conversation

The administrator hearing this was bewildered at the amount Williams just called even general Mo cheng, Mr Albert and the police commissioner could hardly believe their eyes

"Curse you asshole , asking for more than what you bargained and the amount his demanding now is outrageous" the administrator cursed the news of the terrorists attacking the All-star shopping mall and taking hostages had spread around the entire world

"One way or around l have to make this plan work no matter what , guess l have to take the yang pill" Robert said to himself and a green pill bottle appeared our of his spartial ring he wore which was given to him by Lin zhong , he takes out a blue pill and immediately consumes it .

Suddenly a rush of energy runs through his body like a water gushed out a broken pipe , and his strength increased by a tenfold and regained his soul power and his aura becomes stronger .

"Master , l will have to trouble you this Time around" Robert used telepathy to talk to Lin zhong who responded from inside his body

"You this kid want do you need this time around and you can't keep relying on me you know" Lin zhong remembered him

"Master l all want you is to use a protection talisman's on the hostages , because l can't act reckless , and l promise to cultivate harder and reach the eight stage in two weeks" Robert said raising two fingers indicating two weeks

"Two weeks my ass, well l will just help this time" Lin zhong assures him

Robert began descending down the elevator stairs that lead to the first floor , upon reaching the middle of the elevator stairs , the terrorists notice him and they all pointed their guns towards him

"Hey you stand there Don't move or l will shoot , your hands in the air" a terrorist shouted at him but Robert obeyed and raised his hand in the air , he had already kept his sword in the spartial ring

Williams was suprised that someone just brought himself to them , looks like he's scared of dying Williams thought

"You Three get him over here and tie him with the others and also get that mask off his face" he orders three of his men and general Mo cheng's daughter , ling'er looked at the person in black who was Robert unknown to her , Robert fixed his eyes upon her as he saw her terrified face, the three terrorists were approaching him as they were five meters from Robert lips curved into smirk then he immediately conjures a large fire ball

"Fire ball arts stage two"

Robert released a hot blazing large fire ball at the terrorists who were unable to dodge and we're taken aback by what was heading towards them


An explosion occurs from the attack leaving a dent in the floor and on the floor lay three lifeless body which were black as ash that were burnt to crisps

"What the Fuck , who the hell are you ,men shoot him down this instance" he orders them in rage ,the terrorists began firing at him but after taking the yang pill his strength and speed increased by a tenfold , Robert's movements were unclear to the eyes as he dodged every bullet fired at him the terrorists couldn't see his movements , Robert began taking out the terrorists left and right




Williams on seeing this was greatly shocked and was in utter disbelief

"How can someone like this exist and have such terrifying strength" Williams had cold feet

"You there kill those hostages now" he shouted to one of his only men pointing a gun at the hostages who began to beg for their lives to be spared the terrorist loaded his gun to shoot


A shot came from behind and pierced the terrorist skull thus ending his life Williams couldn't believe his eyes that they was another person beside the mysterious person .

The person who Fired the shot was Pyke who had hide at the balcony of the second floor


Multiple shots rang out as Pyke assisted Robert in taking out some terrorists William on seeing Pyke

," His a special ops how did he get in here" Williams becomes furious " mech A3 take that guy out" he ordered and the mech behind him had his it's arm transform into a machine gun


The mech fired a rain of bullets at Pyke who took cover quickly behind a wall , Williams looked at Robert who had defeated all his men and Robert glared at William menacingly , who began to freak out at what kind of monster was he facing .

General Mo cheng ,the police commissioner and Mr Albert the superior had the gunshots inside the mall as if a battle was going on

The mech immediately faced Robert and fired a beam of laser energy at him

"Vom" but he dodged quickly and sharply to the side


The beam creates a hole in a wall then Robert uses spartial leap and disappears from plain sight shocking Williams and the mech pilot and he appears in front of the mech instantly

"Star blasting punch"

Robert fist gets covered in a golden light which engulfs his entire fists, his fist tore through the air like an arrow and he gives the mech a devastating punch which sent the mech flying out the entrance of the mall with enormous force , the mech lands on a couple of cars crushing them , the mech's front was crushed and they was large Hole on the mech which one could see through.

Everyone outside the mall sees the mech flying out through the mall entrance and crashing on some cars , the people couldn't believe their eyes as something huge as a mech was sent flying out the mall , most of the news had their jaw dropping even people watching the news

"What the hell sent that mech flying out" the police commissioner said in disbelief as he removed his glasses to make sure his eyes weren't deceiving him

"I guess what Pyke said is true after all , but who could be this person" Mr Albert Pondered while general Mo cheng was silent even the terrorist snipers on the roof were in shock

Williams was in great shock as he was dumbfounded at what he is seeing right now his men gone the mech gone what could he possible do then he grabbed ling'er and held her hostage as he pointed his gun to her head

Pyke even pointed his gun at Williams

"Blood tiger Don't try anything funny" Pyke warned him , William is also known as blood tiger the leader of the black cobra terrorist organization

"Stand down you two or l will blow her brains out" Williams threaten , ling'er closed her eyes in fear as the gun was pointed to her head


Robert appeared behind Williams who was in total shock at his speed


Robert gave him a punch in the face as Williams couldn't believe his eyes , he was sent flying and he crashed into a store , Robert unties the girl , she looked at his mask with a hint of wonder written on her faces as she stared at her savior , suddenly two electromagnetic bombs were thrown at them , Robert immediately carried the girl in his arms and leaped backwards

"Watch out " Pyke yells


The bomb explodes and dust fills the air then a dagger comes flying through the dust towards the girl , but Robert caught it immediately then the dust begins to disperse , Williams staggers on his feet as his face is bloody and he is messing a few teeths

"You bloody bastard" Williams insults him as he glares at Robert angrily

" I guess this is yours blood tiger, well have it back" he throws the dagger at an amazing speed and it stabs Williams in the chest killing him , he falls to the floor lifeless.

Pyke comes down and sees Williams dead this makes him drop his jaw and Pyke presses the transmitter in his ear

"This is sergeant Pyke reporting , the leader has been taken down l repeat the leader has been taking down and the generals daughter is safe" he says and Mr Albert on receiving this became joyful

"Yes , the terrorist leader has been taken down and general your daughter is safe" general Mo cheng was really happy

"This is an order to the air units take down the snipers on the roof and all police head into the mall" the police commissioner ordered, general Mo cheng also ordered his soliders to go in too

"You are safe now" Robert drops her gently and she looks at him with admiration

"So my friend , thanks for your help without you l couldn't have accomplished this , why not meet the media" Pyke told him

"No time for that , gotta go" Robert disappears with help of spartial leap

"W..wait" Pyke tried to stop him from going but could not then he notices an ID on the floor he picks it


[Name : Robert Walton]

[Grade : Grade 8 senior class]

[Class : Class two]

[ School : Sterling academy]

[ID no :08755854]

That was the information written on the identify card

"Hmmm this is interesting" Pyke smiled , Robert appeared in front of the shopping center entrance and removed the mask , he reunited with his mum who was joyful that he was okay , he helped her and they both walked out the mall the hostages reunited with their love ones the scene was heartwarming , a familiar voice called out to Robert and his mum on looking it was his dad who ran to them and hugged them with tears of joy in his eyes .

Pyke was surrounded by Alot of news reporters meanwhile the terrorist snipers on the roof top surrendered having no other choice since their leader was gone.