🤦‍♂️ *FALL FOR YOU*😍

✨ Magically in love 🕸️

Story by Femi Odubela

Please do not copy or repost 🙏


Lily's father was surprised on seeing Brian.

"You" he said angrily

"So I have been living with my enemy all these while" he said.

"You thought you can get me, you don't know I am smarter than you, today is your end" Richard said.

"You think you can get me, no way" he said and tried to open the door to escape when he was draw back.

"You detest my daughter for nothing, just because she is friend with the guy your daughter love you decided to kill her and that guy later became her boyfriend, you choose to believe your daughter's lies without finding out the real truth and by so doing you killed your daughter yourself"

"You did not stop at that you still went ahead to kidnap and almost took the life of my daughter, I will not forgive you for that"

"Young man stop telling me stories, your daughter took away what belong to my daughter and even cause my daughter's death and I will make sure she dies" He said and brought out a gun and shot at Bella but Noah quickly shielded her and the gun hit him ad he fell down in pain.

The cops came in by that time and they point their gun at Lilian and her father.

They took the gun away from his hand and handcuff him and his daughter.

"I am coming back for you all, officers he also need to be arrested, he is an accomplice" he said pointing to Richard and the cops look at where he was pointing and saw Richard but he never look like a bad person so they thought Lily's father has gone crazy.

The drag him away with his daughter.

As the cops left they quickly rush Noah to the hospital.

Isabella was already in tears.

"Please don't die, survive for me please, I can't live without you" she said in tears.

"He is not going to die, I am sure of that" his mother assured her.

They got to the hospital and he was rushed into the ICU.


It has been a month since the incident happened and Noah has not woken up.

Isabella cried all day for him to wake up but nothing happened.

The doctor also has loose faith thinking he won't wake up again because he is no more breathing.

Seeing that he is no more breathing they decided to pack him but Isabella refused them packing him so they left him on the bed there.

Crying has become Isabella's daily routine, she cries everyday and refuse to eat.


Noah saw himself in a very beautiful mansion with gold all over it body and he wondered where he was.

He began walking deep into the house when he come across a woman with white hair just like a snow and a gold crown on her head.

The things she wore are all gold and he walk up to her.

"Where am I?" He asked her.

"You are dead already, so go to where you belong to"

"No, this is not true, I can't be dead, I have my loved ones who are waiting for me,my Bella is there waiting, I have many things to do on earth,please restore my life"

"Young man, go to where you belong to" the woman said pointing to an inner room.

Noah seeing that there is nothing to do again accept his fate and walk towards the place, he was about entering when the woman stop him.

"Though you did bad in your past life but for the sake of you repenting and for the sake of your loved ones your life has been restored,you can go back to earth but make sure you live a good life" the woman said and disappeared.


Noah began coughing on the bed and after a while he opened his eyes and seeing all that are connected to his body make him know he is in the hospital.

He remove everything and stood up and walk out the ward.

"Noah" Luca said and Bella who has been crying raise her head up and she saw Noah.

She stood up and ran to hug him not minding if he is a ghost.

She hug him so tight that if she let him go he may disappear.

Noah also hug her back.

The doctor was passing by and seeing what is happening stop and when he saw Noah he became surprised that how did he survive.

"You are alive?" He asked Noah

"Yes doctor, I am alive, it was a miracle"

"Thank God for that, I a happy for you"

"Thanks doctor" he said and they shake hands and the doctor left there.

"Thanks for coming back to us man" Kayden said punching him playfully.

He went to his parents and hug them both.

"Welcome back son" his father said and pat him.

"I am glad you are back son" his mother said sadly.

"It is okay mum, I am here now" he said wiping her tears.

He hug the others also and went to sit beside Bella.

She put her head on his chest not wanting him out of her sight.

Richard was compensated by Bella's father for what he did.

He was given a company out of all he company Noah's father has and he was also given a very big and huge mansion with a car and also a sum of 20million naira.

He was really happy for this and he thank them so much.

He later thought for him to run the company he had to change his face so he went to do plastic surgery and change his face to the face of the facial mask and he began living his life.



Noah, Kayden and Luca proposed to their girlfriends at the same time and they accept so they decided to do their wedding the same day.

Today is the wedding of the couples.

The groom were at the altar looking so handsome with their suits on.

Noah was the most handsome of them all.

Three cars drove in and the brides came out of the cars and they were escorted into the church.

They were all looking so beautiful.

Bella was the most beautiful bride of them all.

Noah couldn't take her eyes off her.

They got to the altar and they went to their grooms.

"You look so beautiful my angel" Noah whispered into her ear and she blush.

After a while the priest came and they say their vows.

"I now pronouce you as husbands and wives" the priest said and Noah kiss Bella and they both began kissing hungrily.

Among the crowds was Richard.

He was smiling happily for them.

He has became so rich happy within these few months.

He now has a fiancee of his own and they are planning to get married soon.

The couples danced and they enjoyed themselves.

Bella took the mic and everyone listened to what she has to say.

"When I first got to college I was bullied because I am poor and I later became friends with Noah.

I began falling for him but I keep denying it because I thought I am not worth his love. One thing led to the other and we became lovers, I also thought his parents will reject me because I am poor but that never happened, they took me in as their own biological daughter. I am glad for the man I get married to, though there are many obstacles that don't want us to be together,but I am glad we are here today, I love you so much Noah" she ended her speech and Noah went to her and carried her up happily.

"I love you too, Isabella" he said and kiss her.


We have come to the end of this amazing story.

I will really miss this story so much.

Now tell me:

Your saddest part

Your funniest part

Your best female character

Your best male character

Your favourite character

Your worst part

Your worst character.

Your best part.

Your favorite couple

The lesson you learn from the story.

And also write me a word of encouragement.

Thank you all for being with me from the beginning of this story till the end.

This is the last chapter of the story,let the likes, comments and shares be very massive.

Ghost readers have mercy and like, comment and share on this last part, don't be so cruel.

Thank you all once again for being there for me till the end of this story.

Love you all 🥳