🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏

CHAPTER 3️⃣2️⃣

Lily's father went out of the hospital angrily and got into his car then he drove to his house.

Lily's corpse was taken out of the hospital to the morgue and she was left there till her father is ready to come for her.

Becky and Katrina heard of Lily's death and they began crying helplessly with no one to console them.

"Who could have done this to her" Becky said sadly.

"I feel this is like a warning for us to depart from our bad ways, I think nemesis have catch up with her" Katrina said and Becky only sighed.

Isabella and the others heard of her death and they feel sad for her, even though she is not a good person.

"I wish she has detest from her bad ways, this won't have happened to her" Lisa said.

"It may not be because of her bad ways, I think someone want her dead" Bella said.

"That is because she offend that person" Noah said.

"Let's forget about her and talk about something else" Luca said.

"We have just a year to use in college and then we will be a graduate"

"Wow I can't wait to be out of school and be with the love of my life" Bella said and wink at Noah and then Noah peck her cheeks.

"Don't forget we also have girlfriends and stop rubbing your love life at our face" Kayden said and he also kiss Lisa then Luca kiss Michelle and a kissing competition began.

They stop after a while and they all burst into laughter.

"Wow it is sweet" Luca said.

After a while they all left with their partners.

Noah and Isabella decided to go to the cinema so they went there and bought the tickets for the next movie.

They waited for the next movie to start and after some hours they went in and sat down at the front row so they could see clearly.

Crowd began trooping in and in some minutes the place was filled up and the movie began.

During the movie they were both staring at each other without blinking and they feel the urge to kiss each other but they control themselves because of the crowd.

They both held hands watching the movie.

"How could the girl die just like that, he shouldn't have die" Bella said crying and Noah wondered why she was crying.

"It is just a movie" Noah said to her.

"It felt so real, how could she have die just like that"

"It is okay, it is just a movie and nothing else" Noah said and Bella stop crying but she feel sad about the movie.

The movie ended after some minutes and they both stand up and went out.

They got into the car and Noah on seeing how sad Bella was decided to stay with her at her place for her to be okay again.

They got to her place then Bella pecked Noah's cheek and was about going in when she saw Noah also come out.

"Are you not going home?" She asked him.

"No, I will stay with you tonight, I don't like how sad you are"

"Don't worry, I will be fine"

"I am not taking a no for answer, how can I leave my girlfriend in a sad mood and go home to sleep, that is bad" he said and Bella could not help but feel lucky with the kind of man God gave her.

He walk up to her and they both went into the house.


Lily's father got home later and he could not help but feel so painee about his child's death. He really do love her so dearly.

He could not help but feel so sad about her death.


The school was shut down for a week to mourn and honor Lily.


Lily's father decided to wait for the day Bella will graduate then he will end her and as for Mark he swore to find him and kill him no matter how long it takes.


Mark was in a faraway place and he decided to change his name from Mark to Richard.

He did a face surgery and began living like a commoner doing some dirty jobs.


Bella and Noah got into the house and they saw Michelle already in.

Michelle came out from the kitchen and saw them then she became surprised.

"Why are you sad?" She asked seeing Bella's expression.

"Don't mind her, she is just sad over a movie" Noah said and Michelle was surprised.

"You are this sad because of a movie?"

"The movie was so touching, if you watch it, you will feel the same way also" Bella said.

"Okay, I get but just cheer up" Michelle said and take them both to the dinning then serve the food and they all began eating.

They finish eating and Bella help Michelle in packing the dishes to the kitchen.

After they were done Bella and Noah were both going into her room when Michelle called them back.

"Are you sleeping over?" She asked Noah.

"Yes, I will like to look after my girlfriend"

"Oh this is love, Luca where are you?" She said faking a sad face.

"Don't worry you will see him later" Noah said and they both went into the room.

" Try to take it slow, I don't want to hear the sound of your moans" she shouted after them and they could not help but laugh.

Michelle phone began ringing and she took out ofher pocket and stare at it.

"Wow,my baby is calling" she said and pick it up.

They both talk for a while and she hang up and went to sleep.

Bella and Noah had a bit of sex before they both sleep.


Richard decided to show himself to Lily's father since has change his face and name.

He traveled back to his country and he went to Lily's father's house.

He knocked on the gate and the security open the gate asking him what he want.

"I need a job, I heard your boss can get me one" he said.

The security man look at him suspiciously and later let him in and led him to the entrance.


What do you think of Lily's dad plan.

What is the intention of Richard coming back to Lily's father?

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