🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏

CHAPTER 2️⃣7️⃣

"Who are you?" Isabella asked Noah and everyone were surprised at her question.

"Darling what did you mean by that?" Noah said and wanted to hug her again when Bella pushed him away.

"Do I know you, don't you dare come near me" she shouted at him and Noah could not help but feel so sad.

"Bella stop it if it is a joke, you can't tell me you don't know your boyfriend"

"Whose boyfriend, I don't have a boyfriend" she said and that was then it dawn on them that she has forgotten about Noah.

Noah could not take it anymore so he walk out if the ward in tears.

Kayden and Luca ran after him.

"Calm down, I am sure she is just joking" Kayden said to console him.

"This is not a joke, it is obvious she did not remember me, how could she remember everyone and not me?" Noah asked

"Just take it easy with yourself, I am sure she will remember you in no time" Luca said.

"Let's just go to the doctor's office to know what is really happening" Kayden said and they all went to the doctor's office together.

When they got to the doctor's office they explain everything to him and he followed them to Bella's ward to confirm what they are saying.

They got there and the doctor did somethings on her and after that he turned to them all.

"I think she has amnesia, she has loose her memory about you, it will take sometimes for her to recover" the doctor said.

"But how is it possible for her to loose the memory of me only?"

"She loose her memory due to the way she hit her head on the floor, and for her loosing her memory about you it happens sometimes"

After hearing what the doctor said Noah feel sad.

He move closer to Bella and then he look into her eyes.

"Honey, this is Noah your love, your happiness" he said looking into her eyes.

"I don't know anyone bearing Noah, I don't know you at all" she said.

Noah walk out of the ward and then he went into his car and he began crying.

"How will she forget about me, just how" he said angrily hitting the car.

After crying for a while he drove out of there.

He got home in few minutes and immediately went into his room sadly.


Kayden and Luca also went out and they saw him in the car crying and they decided to let him be. They feel he should be alone.

They went back into the ward and they stayed with Bella.

"Where is Noah?" Michelle asked.

"He has gone home" Luca answered.

"I feel for him" she said sadly.


After watching Bella for two days, the doctor discharge her and she was taken home.

Noah was in his home for two days and he was so miserable, he told his parents about it and they feel so bad for him.

He tried calling Bella but she isn't picking up.

Luca and Kayden went to visit him and they saw how miserable he was.

They feel so bad for him and the forced him to eat a bit.


Lily and her minions heard about Bella's memory loss and they feel happy about it.

"Now you can go and claim your man" Becky said.

"It is bad she did not die, but it is still better she loose her memory, I pray she won't regain her memory about him again" she said and her minions agree with her.


Bella woke up and then she prepared for school, she was still dressing up when Michelle entered her room.

"Hey babe, good morning"


"Bella, are you really sure you don't remember Noah or you are just faking it?"

"I don't know him"

"He is your boyfriend Bella, this guy love you so much and you really love him also"

"Well I do not know him, you are confusing me"

"Okay, let's just go" she said and they both went out then they ate their breakfast and after they went to school.

They got to school and Noah's car also got there and he got down.

She saw Bella and he stare at her sadly.

Bella saw him also and he kept a straight face and after she walked to lecture room with Michelle and Lisa by her side.

He walk to the lecture room also sadly and they began lecture.

Noah went into his car sadly and drove away.

His mother saw how sad he was when he got in and she went to him.

"Son, don't be sad, she will come back to you soon" she said to him.

"Mum, it is so sad to see your girlfriend seeing you as a stranger"

"Just endure it dear, she will come back to you soon" she said to him.

"I hope she does"

"She will don't worry" she said and left his room.



Noah walked into the special room sadly and sat down there crying.

He was still crying when Lily entered into the room.

She walk up to him and sat beside him.

"Noah just forget about her, doesn't deserve you, I am here for you" she said and Noah suddenly hugged her and after breaking the hug he kissed her deeply and Lily also respond to the kiss.


Oh so sad🤦‍♂️

I think Lily is winning Noah over 😭😭😭😭

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