Communication Is Key

It was a peaceful and quiet morning. I was able to shower, do my morning routine, and then get ready for classes… At least that was what I wanted to do. I actually woke up to the sound of barking and laughter. I sighed as I sat up. Was it too much to ask for a peaceful morning?

Reluctantly, I got out of bed and walked to the living room of my dorm. Lily, Yang Li, and Bibi were all in my room. Part of me was starting to regret forming a contract with Bibi, but of course, I would never say that to Lily.

"Good morning, Smarus!" Lily waved to me.

"Good morning… Lord Smarus," Yang Li bowed.

I noticed that Yang Li's English had greatly improved. She was able to hold semi-fluent conversations with everyone now and helped everyone who was interested in learning Chinese. I was sure that Lily played a big part in this.

"Why are you girls in my room?" I yawned. "It's way too early for this."

"Is it wrong to want to see my husband?" Lily pouted.