Seven stars soaring dragon slash

Robert watches in disbelief as the beam of crimson energy rushes towards him at blinding speed as it was faster than before.

"Damn! Spartial leap!" He immediately switches his position as the crimson energy beam landed on the spot.


The explosion shaked the entire area as dust enveloped everywhere ,even after escaping from the attack , Robert was hurt by the powerful shockwave of the blast.

"Ugh! Why is this creature suddenly so strong" he didn't understand the sudden bust of power from this creature.

"Robert watch out!!" Lin zhong warns him and suddenly a huge arm comes hurling at Robert who is beyond surprise about the creatures swiftness.


Robert is smashed into a ruined building with great force from the creatures arm.




The military fires everything they got at the creature but with it's new form it's unfazed by their attack leaving them preplexed , but still kept firing at the mutant creature and they got on the creature's nerve.

Turning towards the military the creature gave out a annoyed roar and it began releasing countless crimson energy beams towards them.


Countless explosions rang out as tanks, artillery vehicles , mechs and aircrafts were destroyed.

"Uggh!" Robert coughed out a mouthful of blood and blood trickled down the side of his lips.

Then a small white ceramic bottle appeared out of his spartial ring , he opened it and took out a green coloured pill and tossed it in his mouth. His body glowed a faint green light as he used a healing pill given by Lin zhong.

"How can this thing be so strong now" he lifted himself out of the wall which had spiderweb cracks he crashed into. "Looks like it's time to take the game serious".

"Divine jump" his body radiates with spiritual enery , the floor beneath his feet cracks as he leaps into the air and strikes his sword against the creatures huge arm.


His sword bounces off the creature's skin as it's skin was now hard as metal.

'what how did it's skin become so strong' he was surprised and the creature turns it's attention to him.


The creature roared loudly at him and huge shockwaves swept through the air towards Robert from the creature's roar.

'damn!' he couldn't dodge on time and the shock burst slams him towards the ground.

"Ugh!" He stood up from the cracked ground and as he looks up , a crimson dark energy beam rushes towards him with speed.

"What! Seriously" he uses his spartial leap technique and dodges the attack , the creature kept firing numerous beams towards Robert who dodged.

"I can't be dodging like this forever , l need to come up with a plan asap" he kept dodging until he hid behind a broken wall of a ruined building.

"Ha...ha..ha" he pants and tries to catch his breath. "I need to think of a plan quick". He takes a peek at the creature who searches for him and he also take a look at the military who weren't in a good shape at all. That's when an idea suddenly hits him and he looks towards the creature face from his hiding place.

" You dimwit it's the eyes" Lin zhong said.

"Yeah l know that , l already got the idea first" Robert said nonchalantly.

"Sergeant pyke do you read me" he held the radio transmitter in his ear as he franticly tries to reach him.

"Kid l do copy you"

"Thank God , you are still alive" Robert felt much better after hearing pyke's voice.

"Well kid l got no time to die, well tell me what's going on over there, because right now the military has been hit pretty hard" pyke said to him.

"I know that, even me l am In a tight spot now because the creature just got too strong for me to barely handle" Robert reported the situation to him.

"Even the weapons can't damage it at all and now the creature is even proving difficult for you. *Sigh* so what are we supposed to do now" they was a hint of disappointment in pyke's voice.

"Well l got a plan though" Robert said

"You got a plan?, What is the plan then" pyke asked.

"We need to aim for the monster's eye's, that's it's weak spot"

"Can't you go for it's eye yourself?" Pyke said

"That's the problem , the creature has it's focus on me and it takes me as the main enemy now so l will need some distraction to take it's attention from me" he explained to pyke.

"Alright then l got your back kid" pyke tells him and he is off radio.

"All systems go battle mode" Pyke activates his cyclone helicopter battle system.

[ All weapons ready and battle mode engaged ] the Al informs him.

"Then time to give this monster hell" Pyke pilots his cyclone helicopter at an incredible speed and charges towards the creature.

"I guess the yang pill will come in handy now" a green small creamic bottle appears on Robert's hand from his spartial ring and he opens it and takes out a blue coloured pill and immediately tossed it in his mouth.

His body begains to radiate with a golden energy as his aura drew strong , his fatigue immediately left him, it was if a dam had broken open inside of him. That was the kind of feeling he felt right now.

" I guess it's time to test out the new skills and techniques" an intense gleam is seen in Robert's eyes as he steps out of hiding.

Meanwhile Pyke had already engaged with the creature , and other pilots assisting him after he informed them of it's weak spot.


Barrages of bullet's and lasers rained down on the creature's face endlessly and the creature been unable to attack back frequently. It opens it to charge up a beam and fire then.


