Facing real opponents

Robert took a defense stance as the two men dashed at him with full speed with the hunger to end his life.

"You piece of trash do you think , you can defend our attacks. You are just courting death"

" We can kill you easily so don't be smug , only death awaits you"

The men said viciously and with a pride as a they lunged towards him with their daggers.

"Humph.. let's see" Robert lips curved into a dangerous smirk .

"Weaponry spirit slash"

"Spirit dao strike"

The two men leaped in the air and they came down with a downward Slash at Robert who stood unfazed by their attacks.

A blue and red light swirled around the two men's daggers and they the lights followed the slash in an arc shape.


The two men lands their attack upon Robert and dust epruts all around them , their eyes were full of confidence .


But suddenly their eyes constricted with shock and disbelief as the dust cleared . Robert stood his ground as his sword was holding back the two's daggers.

"Tsk Tsk.. is this all you both got" his voice carried displeasure and disappointment.

"What? How..how come" the two men couldn't believe he blocked their attacks and they leaped backwards meters away from him.

"He..he actually blocked the attacks" the black haired man utter in great suprise.

"Heh heh heh.." the brown haired man made a chilling chuckle .

" You can actually block our Attacks , very well then now it's time for us to get serious" the men put on creepy twisted smile their faces and looked like demons from hell.

As their eyes burning with the hunger to kill undetermined.

The two men lunged at him at an incredible and precise speed , landing a thrust stab, vertical slash , horizontal slash and spiral slash.

Each of the slashes and techniques they executed was incredible fast and perfectly Swift but.


Robert was easily blocking their Attacks and parrying it without much effort.

"Huff.. Huff ..huff , y-you are just blocking and not fighting back looks like you are coward , fight back if you are man" the black haired man shouted with anger and fury at him.

" Huff..huff , show us what you can do you coward instead of blocking" the brown haired man said with intense anger as they both were breathing heavily from exhaustion as beads of sweat rolled down their faces.

"Tsk.. you call yourselves top dao martial artists when you can't utilizes your skills nor your Attacks , you couldn't even land a single hit on me"

Robert words were full of mockery and intimidation.

The two men bit their lips in anger as they were insulted by him.

" Your call others weak when they are people out there stronger than you. What l see in front of me aren't top martial artists but a bunch of weak miserable disgusting bugs"

His words were cold and full of disgust and humiliation towards the two men.

"You piece of worthless crap shut it. I have had enough of your insults you insolent fool" the brown haired man had enough of his insuts and humiliating words.

"You are ones who are worthless things here" this time his words hit the two men pretty hard and cold.

"Shut up you punk l will show you what am made of now... ARHHHHHHH!!!!" the brown haired man roared with an exploding anger and dashed towards him with fury and rage in his eyes.

"You can't humiliate a top dao martial artist like me and live to see another day" the man's eyes were filled with fury as he landed a lethal strike at Robert.

"You don't even know your strength and running straight into death , well l bring death onto early as you wish" Robert's voice sounded grim and he took an attack stance as the man dashed towards him like a raging beast.

"Take this you fool... Roaring tiger slash" the man's dagger was immediately covered in a bright light and a huge arc of light came tumbling down on Robert.

"It's my turn now to attack ... Spartial leap" he breathed out

"Whoosh" Robert disappeared from the man's sight instantly

"WHAT??" the man eyes was filled with great shock.

"Am here you dumbass" Robert appears behind him in a flash


A slash lands across the man's back and blood spills out.

"What? How..how did he.." the man was in absolute shock and suprise as he felt the pain of the slash .

The man falls to the ground and begins to groan in pain his other companion was stunned with shock as Robert slashed him across the back swiftly.

"You bastard how dare you !!!!" The black haired man dashed at him as rage had driven him to act rashly.

The man lands a vertical slash at Robert but he dogged it swiftly.


An arm is seen flying in the air as the black haired man is stunned and frozen in shock as he looks at his left arm, which was decapitated and spilling out huge amounts of blood.

" Ahhhhhhhhh!!!...my arm" the man shouts out in pain as he held his bleeding arm kneeling down in pain


An Attack came from behind as Robert stood before the man groaning in pain.

"Hahaha .. l got you punk" the brown haired man who was slashed down by Robert a minute ago was now on his feet.

"Is that so" Robert words carried a terrifying vibe.


"Eh" the brown haired man was dumbstruck with shock as his right arm was cut off by Robert.

"ARHHHHHHH... My..my arm!!!!!!" The brown haired man gave out painful shout as his arm was decapitated In one slash.

And he fell beside his companion on his knees. They bought held their decapitated arms as blood silped endlessly from their arms and pool of blood gathered beneath them.

Robert stood before the two injured men as they both looked at his mask , they became filled with fear and terror.

As a terrifying aura emitted from him , making the men faces filled fear and terror for the first time in their lives.

They wondered who the hell was this person and were the heck did this monster come from.

"Look we..we are so-sorry ..do-dont kill us , let us go"

"We...we never knew you were a strong dao martial artist , please forgive us"

The two men begged for their lives as the person standing in front of them as they were not his match.

"Tsk you beg for forgiveness now , after putting innocent lives in danger and putting the life of the person l cherish in danger and now you want to go free"

Roberts voice sounded terrifying and chilling as it sent a sudden chill down the men's spines.

"I am no dao martial artist , you can ask for forgiveness in hell"

His word had a paralyzing effect on the two men as their faces were filled with horror.

"What ple..."


The two men's head came flying off their bodies and their eyes saw everything upside down


Their head dropped on floor and rolling , blood spilled like a gush of water from their necks everywere and their lifeless bodies Fell to the ground with a loud thud.

Meanwhile Pyke watched everything on a holographic screen and his mouth was wide open and his eyes were shock upon seeing Robert decapitated the two men's heads.

"This... this kid is actually monster , he actually killed two dao martial artists with ease"

"Those that that posses a threat or try to harm my family can never be spared"

Robert said coldly as he looked at the two lifeless body and he immediately turned towards the damage building were his mother was stuck and it could collapse any moment.