An explosion lands on its face causing it to close it's mouth up.

"Looks like the plan is already working , l guess l got to move too"

Robert grips his sword tightly as he takes a running stance and then


The ground beneath him cracks and he dashes off like a bullet towards the creature.

"Judgement thrust" he unsheathes his sword quickly and thrusts his sword forward and a white aura surrounds the blade.


The sword collides with the hard skin of the creature as the striking of metal sounded sharply. The attack does not hurt the creature but then


It's tough skin on it's lower body Begins to crack and shatter as only it's real skin now lay visible to the eyes.


The creature roars in anger as it notices that it's armour skin was destroyed and looks towards the puny human who did it.


The creature swings its tail at him with a agile turn and speed but Robert leaps into the air thanks to the divine jump technique.

"Flame arts third technique, scorching lotus flames" he conjured a Hugh fireball which had the shape of a lotus and the flames were blazing hot in mid air and he threw the attack at the monster.


The attack lands on the creature's chest and the creature stumbles backward a bit as he roared in pain, the creature immediately roared at the aircrafts keep it at bay , causing shockbursts which pushed the aircrafts away and bringing a few down. Pyke manages to stop his cyclone from crashing or losing balance.

Meanwhile the soilders around the area looked at the things taking place, shocked.

The creature opened it's mouth and released countless crimson energy beams towards him and he uses spartial leap in dodging quickly and appears on the creature's arms.

"Lighting sword strike"


Lighting surrounds the sword and he slashes the creature arm across and arc of lighting strikes the creature's arm.

The creature roars in pain as it's arm was struck with lightning and it's skin having burns. The creature tries to use it's claws to strike down Robert.

"You damn creature no way" Pyke immediately fires a barrage of bullet's on the creature's face.


And he succeeds in taking out one of it's eye's and the creature stumbles backward in pain as one of it's eye was blinded and it having only one sight.

Then the creature begins to attack indiscriminately around it's surrounding's as it was furious on the attacks and damage it was receiving.

Robert leaps into the air and turns facing the creature which was under constant heavy firing from the military.

"Star blasting punch" a golden energy engulfs Robert's fists in the air and he throws his fist forward towards the creature , his fist tears through the air like a bullet , he punched the air and power of Skill distorts the air and it sent powerful shockwaves in the air towards the creature.


The shockwave slams into the creatures huge body and it's tough skin like armour shatters immediately and the creature is pushed backwards.

The cyclones now could fire at the creature and their bullets piercing through it's skin and damaging it.

*Command do you copy" Pyke contacts the command ship and a voice responds.

"Read , we do copy you"

"The creature's defenses have been broken you can begin heavy fire" he informed them.

"All units this is command , you all ordered to bring that creature down to ashes" the command center sends out it's order and the warships charges up their plasma canons and fires it towards creature.

The creature receives heavy fire from their big guns and also from the artilleries. The creature roared in pain and agony as their attack damaged it.

"I guess it's to end this with that

technique" Robert breaths as he closes his eyes.

"Dragons are heavenly immortal creatures who soar across the heaven , their roars thurders upon the earth and shakes it, the seven stars soars across the immortal world and birthen the child of fate and power, my sword shall shake mountains and the heaven and the earth trembles from my sword" he breaths out as a mist escapes his mouth and a golden aura swirls around his body and he opens his eyes as they had a golden glow.

And he dashed forth forward towards the creature and he Leaps into the air as he raises his sword above his head to strike.

"Seven stars soaring dragon slash" the sun reflects on his blade and given it a metallic glow and a golden energy swirls around his blade and he unleahes a huge pillar of a golden light , an image of seven golden dragons and stars accompanyed the attack and the creature eye opens in shock upon seeing such an attack heading for it.


The attack shakes the entire area greatly as the attack landed and a cloud of dust arose in the air and the half ruined buildings collapsing eventually to the ground from the shockwave of the attack.

The military are shocked beyond believe and the people watching the news including other countries found it hard to believe on seeing such a massive attack.

The dust disperses as the mutilated and unrecognizable body of the creature lays lifeless as a huge crater is formed from the attack and a masked person standing atop the dead creature.

"This kid....." Pyke was lost for words , even if he knew him for some time but he didn't believe Robert was capable of pulling this off.

Robert stood atop the creature's corpse as his mask had cracks and then the wind suddenly blows as his hair flutters and the place became silent.

"Uggh!" Suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his head and his sight becomes blurry as he struggled not to pass out now. "Looks like l expanded all my soul power and l can't pass out here n....." And he drops to the floor as the weakness and fatigue finally takes over him.

But before he passes out fully , with his blurry sight he sees Lin zhong.